On 2006-02-17 at 11:42 -0800, Doug Jolley wrote:
> If I wanted to add a condition to an ACL
> statement that would limit application of the
> satement to local SMTP processes I would say:
> hosts = :
> What I'm trying to figure out is how I could do
> that same sort of thing in a redirect router so
> that the router would decline if the message was
> not submitted by a local SMTP process.
Use a condition option; test either $received_protocol or, if you do
stuff with resubmitting mails from scanners with varying protocols, you
could put an extra tag on the message in the ACL with:
warn hosts = :
set acl_m0 = internal
_before_ you do the "accept hosts = :" and then test the value of
$acl_m0 in the condition option.
If you do not do any resubmitting, then which one you choose is a matter
of taste.
I am keeping international relations on a peaceable footing.
You are biding your time before acting.
He is coddling tyrants.
-- Roger BW on topic of verb conjugation