Autor: Manuel Molina Cuberos Data: A: exim-users Assumpte: [exim] User filters in Exim 4: "save" action
Hello all!
Here at we're ending a transition of some machines from Exim 3.34
to Exim 4.62. Almost everything working now, I have one issue with
filters I think someone in this list should already solved.
We're using LDAP to extract the mailbox data of each recipient. This is
working fine, but once the email reach the mailbox, if the user have
some kind of foldering filters like:
# Exim filter <<== do not edit or remove this line!
if $header_subject contains "badsubject" then
logwrite "$tod_log filtering a mail to the spam folder"
save Maildir/.F1165853268
logwrite "$tod_log email not filtered"
I put logwrite data to show that the condition was met. If I delete the
"save" line, then the email wasn't delivered, but with the line, the
email is delivered to the standard location specified in our configuration:
driver = appendfile
directory = "${extract {mailMessageStore}{$h_EXTRALDAP:}{${value}Maildir/}}"
quota = "${extract {mailQuota}{$h_EXTRALDAP:}{${value}}}"
quota_warn_threshold = "90%"
quota_warn_message = "\
To: $local_part@$domain\n\
Subject: Some quota warning.\n\n\
Automatically generated message.... \\n"
user = mta
group = mta
mode = 0660
headers_remove = EXTRALDAP : X-Spam-Checker-Version : X-Spam-Level
I have to note that the equivalent configuration on Exim 3.34 is working
now, and in the case of a foldering filter, the argument of "save"
command bypasses the standard location of the user's mailbox.
I know Exim 3.34 is not supported now, but I'm in need of a hint to
force the filter to deliver the message properly.
Thanks in advance,
Manuel Molina Cuberos
Administrador de Sistemas
Área Técnica
T-Online Telecommunications Spain, S.A.U
Grupo Deutsche Telekom
Edificio Gorbea 4
Avda. Bruselas, 20 3ª planta
28108 Alcobendas – Madrid
Telf: +34 911 41 7931
Fax +34 911 41 7700
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