In a vacation transport, i use the directive above:
driver = autoreply
subject = "Re: $h_subject"
text = "${lookup ldap \
Ce message vous est envoye par un robot.\n\
Il ne vous sera adresse qu'une fois."
log = /var/spool/exim4/vacation/${local_part}@${domain}-log
once = /var/spool/exim4/vacation/${local_part}@${domain}-once
once_file_size = 2K
#once_repeat = 7d
to = ${sender_address}
from = ${local_part}@${domain}
user = Debian-exim
My problem is that the use of the line return (\n) don't run correctly....
How is it possible in my config to di the "\n" active in the return mail?
Thank's for your help.
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