AW: [exim] A weaker variant of check_spool_space

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Autor: Steffen Heil
To: exim-users
Betreff: AW: [exim] A weaker variant of check_spool_space
> I had thought of implementing (e.g.)
> verify = spool_space=100M
> where "=" means "is at least", but maybe a variable is better, because it

is more flexible, though it is more clumsy to say
> condition = ${if ge{$spool_space}{100M}{yes}{no}}

I never understood, why boolean evaluation is not supported...
I booleans were evaluated on their own, one could write:

condition = ge{$spool_space}{100M}

The construct "if x then true else false" always seems a bad construct to
Maybe this could be implemented somehow, making a lot of if's redundant.

IMHO, there should be no distinction between condition results and values. 0
is false and 1 is true. exim does already behave this way in most cases...
