On Wed, 27 Apr 2005, at 15:00, Philip Hazel typed:
> That data does not make sense. The host appears to have been down for
> around 23 hours. So the retrying should happened every 8 hours. However,
> it seems to have calculated the next retry with an interval of 10 hours
> and 40 minutes.
*nods* I saw that, but wasn't entirely sure how it was calculated. For
reference, the complete retry ruleset:
# Domain Error Retries
# ------ ----- -------
* * senders=: G,4h,5m,2
cdb*@;/etc/mail/retry/dialup.cdb * F,28d,7d
cdb*@;/etc/mail/retry/server.cdb * F,2h,15m; F,16h,1h; F,14d,8h
cdb*@;/etc/mail/retry/local.cdb * F,2h,15m; F,16h,1h; F,14d,8h
* * F,2h,15m; F,16h,1h; F,4d,8h
> This may be a silly question, but you aren't sharing the hints data
> between more than one host, are you?
Nope, it's just on the one host.
Mark Rigby-Jones, Operations Manager @ Community Internet plc
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Tel: +44-1865-856000 (Direct: +44-1865-856009) Fax: +44-1865-856001
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