Re: [exim] Re: iplist filtering

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Autor: Peter Bowyer
Data: 2005-01-28 11:11 -000
Dla: Exim Users Mailing List
Temat: Re: [exim] Re: iplist filtering
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 13:37:11 -0800, ppichlak <ppichlak@???> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running Spamassassin from exim on a per email basis via exiscan-acl.
> Stored in some file I have a list of ips that signify users whose email
> should always be allowed through.
> To prevent Spamassassin from filtering that email out as spam I wanted to
> append
> a header to each email with some message that Spamassassin would look for,
> that way it would know that this message is allowed.
> My solution was to do this using one of exim's ACL's, unfortunately
> Spamassassin can't see the appended header.
> Any ideas, or different ways to go about this?

Use your list of IPs in a condition in the ACL which calls the spam scan

warn message = X-Spam-Status: Yes
!hosts = <list of ips to let through>
spam = nobody

Modify to fit your DATA ACL structure.
