does anybody know about some timeout for av_scanner? We have some huuge mails
sitting in our queue, exim tries to retransmit them, on the receiving side is
some exim running too. (Both 4.63). But these messages don't go through.
# global
av_scanner = clamd:/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
begin acl
deny malware = *
message = This message contains a virus ($malware_name).\r\n\
But with huuge messages (42MB) clamav seems to timeout:
07:49:31 [25911] 1HTBay-0006jv-T4 malware acl condition: \
clamd: unable to read from socket (Connection timed out)
Which of exims timeout settings bites me here? (is the local_scan_timeout used?)
Thanks in advance.
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
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