Marc Perkel wrote:
> OK - here's what I want to do - I want to run a program from the system
> filter and return the results in a header - something like this:
> headers add "X-Spamprobe: ${run {/etc/exim/scripts/spamprobe-test
> $message_id}{$value}{}}"
> However - I need to pipe the message into the program that I'm trying to
> get the results from. How do I do the piping part?
Last I knew, you can't, you have to go get the spooled files.
Any way, here is the latest rendition of what started as a simple
script for you a couple messages back, as I figure that you are just
wrapping what I have given you this should do all that you need, plus
US phone numbers. Let me know what all you come up with out of this.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This can be called from the command line with a pipe as in:
# './script <mbox_file' or 'cat mbox_file |./script'
# This can also be called with two command arguments as in:
# ./script <Exim_message-ID> <sender_address>
# If called with a Exim_message-ID, the message-ID MUST come first
# as we use the message-ID parameter to grab -H and -D files
# from the Exim spool directories, or from the Exiscan 'scan'
# directory.
use strict;
use IO::File;
# Define two constants for the Exim and Exiscan directories.
use constant EXIM_SPOOL_DIR => '/var/spool/exim-data/input/';
use constant EXIM_XSCAN_DIR => '/var/spool/exim-data/scan/';
# Define the File Handle as STDIN and mbox as ''
my $FH = 'STDIN';
# If we are given an Exim Message-ID and NOT an MBOX file through STDIN
# then we need to make a temporary MBOX file to parse.
# just wrap in an eval{} to help with fatal errors
if ( $ARGV[0] )
eval{ ($FH) = make_mbox($ARGV[0],$ARGV[1]) };
exit 1 if !$FH;
# Parse the temporary MBOX file or STDIN and wrap in an eval{} to help
# with fatal errors.
eval{ parse_mbox_file($FH) };
# Exit the script with 0 unless $@ else exit 1
exit 1 if $@;
exit 0;
# Used to create a temporary MBOX file
sub make_mbox
# $msgID : Exim Message-ID
# $sender : Message sender as defined by Exim $sender_address
# $dta[12]: Exim message data file location (1 is for split_spool)
# $hdr[12]: Exim message header file location (1 is for split_spool)
# $eml : This can be used to grab an Exiscan eml file
# $dir : This is the dir location ONLY FOR split spool instalations
# $msgfh : The File Handle for the message data
# $hdrfh : The File Handle for the message header
# $mbxfh : The File Handle for the temporary mbox File
# $from : Fake a MBOX From line as 'From $sender localtime()'
# Exit from the sub if we cannot open a message data File Handle.
# Set autoflush on for the temporary mbox file.
my $msgID = $_[0];
my $sender = $_[1] || '-NUL-';
my $dir = $1 if $msgID =~ /^.{5}(.)-.{6}-.{2}/;
my $dta1 = EXIM_SPOOL_DIR.$dir."/".$msgID."-D";
my $dta2 = EXIM_SPOOL_DIR."/".$msgID."-D";
my $hdr1 = EXIM_SPOOL_DIR.$dir."/".$msgID."-H";
my $hdr2 = EXIM_SPOOL_DIR."/".$msgID."-H";
my $eml = EXIM_XSCAN_DIR.$msgID."/".$msgID.".eml";
my $msgfh = IO::File->new($dta1,O_RDONLY) ||
IO::File->new($dta2,O_RDONLY) ||
IO::File->new($eml,O_RDONLY) || return('');
my $hdrfh = IO::File->new($hdr1,O_RDONLY) ||
IO::File->new($hdr2,O_RDONLY) || '';
my $mbxfh = IO::File->new_tmpfile; $mbxfh->autoflush(1);
my $from = "From ".$sender." ".scalar localtime();
# Now we need to create a fake MBOX file from the two seperate
# files, or we just use the already made eml file. We check
# to see if we opened an Exim data file, it has the Message-ID
# as the very first line. #Exit from the sub if we have an
# Exim data file but no Exim header file.
# redundant yes, but ensure we have the top line.
$msgfh->seek(0,0); my $line = $msgfh->getline();
my $_is_exim_data = '';
$_is_exim_data = 1 if $line =~ /^$msgID-D$/;
if ( !$_is_exim_data )
