Chris Lightfoot escribió:
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 01:18:59PM +0100, Mark Adams wrote:
>> Has anyone had this issue? any ideas appreciated.
> Do you have auto-learn and SA's bayesian mode enabled? If
> so you may be seeing a lot of write activity from SA
> updating its dictionaries (especially if you're using the
> default GDBM back-end, which is very inefficient).
And have a look also at bayes_auto_expire, if it's enabled (and it is by
default) it'll try to expire old tokens every time it updates the DB,
which can cloak CPU.
Disabling auto-expire and doing it in a cron job (sa-learn
--force-expire) for each user/db will save you lots of CPU cycles.
Angel Marin