On Mon, 2006-10-16 at 13:10 +0100, Nigel Metheringham wrote:
> Additionally, having had a closer look at the list policies, which
> were set in a far gentler time in the last century, and not really
> fit for these spam ridden ages, I have made some additional long
> overdue tweaks to the list configuration:-
> 1. People who have their posting held for moderation are
> no longer sent a message informing them of this.
> 95% of these held postings are spam, and replying to
> spam is not a sensible idea.
> 2. A few other autoreply type changes
Yeah, I keep meaning to ditch mailman and do something different --
quite possibly based on exilist. It would fakereject instead of
accepting mail and then sending a reply, and it would allow list
'expansion' on any host in the cluster instead of only on the one
machine which has current mailman configuration.