Odhiambo G. Washington <wash@???> (Fr 16 Jun 2006 12:24:25 CEST):
> I have a server that I use for hosting websites. I simply give ftp
> access and the customer just uploads their web content. The problem
> comes in the name of some code used in these websites - they allow
> http-put and http-post by spammers.
It's probably these kind of spammers filling almost every form they find
and then hoping it will generate some mail...
> Now, since I am running Exim on this server, is there a way to take
> care of (prevent the spamming) such a situation within Exim itself?
For locally generated mails you could limit the number of recipients and
block all mails with more than e.g. 5 recpients.
You can do strict sender checking - since I guess, that almost always
the sender is not valid with such random filled forms.
But - does your server need to send locally generated mail at all?
Best regards from Dresden
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
Heiko Schlittermann HS12-RIPE -----------------------------------------
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