At Tue, 13 Mar 2007 21:56:38 +0100, Magnus Holmgren replied,
"Unfortunately I didn't notice that you weren't subscribed to the
list - you
should have pointed that out."
After clicking the "subscribe" button, I also assumed I was
subscribed. Later I found the confirmation request, assumed
the first message was rejected and sent another copy.
mh> How do you set up the tunnel?
mh> Something like "ssh -L 1025:localhost:25"?
SSH.StartForwarding peter@??? ~
Also tried this.
SSH.StartForwarding peter@??? 1025:localhost:25 ~
Explanation from SSH.Tool written by Guenter Feldmann.
"SSH.StartForwarding user@remHost { locPort:destHost:destPort } ~
StartForwarding establishes an encypted tunnel between the local
host and
the remote host. At the remote host an unencrypted connection is
to the destination port at the destination host (which may be
different from
the remote host)."
SMTP uses port 25. What is 1025 doing here?
mh> Do you get connection refused when you try to connect to
the local end of the tunnel, or what happens?
System.Log shows only this.
--- SMTP
MUA shows "no connnection".
mh> Is there anything relevant in /var/log/exim4/mainlog?
Just entries such as these.
2007-03-14 08:09:42 Start queue run: pid=3623
2007-03-14 08:09:42 End queue run: pid=3623
mh> Please read /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.html ...
OK, thanks. I'll study when there is time.
Thanks, ... Peter Easthope