# We have an Exiscan file, these are easy just add the
# fake 'From ' line to the top and then dump the Exiscan
# eml file after that. Close the $msgfh and $hdrfh then
# return the MBOX File Handle.
# We need to rewind the eml file so that we get the very first line.
while (defined($_ = $msgfh->getline()))
undef $msgfh; undef $hdrfh;
# We have an Exim message data file, so we need an Exim header file too
# exit from the sub if we do not have one.
return('') if !$hdrfh;
# We can write the fake 'From ' line, then we need to get only the
# message headers from the header file and write those, then we can
# get the Exim data file remove the first line and write the rest.
# Exit from the sub if the header file does not have the message-ID as
# the first line.
# redundant yes, but ensure we have the top line.
$hdrfh->seek(0,0); $line = $hdrfh->getline();
return('') if $line !~ /^$msgID-H$/;
my $_firstHeader = 0;
while (defined($_ = $hdrfh->getline()))
$_firstHeader = 1 if /^\s*$/;
next if !$_firstHeader;
s/^[0-9]{3,}[BCFIPRST* ]{1} //;
while (defined($_ = $msgfh->getline()))
undef $msgfh; undef $hdrfh;
# Used to parse the temporary MBOX file of STDIN
sub parse_mbox_file
# Grab the File Handle
my $fh = shift;
# Setup the variables that we are going to use
# $_firstHeader: Keep track of the start of a message
# $_lastHeader : The header//body seperator for a message
# $_isText : Skip any non text MIME parts
# %http : http://<domains>/ found in a message
# %addr : any email\@<domain> found in a message
# %phon : any number sequence that MAY be a phone number
my ($_firstHeader,$_lastHeader,$_isText,%http,%addr,%phon) = (0,0,1,(),
# Grap the information from STDIN, such as "script <file"
# or "cat file|script" etc. The output is in the form
# From ....
# header: ....
# header: ....
# header: ....
# http://domain ...
# http://domain ...
# email://address ...
# email://address ...
# phone://number ...
while (defined($_ = $fh->getline()))
# MBOX messages start with "From " and check for End of File
# as we need to print the http domains and email links
# if we found any before exiting.
if ( /^From / || eof )
($_firstHeader,$_lastHeader) = (1,0) if !eof;
print STDOUT sort keys %http and %http = () if %http;
print STDOUT sort keys %addr and %addr = () if %addr;
print STDOUT sort keys %phon and %phon = () if %phon;
# If we are in the headers section of a message print the line.
# Set that we are done with the headers section at the first
# blank line we find, as that should be the message
# header//body seperator.
if ( $_firstHeader )
($_firstHeader,$_lastHeader) = (0,1) if /^\s*$/;
print STDOUT;
# We only want the headers of a message and then only check
# none 'binary' MIME parts, like text/html, text/plain,
# that type of thing. Or just comment these lines if you
# want the http and email stuff run on every part of a message
# no matter what the MIME part type is.
$_isText = 0 if /^Content-Type: /;
$_isText = 1 if /^Content-Type: text.*/i;
next if !$_isText;
# While a line contains http://<something> in it, strip out
# everything upto the first / (or space, etc) after http://
# this is not perfect but should do the job in most cases.
# If you only want http:// domains in the body parts only,
# then add '$_lastHeader && ' before the 'm{'. Only add
# unique domain strings.
while ( m{(http://[A-Za-z0-9.-]+)}g )
$http{"$1\n"}++ if !$http{"$1\n"};
# While a line contains anything@something then grab the stuff
# that looks like it is an email address. This is less
# perfect than the http stuff, but then again, checking for
# 'valid' email addressess in something is near impossible ;)
# We do try and make the email address thing as clean as
# possible. If you only want the email address looking strings
# from the body of a message then add '$_lastHeader && ' before
# the 'm{'. Only add unique email strings.
while ( $_lastHeader && m{\s+([^[:space:]]+\@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+)}g )
my $email = $1;
next if $email !~ /\@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\..*/ || $email =~ /\@.*\@/;
$email =~ s/[)<\["'\]>(]|(?i:mailto:|href=)|\.$//g;
$addr{"email://$email\n"}++ if !$addr{"email://$email\n"};
# While a line contains anything that may be a phone number.
# this is rather loose and mainly for US numbers, I do not
# know how well, if at all, it will catch non-US numbers.
while ( $_lastHeader && m/(\d\d\d)[ ).-](\d\d\d)[ .-](\d\d\d\d)/g)
$phon{"phone://$1.$2.$3\n"}++ if !$phon{"phone://$1.$2.$3\n"};
return 0;