Hi Everyone,
I have been banging my head against the wall on this one for a while....
I was hoping for some help.
I am using the exiscan patch (I know this is not the mailing list for
exiscan...but there is a reason I am asking here...) - I looked through
the source, and it appears to be using the same regular expression
functions as exim itself (which is why I am asking here ;) ).
The problem I am having is...
I want to do a regex search for <script> : <iframe> - etc, etc in the
message body. However these are poor regex's to use. ( eg <SCRIPT>
would get through) -
using the command line tool grep - the expression
matches <script>, <Script>, etc, etc...
However when I drop this into exim - it doesn't match! :(
regex = <script> works (but doesn't match other cases) -
regex = <scr[Ii]pt> Works -
regex = <[Ss]cr[Ii][Pp][Tt]> fails :(
(I think the combination of the leading < and [] is breaking it.... but
I don't know why - any advice???).
Many thanks in advance.