Re: [exim] MUA stats

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Author: Edgar Lovecraft
To: exim-users
Subject: Re: [exim] MUA stats
Marc Sherman wrote:

> > This is not going to be 'scientifically' accurate by any means, a
> > better solution would be to take into account individual posters..,

I have now redone the counts in a much more 'scientific' format

> > but this should give a good feel of the MUA's used, and Pine wins by
> > far (not includeing all of those 'Who_Knows' results ;)
> The dedupe by poster is probably a critical step in this analysis; it's

It is, and I knew that the first time round but just did the easy thing
with the archives the first.

> worth noting that Phillip and Tony both use Pine, which probably blows
> the Pine numbers way out of proportion.

Actually not really, even though the fist time I posted was based
soley on individual messages, however the Mutt and Mozilla numbers
either got boosted, or recounted and identified rather than showing
up as part of the 'Who_knows' count as I added checks for User-Agent
this time, last time that was not included.

Okay... I went ahead and did this the 'proper' way this time, anyone that
wants a copy of the script I used to do this can find it at

Here is a snipit that is included in the script that decribes the basic
method used for counting things how I did.

User agent data is totaled by looking for three headers, and tracking
the data by unique users as determined by the 'From: ' header first, and
the MBOX 'From <blah> <date>' seperator second.  The order of tracking
the agents is done in this order:
1. If the message is found to have a 'User-Agent: ' header
2. If the message is found to have a 'X-Mailer: ' header and no
       'User-Agent: ' header.
3. If the message is found to have a 'Message-ID: ' header and neither a
       'User-Agent: ' or 'X-Mailer: ' header.
Currently tracked agent strings are found in the DATA section at the 
end of the script file, and only one match is used, the first match,
so the agent strings counted can be slighlty skewed by the order of the
strings in the file.
Some users have used more than one type of MUA, so these count as
two seperate 'user' hits for agent type counters.
NULL senders, if found should be skipped, but not guarenteed that they
Message without a Message-ID, X-Mailer, and User-Agent header are not
counted for anything other than unique users and total messages found.

Last note, just like the first time, the strings are in regex form
so /^header_name: $string.*/ is what was used to match things.

Number of unique Users per Agent found by Message-ID:
  500 => Who_Knows
  231 => <Pine\.
   73 => .+gmail\.com>
   58 => .+hotmail\.com>
   11 => .+gmane\.org>
    1 => .+imp\.
    1 => .+webmail\.

