Re: [exim] tnef attachments

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Συντάκτης: Edgar Lovecraft
Προς: exim-users
Αντικείμενο: Re: [exim] tnef attachments
Tim Jackson wrote:
> On 8 Dec 2004, De Leeuw Guy wrote:
> > I search the way, in exim, to convert the stupid winmail.dat
> > attachement to traditionnal mime format for each messages that come in
> > tnef format. It is possible ?
> Not directly in Exim. You could probably call an external TNEF decoder
> and use it as a transport filter, but I would discourage you from doing
> so, because it encourages senders to think that it's OK to send this
> kind of junk around and that the recipients will "deal with it".

I agree hear, don't try and refort those.

> If it's causing you hassle, you need to pass that hassle on to the
> people causing it (the senders). This is often easier said than done, I
> realise, but it's the only way to attack the problem and if we ("we"
> being those who are unfairly asked to deal with this mindless nonsense)
> all do it then it, collectively, saves everyone a great deal of effort.

I have not done so just yet, but I have seriously considered setting up
a rule just for this type of thing and setting the return code to a
Microsoft webpage that says how to turn this Outlook function off ;)

> (especially when it's so easy to fix this particular problem at the
> sender side, but much more difficult to fix at the recipient side)

very easy to fix, searches on both Google and Microsfts own website
give you information on how to turn this off. Also, if you read
Microsofts information on it, even they say that the format is meant
as an internal Outlook to Outlook format, and should not be sent
over the public internet.

Also, just for those that don't know, even Outlook Express cannot
open winmail.dat (TNEF) attachments, again, this was only meant
for internal use for Outlook clients.


