ph10 2004/10/08 15:50:22 BST
Modified files:
exim-test-orig/AutoTest ABOUT
Added files:
exim-test-orig ABOUT
exim-test-orig/AutoTest List Use resubmit resubmitB runtest
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008
009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016
017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024
025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032
033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048
049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056
057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064
065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072
073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080
081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088
089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096
097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176
177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184
185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192
193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216
217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232
233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240
241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248
249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256
257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264
265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272
273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280
281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296
297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304
305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312
313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320
321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328
329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336
337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344
345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352
353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360
361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368
369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376
377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384
385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392
393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400
401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408
409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416
417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424
425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432
433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440
441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448
449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456
457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464
465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472
473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480
481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488
489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496
497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504
505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512
513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520
521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528
529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536
537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544
545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552
553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560
561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568
569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576
577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584
585 586 587 588 899 901 902 903
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log 005 006 008 009 010 011 012 015
016 022 024 025 026 027 028 029
030 031 034 047 052 053 054 055
056 057 059 061 063 064 065 066
073 075 077 078 079 080 081 083
084 085 086 087 088 089 091 092
093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 108 109
110 111 112 113 116 119 123 125
127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134
138 139 140 141 142 143 145 146
153 154 155 157 158 159 161 162
164 165 167 168 169 170 171 172
173 174 176 177 179 180 181 182
183 184 185 187 188 189 190 193
194 194G 195 195G 196 197 198 199
200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207
210 210G 211 211G 212 213 213G 214
214G 215 215G 216 216G 217 218
218G 219 219G 220 220G 221 221G
222 222G 223 223G 224 224G 225
225G 226 227 228 229 229G 230 230G
231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238
239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246
247 249 250 251 252 253 254 255
256 257 258 259 260 261 264 264G
265 266 269 270 273 274 275 276
277 278 279 280 281 283 284 285
286 288 289 291 292 293 294 295
296 297 297G 298 299 301 302 303
306 308 311 312 313 315 317 319
320 321 321G 322 323 324 325 326
328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335
336 338 340 341 342 343 344 345
346 347 348 349 350 351 356 357
359 360 361 362 365 367 369 370
371 372 373 374 376 378 379 380
381 382 384 385 387 388 390 391
391G 392 394 395 395G 396 397 399
402 403 404 406 407 408 409 410
411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418
420 422 423 424 425 426 427 428
429 429G 430 431 433 434 435 436
437 438 439 440 441 443 444 446
447 448 449 450 451 452 453 458
460 461 463 466 468 469 470 473
474 477 479 480 483 484 486 486G
487 490 493 495 497 498 499 501
502 504 507 508 509 510 511 512
513 517 520 521 522 523 524 525
526 527 528 529 530 532 533 534
535 536 537 538 541 544 545 547
548 549 550 550G 551 552 553 555
556 557 558 560 561 561G 562 563
564 566 567 568 569 572 574 575
