WJCarpenter schrieb:
> OK, I found the above post because I suddenly decided I wanted to use
> embedded perl, fired up exim, and got a segmentation fault. I got it
> in Exim 4.44 as well as 3.36. Applying the suggested code change
> (commenting out a couple lines) in perl.c in both versions *seems* to
> cure the problem.
Hm, this is like a bit fishing in the dark, but I remember I had a
similar problem once on cygwin after upgrading perl to a multi-threaded
Later on, I learned I had to recompile my perl modules, that I had
installed via cpan, as well. Thinking about it, this could have been
perfectly well the reason for my core dump, since the modules were still
compiled/linked against the old, non-multi-threaded perl version. I
didn't investigate any further, because I switched os. Since then,
embedded perl support is working out of the box with every perl and exim
version that were released. Remember to recompile/reinstall all your
perl modules everytime you upgrade your perl system. Perhaps you're
hitting the same wall...