Author: Christian Schmidt Date: To: exim-users Subject: Re: [exim] exiscan & SOPHOS
Hello Boris,
Boris Zeremski, 01.07.2005 (d.m.y):
> ...I use RH based Linux (CentOS), and sophie has problem width compiling.
> Same problem persist since RH 9, possible glibc problem....
> Does anyone have solution for compiling sophie on RH?
I nearly got mad building sophie on a Solaris 9 system until I noticed
that there must be a symbolic link named "" that points to
the[and so on] file resting in /usr/local/lib.
The "original" file came with the Sophos installation.
Maybe this is your problem, too...(?)
Using Sophos in the "daemonized" way with sophie gave a boost in