On Tue, 2007-06-12 at 17:54 -0400, jean-paul natola wrote: > I'm not sure if this is realted to my upgrade to SA 3.2 but maybe someone here can give me a clue-
If it is, it ain't an Exim thing :)
> I noticed extreme delays in my mail today and i see ALOT of refusals "too many connections"
In what logs? Can you give details? Do you see correlatory or
corroborative entries regarding spamassassin checks timing out or taking
excessive time?
> so i did a netstat and saw MASSIVE amounts of connections not terminating
> netstat -an | grep tcp | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c 111 CLOSE_WAIT 36 ESTABLISHED 21 FIN_WAIT_1 93 FIN_WAIT_2 1 LAST_ACK 5 LISTEN 1 TIME_WAIT
Which port?
Doing that for all ports is misleading (at best); we don't know what
other services you have running on this box.