Hi all:
I wish to set a exim in a virtual-hosting enviroment. First off, i
had work witch Cpanel, so i understood who exim works, but i not a
exim-master :-)
Structure will be:
- $HOME_ROOT/$user/$domain.com/conf/mail-filters -> Has
exim filters , who aply to all domain.
- $HOME_ROOT/$user/$domain.com/mail/$virtual_user_name ->
maildir for email
Data for exim will be:
- /etc/exim/localdomains: list of localdomains in this server
- /etc/exim/userdomains: list of domains, and user who own it.
test.com: testuser -> domain test.com is owned by
user testuser, and mail for this domain is in
In exim.conf, i define $HOME_ROOT as a macro. $user and $domain.com
may vary, depends on email from.
I want to work witch exim perl support ( I really like perl :-) ),
but i have some questions about this:
1) In perl, can i use Exim::expand_string to get the value of
2) someone has a similar configuration ? how is the best router and
transport to work whitch ?
3) i suppoused i need two different transport, one for filters and
one for virtual_user_name. Isn't it ?
Hope someone can help me.
thanks in advance.