Hi, all!
Today a very strange problem...
I have an account, which has as "data":
pipe "/path/to/script.pl /path/to/config"
When I send an E-Mail to this account, Exim starts this script, but I receive
a bounce E-Mail, too..
In the exim_mainlog I can see:
2006-01-26 15:54:15 1F28Vq-0002VO-Gp <= lucabert@??? H=ns.lucabert.de (localhost.localdomain) [] P=smtp S=1588
2006-01-26 15:54:15 1F28Vr-0002aY-6Z <= exim@??? U=exim P=local S=355
2006-01-26 15:54:15 1F28Vq-0002VO-Gp ** |/tmp/testscript.pl /tmp/test.ml <mailing@???> R=localRedirect_gw T=address_pipe: return message generated
2006-01-26 15:54:15 1F28Vr-0002de-8x <= <> R=1F28Vq-0002VO-Gp U=exim P=local S=2625
My script just sends an E-Mail, and it does not print anything on stdout.
What is the problem?
Thanks a lot!
Luca Bertoncello
-Programmierung / Mailserver-
IMS Internet-Media-Service GmbH
Bärensteiner Straße 7
01277 Dresden
Fon: +49 351 2112034
Fax: +49 351 2112020
email: bertoncello@???