576 577 578 579 580 581 583 584
585 586 587 588 902 903
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail 005.ph10 006.ph10 008.ph10
009.ph10 010.ph10 011.ph10
015.ph10 022.ph10 024.ph10
025.ph10 026.ph10 027.ph10
028.ph10 029.ph10 030.!one
030.ph10 030.ph99 031.ph10
034.ph10 053.ph10 054.ph10
055.ph10 059.ph10 061.ph10
061.rbl 063.ph10 065.ph10
066.ph10 073.ph10 077.ph10
078.ph10 078.phil 078.phil.bounce
078.philip 079.dff 079.mug999
079.ph10 079.postmaster 080.ph10
083.ph10 084.ph10 085.ph10
087.mug99 087.mug99999
087.mug999999 087.ph10
088.mug99999 088.ph10 089.batched
089.mug99 089.mug999 089.mug9999
089.ph10 089.tpmissing
089.undefined 091.postmaster
092.default 092.firstuser
092.seconduser 097.second
098.ph10 099.file 099.pipe
100.second 101.file 101.pipe
102.file 105.acopy 105.alias1
105.alias2 105.dcopy 106.a
108.ph10 108.rewritten 109.mmm
109.yyy 110.ph10 113.postmaster
123.ph10 128.copy 128.ph10
130.dddd 131.ph10 131.unknown
133.forwarder 134.ph10 138.ph10
140.filter 140.ph10 140.qpgm
153.postmaster 154.postmaster
155.postmaster 161.ph10 167.ph10
168.ph10 169.mug99 169.ph10
170.ph10 172.ph10 174.ph10
176.mug99 176.ph10 176.root
177.mug99 177.ph10 177.root
179.ph10 180.mug99 180.ph10
185.ph10 196.ph10 199.ph10
201.copied 203.ph10 206.copies
210.ph10 210G.ph10 211.ph10
211G.ph10 212.ph10 216.abcd
216.ph10 216G.abcd
216G.ph10 221.ph10
221G.ph10 222.ph10 222G.ph10
223.ph10 223G.ph10 228.abcd
228.ph10 231.ph10 234.redirected
234.x 239.file 239.pipe 240.ph10
249.ph10 250.ph10 251.foo1
251.foo2 251.foo3 252.ph10
253.ph10 256.file 256.ph10 260.x
261.a 261.b 264.ph10 264G.ph10 265.postmaster
269.rejo 270.file
270.ph10 274.ph10 276.ph10
278.ph10 284.ph10 291.t1 291.t2
292.lmn 292.t1 292.t2 295.abcd
295.ph10 297.ph10 297G.ph10
298.ph10 299.ph10 301.ph10
306.mug99 306.notuser
306.notuser2 306.ph10 308.filter
308.filter2 308.filter3 308.list2
308.ph10 308.postmaster 308.spqr
312.abcd 312.ph10 312.qpgm
312.redirect 319.ph10
320.cond- 320.cond-0 320.cond-00
320.cond-1 320.cond-10
320.cond-false 320.cond-no
320.cond-rhubarb 320.cond-true
320.cond-yes 320.okbatch 320.ph10
320.ph10-vs 322.ph10
322.postmaster 323.ph10 324.ph10
328.ph10 329.ph10 330.batched
330.other.domain 330.test.ex
330.x-t2 330.y-t2 335.exbounce
335.mug99 335.ph10
335.unqualified 336.ph10 344.ph10
347.ph10 356.anyone 357.anyone
359.ph10 360.abcd 360.ph10
370.ph10 371.saved 373.ph10
376.ph10 378.ph10 379.ph10
380.ph10 381.ph10 382.ph10
387.batch 390.a1-ph10
390.a2-ph10 391.ph10 391G.ph10
396.mailbox 403.x 406.xxxx
407.ph10 408.ph10 409.ph10
416.ph10 434.a1 434.a1-u 434.b1
434.c1 434.d1 434.d2 434.d3
434.ph10 435.a1 435.a1-u 435.b1
435.c1 435.d1 435.d2 435.d3
435.e1 435.f1 435.f2 435.f3
435.h1 435.h1-u 435.ph10 438.aaaa
438.bbbb 438.cccc 439.file
440.bbbb 440.cccc 441.bbbb
444.ph10 446.ph10 447.2 449.ok
449.ph10 449.x 458.ph10 460.ph10
463.x 470.sender 474.ph10
477.afolder 479.ph10 490.a
497.inbox.JUNK 497.ph10
497.ph10-extra 497.redirected
497.someone 507.ph10
508.file 520.ph10 523.ph10
526.ph10 529.ph10 535.ph10
551.ph99 562.ph10 568.ph10
574.ph10 576.a 577.ph10
579.someone 585.ph10 588.ph10
902.ph10 903.ph10
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/056.subdir ph10
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/254.dir1 cur maildirfolder new
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/254.dir2 cur maildirfolder new
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/273.subdir ph10
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ 1.mail.test.ex
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/517.nofile cur maildirsize new
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/517.ph10 cur maildirsize new tmp
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/536.ph10 maildirsize
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog 031.10HmaY-0005vi-00
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog 078 150 151 161 173 193 268
274 301 302 329 335 338 405
410 411 449 482 483 485 510
515 578 587 588
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog 059 061 064 080 164 183 184
211 211G 212 213 213G 215
215G 225 225G 241 243 249
250 257 266 294 320 321 321G
322 323 324 325 326 335 342
346 349 350 372 392 423 426
433 437 449 450 453 460 461
463 480 483 484 487 525 527
532 533 534 538 541 545 547
552 563 564 566 572 583 585
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts 001 002 003 004 005 006 007
008 009 010 011 012 013 014
015 016 017 018 019 020 021
022 023 024 025 026 027 028
029 030 031 032 033 034 035
036 037 038 039 040 041 042
043 044 045 046 047 048 049
050 051 052 053 054 055 056
057 058 059 060 061 062 063
064 065 066 067 068 069 070
071 072 073 074 075 076 077
078 079 080 081 082 083 084
085 086 087 088 089 090 091
092 093 094 095 096 097 098
099 100 101 102 103 104 105
106 107 108 109 110 111 112
113 114 115 116 117 118 119
120 121 122 123 124 125 126
127 128 129 130 131 132 133
134 135 136 137 138 139 140
141 142 143 144 145 146 147
148 149 150 151 152 153 154
155 156 157 158 159 160 161
162 163 164 165 166 167 168
169 170 171 172 173 174 175
176 177 178 179 180 181 182
183 184 185 186 187 188 189
190 191 192 193 194 195 196
197 198 199 200 201 202 203
204 205 206 207 208 209 210
211 212 213 214 215 216 217
218 219 220 221 222 223 224
225 226 227 228 229 230 231
232 233 234 235 236 237 238
239 240 241 242 243 244 245
246 247 248 249 250 251 252
253 254 255 256 257 258 259
260 261 262 263 264 265 266
267 268 269 270 271 272 273
274 275 276 277 278 279 280
281 282 283 284 285 286 287
288 289 290 291 292 293 294
295 296 297 298 299 300 301
302 303 304 305 306 307 308
309 310 311 312 313 314 315
316 317 318 319 320 321 322
323 324 325 326 327 328 329
330 331 332 333 334 335 336
337 338 339 340 341 342 343
