That's cool. Can you write a program to ballance my checkbook using ACLs?
Tony Finch wrote:
> require
> set acl_c0 = ${if def:acl_c0 {$acl_c0} {0} }
> set acl_c1 = ${if def:acl_c1 {$acl_c1} {a b c} }
> accept
> condition = ${if >{$acl_c0}{9} }
> accept
> set acl_c0 = ${eval: $acl_c0 + 1 }
> set acl_c1 = ${sg {$acl_c1} {(.) (.) (.)} {\N$1 $3 $2\N} }
> acl = hanoi
> logwrite = move ${eval: $acl_c0 - 1 } ${sg {$acl_c1} {(.) (.) (.)} {\Nfrom $1 to $2\N} }
> set acl_c1 = ${sg {$acl_c1} {(.) (.) (.)} {\N$3 $1 $2\N} }
> acl = hanoi
> set acl_c1 = ${sg {$acl_c1} {(.) (.) (.)} {\N$2 $1 $3\N} }
> set acl_c0 = ${eval: $acl_c0 - 1 }
> require
> set acl_c0 = ${if def:acl_c0 {$acl_c0} {0} }
> set acl_c1 = ${if def:acl_c1 {$acl_c1} {1} }
> logwrite = fibonacci $acl_c1
> set acl_c2 = ${eval: $acl_c0 + $acl_c1 }
> set acl_c0 = $acl_c1
> set acl_c1 = $acl_c2
> acl = fibonacci
> require
> set acl_c0 = ${if def:acl_c0 {$acl_c0} {$smtp_command_argument} }
> deny
> condition = ${if ={${strlen:$acl_c1}}{${strlen:$smtp_command_argument}} }
> message = $acl_c1
> require
> set acl_c1 = ${sg {$acl_c0} {(.)(.*)} {\$1} }$acl_c1
> set acl_c0 = ${sg {$acl_c0} {(.)(.*)} {\$2} }
> acl = reverse