On Fri, 2006-09-08 at 12:01 +0100, Jaco Engelbrecht wrote:
> A mail gets sent to: petagedequota@${some.arb.domain}
please use specific values, it's unclear if {some.arb.domain} can vary
for each of the mentions.
> - Given the following:
> mailbox10: mailbox10@${some.arb.domain}, mailbox20@${some.arb.domain}, list10@${some.arb.domain}
> mailbox20: mailbox20@${some.arb.domain}, mailbox10@${some.arb.domain}, list10@${some.arb.domain}
> list10: mailbox10@${some.arb.domain}, mailbox20@${some.arb.domain}, list10@${some.arb.domain}
> A mail message get sent to mailbox10@${some.arb.domain}...
> How far will Exim go in delivering the mails?
it will recurse, but quickly reach the bottom since it has routed the
addresses already, so there will be 3 deliveries. in this example, there
should never be more than 5 deliveries under consideration.
> I've set 'check_ancestor' in my routers where applicable.
that doesn't really incluence the recursion depth.
> - What's the best way of telling Exim to not use more than X amount of memory?
> I don't see any configuration in Exim itself, so will it best to
> just setup resource limiting for Exim on OS level?
do you really think "randomly" killing Exim is better than having it
slug through its task?
add more swap.
Kjetil T.