On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 23:19:58 -0500, "Eli" <eli-list@???>
>Marc wrote:
>> I am pretty well aware that Debian is unpopular with exim upstream for
>> shipping ancient versions and for using a non-standard configuration
>> scheme since we need to be runnable out of the box. But I don't think
>> that it is a good idea to ignore bug reports coming from Debian.
>> Remember that we have found real bugs in the past. Please reconsider
>> this decision, which I am rather disappointed with.
>Wishlist items should not be classified as bugs when dealing with software
>management. It causes people to think there are errors in the program when
>in fact you are looking for a feature extension or enhancement which is in
>no way a software error.
Well, bugzilla has the same flaw even in its name.
This is a clear shortcoming in the tracking software Debian uses, and
I'll try to compensate for this shortcoming in the future.
>Now, on the issue of headers_add and headers_remove. It's a nice idea, but
>should be postponed until such time that we may rework the entire headers
>code for other reasons that have been brought up last year (which Philip is
>aware of).
That is Upstream's right to decide. Users (and I'll consider the
distribution a user as well, a large one with a big base of different
installations) provide feedback of what they would find useful.
>Also note you say Debian does use a "non-standard configuration shceme".
>Debian must adhere to Exims rules for configuration - not the other way
We will stop providing feedback about features we might find useful if
Upstream officially asks us to.
>If Exim wants to implement something a certain way, just because
>you don't like it, doesn't mean it's wrong :)
I never said that what exim does is wrong.
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Marc Haber | " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany | Beginning of Wisdom " | http://www.zugschlus.de/
Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834