I am compiling exim on a tru64 unix
I have some warnings:
cc -c -O -I. -I/usr/local/include/openssl/ -I/usr/local/include exim.c
cc: Warning: exim.c, line 3461: In this statement, the referenced type
of the pointer value "&size" is "unsigned lo
ng", which is not compatible with "int". (ptrmismatch)
if (getpeername(0, (struct sockaddr *)(&inetd_sock), &size) == 0)
cc: Warning: exim.c, line 3469: In this statement, the referenced type
of the pointer value "&size" is "unsigned lo
ng", which is not compatible with "int". (ptrmismatch)
if (getsockname(0, (struct sockaddr *)(&interface_sock), &size) == 0)
should I worry about this warnings or not ?
thank you in advance