344 345 346 347 348 349 350
351 352 353 354 355 356 357
358 359 360 361 362 363 364
365 366 367 368 369 370 371
372 373 374 375 376 377 378
379 380 381 382 383 384 385
386 387 388 389 390 391 392
393 394 395 396 397 398 399
400 401 402 403 404 405 406
407 408 409 410 411 412 413
414 415 416 417 418 419 420
421 422 423 424 425 426 427
428 429 430 431 432 433 434
435 436 437 438 439 440 441
442 443 444 445 446 447 448
449 450 451 452 453 454 455
456 457 458 459 460 461 462
463 464 465 466 467 468 469
470 471 472 473 474 475 476
477 478 479 480 481 482 483
484 485 486 487 488 489 490
491 492 493 494 495 496 497
498 499 500 501 502 503 504
505 506 507 508 509 510 511
512 513 514 515 516 517 518
519 520 521 522 523 524 525
526 527 528 529 530 531 532
533 534 535 536 537 538 539
540 541 542 543 544 545 546
547 548 549 550 551 552 553
554 555 556 557 558 559 560
561 562 563 564 565 566 567
568 569 570 571 572 573 574
575 576 577 578 579 580 581
582 583 584 585 586 587 588
899 901 902 903 904
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/src client.c fd.c millisleep.c
mtpscript.c server.c showids.c
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr 003 004 007 008 009 010 011 013
014 016 017 018 019 020 021 034
035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042
043 044 045 046 048 049 050 051
058 059 060 061 062 063 064 067
068 069 070 071 072 074 075 077
078 079 080 082 090 095 107 114
115 117 118 119 121 122 124 126
127 135 136 137 144 147 150 151
152 160 161 163 166 170 172 173
178 180 183 184 186 188 193 210
210G 216 216G 233 246 247 257
260 262 266 268 274 276 279 287
289 290 294 300 301 302 313 314
315 316 317 318 320 324 327 329
335 336 338 340 341 342 345 353
354 355 356 358 363 366 367 369
377 383 384 385 386 388 392 394
398 400 405 410 411 414 415 417
418 419 421 427 432 434 435 437
438 439 440 441 442 443 445 447
448 449 450 451 453 455 458 459
460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467
468 469 470 474 481 482 483 485
488 489 491 492 495 500 503 504
505 506 508 509 510 512 514 515
516 517 518 519 524 527 536 538
539 540 541 544 546 548 549 551
554 555 559 560 564 565 568 570
575 578 581 582 587 588 901 902
903 904
exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout 001 002 003 004 005 007 008 009
010 011 013 014 016 017 018 019
020 021 022 023 025 027 028 032
033 035 036 037 038 039 040 041
042 043 044 045 046 048 049 050
051 058 059 060 061 062 064 067
068 069 070 071 072 074 075 076
077 079 080 081 082 085 086 087
088 089 090 093 103 107 109 114
115 117 118 120 121 122 123 124
126 127 133 134 135 136 137 139
141 142 144 147 148 149 150 151
152 156 157 158 159 160 162 163
164 165 166 170 175 178 179 180
182 183 184 186 187 188 189 190
191 192 193 197 198 200 204 205
206 208 209 210 210G 211 211G
212 213 213G 214 214G 215 215G
225 225G 226 229 229G 230 230G
231 232 234 235 236 237 238 239
240 241 242 243 244 246 247 248
249 250 257 260 261 262 263 265
266 267 271 272 273 274 275 276
277 278 279 280 281 282 283 287
288 289 290 292 293 294 298 300
304 305 306 307 309 310 311 313
314 315 316 317 318 320 321
321G 322 323 324 325 326 327
328 331 332 333 334 335 337 339
341 342 345 346 348 349 350 351
352 353 354 355 356 358 361 362
363 364 366 368 369 372 374 375
377 383 384 385 386 389 390 391
391G 392 393 394 397 398 399
400 401 402 414 415 417 419 420
421 422 423 424 425 426 427 429
429G 431 432 433 434 435 436
437 438 439 440 442 445 447 448
449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456
457 459 460 461 463 464 465 467
471 472 473 475 476 478 480 481
482 483 484 485 486 486G 487
488 489 491 492 493 494 495 496
498 499 500 501 502 503 505 506
510 511 512 514 515 516 518 519
520 521 522 524 525 527 528 531
532 533 534 535 537 538 539 540
541 542 543 544 545 546 547 550
550G 552 553 554 555 556 559
560 563 564 565 566 567 568 569
571 572 573 578 579 580 581 582
583 584 585 586 587 901 902 903
Revision Changes Path
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/ABOUT (new)
1.2 +53 -1 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/ABOUT
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/List (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/Use (new)
1.1 +98 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/001 (new)
1.1 +885 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/002 (new)
1.1 +29 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/003 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/004 (new)
1.1 +59 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/005 (new)
1.1 +51 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/006 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/007 (new)
1.1 +124 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/008 (new)
1.1 +124 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/009 (new)
1.1 +124 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/010 (new)
1.1 +124 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/011 (new)
1.1 +123 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/012 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/013 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/014 (new)
1.1 +121 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/015 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/016 (new)
1.1 +128 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/017 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/018 (new)
1.1 +127 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/019 (new)
1.1 +139 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/020 (new)
1.1 +98 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/021 (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/022 (new)
1.1 +103 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/023 (new)
