[exim] substring/implementation help, please

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Autor: Stephen Gran
Dla: exim-users
Temat: [exim] substring/implementation help, please
Hello all,

I am using a greylisting setup that allows for whitelisting address
combinations on the way out, so that replies don't get delayed on the
way back. This is working great for most user combinations, but it
fails for mailing lists. This is because the sender is $list-admin, and
replies are going to $list instead. The mail eventually gets back in,
but it is delayed, which seems suboptimal.

I am currently doing this:
  warn   hosts         = +relay_from_hosts
         !domains      = +local_domains : +relay_to_domains
         !senders      = :
         set acl_m4    = ${run{/usr/local/sbin/whitelister.pl ${lc:$sender_address} ${lc:$local_part@$domain}}{$value}{fail}}

accept hosts = +relay_from_hosts

Which works for the mailing lists because localhost is in
+relay_from_hosts. What I would like to do is figure out a way to chop
off -admin before sending it to this condition, but I am having a hard
time with it.

Sorry for such a newb question - maybe I just need more coffee :)
|  Stephen Gran                  | BOFH excuse #264:  Your modem doesn't   |
|  steve@???             | speak English.                          |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |
