We are accepting mail for an old domain space "x.y.geneseo.edu". This
domain is defined as part of our local_domain definition.
One of the recipients doesn't want the mail that is addressed to him at
that address (him@???) because it's all SPAM. However, we
need to accept the other mail on that domain space for the other people.
I tried adding a system filter to delete mail to his address, and that
didn't work.
Is there a way to block a single person's e-mail within a domain that is
otherwise accepted for delivery?
Thanks in advance.
Kevin Colagio: Systems Analyst, Reef Geek, and Perpetual Student
Computing and Information Technology, SUNY at Geneseo, South 124
colagio@??? (585) 245-5577 http://www.geneseo.edu
Experience is a harsh teacher, the tests are first, the lessons follow.