1.1 +61 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/024 (new)
1.1 +112 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/025 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/026 (new)
1.1 +113 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/027 (new)
1.1 +114 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/028 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/029 (new)
1.1 +121 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/030 (new)
1.1 +115 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/031 (new)
1.1 +120 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/032 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/033 (new)
1.1 +62 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/034 (new)
1.1 +101 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/035 (new)
1.1 +108 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/036 (new)
1.1 +101 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/037 (new)
1.1 +103 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/038 (new)
1.1 +105 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/039 (new)
1.1 +103 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/040 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/041 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/042 (new)
1.1 +103 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/043 (new)
1.1 +106 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/044 (new)
1.1 +103 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/045 (new)
1.1 +39 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/046 (new)
1.1 +111 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/047 (new)
1.1 +101 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/048 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/049 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/050 (new)
1.1 +29 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/051 (new)
1.1 +123 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/052 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/053 (new)
1.1 +51 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/054 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/055 (new)
1.1 +113 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/056 (new)
1.1 +119 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/057 (new)
1.1 +100 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/058 (new)
1.1 +105 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/059 (new)
1.1 +119 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/060 (new)
1.1 +85 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/061 (new)
1.1 +126 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/062 (new)
1.1 +114 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/063 (new)
1.1 +31 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/064 (new)
1.1 +113 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/065 (new)
1.1 +113 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/066 (new)
1.1 +119 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/067 (new)
1.1 +58 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/068 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/069 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/070 (new)
1.1 +105 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/071 (new)
1.1 +77 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/072 (new)
1.1 +122 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/073 (new)
1.1 +109 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/074 (new)
1.1 +113 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/075 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/076 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/077 (new)
1.1 +97 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/078 (new)
1.1 +89 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/079 (new)
1.1 +164 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/080 (new)
1.1 +78 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/081 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/082 (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/083 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/084 (new)
1.1 +91 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/085 (new)
1.1 +58 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/086 (new)
1.1 +160 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/087 (new)
1.1 +97 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/088 (new)
1.1 +111 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/089 (new)
1.1 +112 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/090 (new)
1.1 +59 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/091 (new)
1.1 +133 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/092 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/093 (new)
1.1 +63 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/094 (new)
1.1 +110 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/095 (new)
1.1 +113 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/096 (new)
1.1 +132 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/097 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/098 (new)
1.1 +122 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/099 (new)
1.1 +133 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/100 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/101 (new)
1.1 +149 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/102 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/103 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/104 (new)
1.1 +71 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/105 (new)
1.1 +126 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/106 (new)
