On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 11:42:10AM -0500, Dean Brooks wrote:
> Keep in mind that there *are* sites out there that:
> - Dont ever retry at all
> - Retry only once after one hour
> - Retry once only every 24 hours
> - Treat temporary errors as failures
> - etc.
I recently encountered one ISP which retries in fifteen minute intervals,
but only three times, before it gives up. Wackos.
> >>From my experience, the majority of these misconfigured sites tend to
> be legitimate businesses, usually small or family owned, who haven't
> spent enough money on labor to properly set up their mail servers.
> Because of this, you'll probably get a complaint here or there from
> the intended recipient, but it can take a couple of weeks before they
> really notice the problem.
Yet, most people can take the stance that if someone wants to do business
with them via e-mail, they might as well use e-mail systems that aren't so
broken. If not, there's always snail mail, fax, phone, f2f contact.
2. That which causes joy or happiness.