Good evening everyone.
this is my first post to this list, so hello!
my problem is i'm not great with exim.conf but i am having piping
problems. I get double/two tickets using Kayako helpdesk and due to
the configuration of my exim.conf provided by direct admin.
or when a script from the system sends out an email from one of the
email aliases i have piped it will also send to that for some reason,
but again I am quite new to this and i'm hoping someone could help me
figure out whats going on.
1st i borrowed a copy of cpanels exim.conf from a friend who uses this
same helpdesk software without issue.
you can see that here:
and you can compare to the version i am currently running by Direct Admin.
if anyone has any clue why:
1) the pipe gets run twice and how to fix that
2) when a script sends from an email address that is listed in the
aliases file (aka sending from a mailing list) it gets piped for some
I had played around moving things around in exim.conf but i really do
not know what i'm doing and this problem is really bothering me so I
would appreciate any help at all!