1.1 +109 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/107 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/108 (new)
1.1 +119 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/109 (new)
1.1 +135 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/110 (new)
1.1 +113 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/111 (new)
1.1 +131 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/112 (new)
1.1 +122 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/113 (new)
1.1 +136 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/114 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/115 (new)
1.1 +107 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/116 (new)
1.1 +142 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/117 (new)
1.1 +107 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/118 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/119 (new)
1.1 +111 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/120 (new)
1.1 +101 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/121 (new)
1.1 +100 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/122 (new)
1.1 +51 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/123 (new)
1.1 +101 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/124 (new)
1.1 +132 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/125 (new)
1.1 +116 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/126 (new)
1.1 +112 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/127 (new)
1.1 +63 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/128 (new)
1.1 +117 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/129 (new)
1.1 +133 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/130 (new)
1.1 +71 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/131 (new)
1.1 +78 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/132 (new)
1.1 +82 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/133 (new)
1.1 +135 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/134 (new)
1.1 +138 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/135 (new)
1.1 +76 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/136 (new)
1.1 +102 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/137 (new)
1.1 +57 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/138 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/139 (new)
1.1 +146 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/140 (new)
1.1 +113 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/141 (new)
1.1 +124 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/142 (new)
1.1 +173 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/143 (new)
1.1 +112 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/144 (new)
1.1 +113 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/145 (new)
1.1 +111 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/146 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/147 (new)
1.1 +111 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/148 (new)
1.1 +61 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/149 (new)
1.1 +105 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/150 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/151 (new)
1.1 +121 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/152 (new)
1.1 +119 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/153 (new)
1.1 +121 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/154 (new)
1.1 +122 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/155 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/156 (new)
1.1 +114 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/157 (new)
1.1 +115 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/158 (new)
1.1 +121 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/159 (new)
1.1 +111 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/160 (new)
1.1 +122 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/161 (new)
1.1 +48 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/162 (new)
1.1 +137 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/163 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/164 (new)
1.1 +112 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/165 (new)
1.1 +134 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/166 (new)
1.1 +122 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/167 (new)
1.1 +123 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/168 (new)
1.1 +120 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/169 (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/170 (new)
1.1 +102 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/171 (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/172 (new)
1.1 +106 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/173 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/174 (new)
1.1 +118 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/175 (new)
1.1 +127 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/176 (new)
1.1 +80 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/177 (new)
1.1 +136 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/178 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/179 (new)
1.1 +92 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/180 (new)
1.1 +123 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/181 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/182 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/183 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/184 (new)
1.1 +129 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/185 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/186 (new)
1.1 +114 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/187 (new)
1.1 +89 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/188 (new)