Number of unique Users per Agent found by X-Mailer:
  490 => Microsoft Outlook Express
  254 => Ximian Evolution
  201 => Microsoft Outlook
  138 => Microsoft Outlook IMO
  112 => Internet Mail Service
  106 => .+ Eudora
  105 => Apple Mail
  103 => Microsoft Office Outlook
   86 => Sylpheed
   69 => The Bat!
   60 => Evolution
   58 => Mozilla|^.+\sMozilla\/
   46 => Pegasus Mail
   41 => SquirrelMail
   35 => KMail
   34 => Mulberry
   29 => Microsoft Outlook CWS
   25 => Lotus Notes
   19 => WWW-Mail
   18 => ELM
   14 => Novell GroupWise
   11 => Becky!
   11 => Open WebMail
   11 => VM
   11 => [Mm]utt
   10 => exmh
    9 => Forte\s{0,1}Agent
    7 => Balsa
    7 => CommuniGate Pro
    7 => MIME-tools
    7 => WebMail|^Webmail|^.+\swebmail
    6 => Calypso
    5 => NeoMail
    5 => UebiMiau
    4 => .+ \(via feedmail
    4 => AT&T Message Center
    4 => IlohaMail
    4 => IncrediMail
    4 => PMMail
    4 => TWIG
    4 => Ultrafunk Popcorn
    3 => Courier
    3 => ISMail
    3 => MIME::Lite
    3 => Openwave WebEngine
    3 => PocoMail
    3 => WorldClient
    3 => dtmail
    2 => AtMail Corp
    2 => DvISE
    2 => Earthlink Web Access Mail
    2 => Endymion MailMan
    2 => Foxmail
    2 => GNUMail\.app
    2 => GyazMail|^gyaz
    2 => Ishmail
    2 => LSMail
    2 => LycosMail
    2 => Mahogany
    2 => Mailreader\.com
    2 => PHP
    2 => SCO Shell
    2 => SilverMail
    2 => Simeon
    2 => Turnpike\/|^Turnpike\sIntegrated
    2 => Web Based Pronto
    2 => XFMail
    2 => Z-Mail
    2 => iPlanet Messenger Express
    2 => nmh
    2 => o2\.pl WebMail
    1 => .+ AK-Mail
    1 => .+ BlueMail
    1 => <IMail
    1 => <SMTP32
    1 => AeroMail
    1 => Atlas Mailer
    1 => BasiliX
    1 => Bloomba
    1 => CWMail Web to Mail Gateway
    1 => ColdFusion MX Application Server
    1 => Connexus MailWeb
    1 => CrossPoint
    1 => DreamMail
    1 => Earthlink Zoo Mail
    1 => Eudora
    1 => Execmail
    1 => Exim\/Ream
    1 => Express[\s-]{0,1}Webmail
    1 => FUDforum
    1 => FrontDoor APX
    1 => Ghost Mail
    1 => Global Relay Mail Archives
    1 => Gordano Messaging Suite
    1 => HOME\.RO FreeMail
    1 => Helpdesk Webmail
    1 => Hidden for security reasons
    1 => Hunter Point Online WebMail
    1 => IWPMail
    1 => Intac Webmail
    1 => Internet Rex gateway
    1 => JBMail
    1 => LEMON:
    1 => MAILUTION
    1 => MH-E
    1 => MRS Internet Mail APL
    1 => MailCity Service
    1 => Mail\/@
    1 => Mailsmith
    1 => Microsoft CDO
    1 => Microsoft Internet E-mail/MAPI
    1 => Microsoft Internet Mail
    1 => Mongol WebMail
    1 => Mr\.Mail
    1 => NIMS ModWeb Module
    1 => NateOn Web Mailer
    1 => Netscape Webmail
    1 => Opera
    1 => P\s
    1 => Php\/libMail
    1 => Pine
    1 => Postaci
    1 => PrimPosta
    1 => Quality Web Email
    1 => Rasterpunkt-webmail
    1 => SKYRiX
    1 => SNetLine WebMail
    1 => SilkyMail
    1 => Starten\.no
    1 => USANET web-mailer
    1 => Unknown
    1 => Urbi WebMail
    1 => Usermin
    1 => V-webmail
    1 => VSNL, Web based email
    1 => Vivian Mail
    1 => WMail
    1 => Web XMail
    1 => Web-Mail
    1 => WebDesign Mail
    1 => WebEmail
    1 => Webmin
    1 => Yamail
    1 => [Ww]ebmail-Email\.it
    1 => \[ConnectMail
    1 => \[version 3\.10 \]
    1 => http:\/\/www\.courier-mta\.org\/cone\/
    1 => http:\/\/www\.openmail\.cc webmail
    1 => iGMail
    1 => iNet [Ww]eb[Mm]ail [Ss]ystem
    1 => mcDesktop
    1 => talk21
    1 => twiggi

Number of unique Users per Agent found by User-Agent:
  658 => Mozilla|^.+\sMozilla\/
  577 => [Mm]utt
  180 => KMail
   88 => SquirrelMail
   64 => Internet Messaging Program
   63 => Gnus\/
   24 => Thunderbird|^Debian\sThunderbird
   19 => Exim Forums
   17 => Microsoft-Entourage\/
   12 => Opera
    9 => eGroups-EW
    8 => [Tt]in\/
    8 => slrn\/
    7 => KNode\/
    7 => Xnews\/
    7 => [Pp]an\/
    5 => IMP\/PHP
    5 => Microsoft-Outlook-Express-Macintosh-Edition
    5 => Turnpike\/|^Turnpike\sIntegrated
    4 => Loom
    3 => nail
    2 => P[-]{0,1}IMP
    2 => Pluto\/
    2 => Some Random Email Client
    2 => SuSE Linux .+ KDE
    1 => .+ Mnenhy\/
    1 => .+ Wanderlust\/
    1 => 40tude_Dialog\/
    1 => Application\s
    1 => DPO-Web Mail
    1 => DreamHost Webmail
    1 => Forte\s{0,1}Agent
    1 => IMHO\/
    1 => Instant Web Mail
    1 => MUA Ha-ha
    1 => MicroPlanet-Gravity\/
    1 => Microsoft Outlook Express
    1 => Netscape
    1 => SEMI\/1.14.6
    1 => Sylpheed
    1 => iNet [Ww]eb[Mm]ail [Ss]ystem

Total Message Counted: 47247
Total Messages with Message-ID header: 47238
Total Messages with X-Mailer header: 17544
Total Messages with User-Agent header: 17375
Total Number of unique Users: 4208
Total Messages by User: 47247
Total Users by Agent:: 4997


