Thanks fro the input. I received two responses to date, but, the problem still occures. I believe it has something to do with the Makefile build logic, but can't be sure.
>Re: exim-4.66 build problem
> call_pam.c:30:31: security/pam_appl.h: No such file or directory
> obviously, you're missing /usr/include/security/pam_appl.h, which
> usually comes with the pam devel package.
Yes, but I don't have or want PAM support at this time.
>From: Magnus Holmgren <holmgren@???>
Subject: Re: [exim] Building exim-4.66
>> I have run into the following make problem, regarding the PAM module.
>> I have put in my ../Local/Makefile the following line, in hopes to get past
>> the pam buid problem, but it had no effect.
>> ---------------
>> ----
> Have you ran make configure properly? You should find "/* SUPPORT_PAM not set
>*/" in /usr/src/exim/exim-4.66/build-CYGWIN-i386/config.h
>Magnus Holmgren holmgren@???
The README didn't mention the "make configure" option.
You are correct in "/usr/src/exim/exim-4.66/build-CYGWIN-i386/config.h"
SUPPORT_PAM is turned off, only when SUPPORT_PAM=no is set in ../Local/Makefile.
But, even with SUPPORT_PAM set to no in both the build-CYGWIN-i386/config.h and in Local/Makefile, the problem still occurs.
I did a "make distclean" and then "make configure" and then "make Makefile"
and then make....
and the same problem comes up.
Any good ideas about how I can track this?