1.1 +55 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/189 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/190 (new)
1.1 +58 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/191 (new)
1.1 +69 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/192 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/193 (new)
1.1 +67 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/194 (new)
1.1 +69 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/195 (new)
1.1 +118 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/196 (new)
1.1 +112 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/197 (new)
1.1 +111 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/198 (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/199 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/200 (new)
1.1 +64 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/201 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/202 (new)
1.1 +64 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/203 (new)
1.1 +129 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/204 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/205 (new)
1.1 +108 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/206 (new)
1.1 +71 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/207 (new)
1.1 +132 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/208 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/209 (new)
1.1 +63 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/210 (new)
1.1 +65 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/211 (new)
1.1 +133 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/212 (new)
1.1 +133 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/213 (new)
1.1 +129 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/214 (new)
1.1 +48 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/215 (new)
1.1 +90 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/216 (new)
1.1 +137 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/217 (new)
1.1 +134 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/218 (new)
1.1 +67 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/219 (new)
1.1 +68 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/220 (new)
1.1 +74 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/221 (new)
1.1 +89 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/222 (new)
1.1 +142 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/223 (new)
1.1 +159 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/224 (new)
1.1 +65 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/225 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/226 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/227 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/228 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/229 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/230 (new)
1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/231 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/232 (new)
1.1 +116 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/233 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/234 (new)
1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/235 (new)
1.1 +113 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/236 (new)
1.1 +76 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/237 (new)
1.1 +110 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/238 (new)
1.1 +74 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/239 (new)
1.1 +71 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/240 (new)
1.1 +93 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/241 (new)
1.1 +109 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/242 (new)
1.1 +110 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/243 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/244 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/245 (new)
1.1 +55 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/246 (new)
1.1 +59 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/247 (new)
1.1 +102 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/248 (new)
1.1 +40 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/249 (new)
1.1 +40 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/250 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/251 (new)
1.1 +128 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/252 (new)
1.1 +69 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/253 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/254 (new)
1.1 +125 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/255 (new)
1.1 +73 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/256 (new)
1.1 +98 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/257 (new)
1.1 +112 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/258 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/259 (new)
1.1 +71 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/260 (new)
1.1 +82 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/261 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/262 (new)
1.1 +132 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/263 (new)
1.1 +88 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/264 (new)
1.1 +60 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/265 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/266 (new)
1.1 +119 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/267 (new)
1.1 +104 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/268 (new)
1.1 +122 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/269 (new)
1.1 +149 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/270 (new)
1.1 +122 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/271 (new)
1.1 +119 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/272 (new)
1.1 +117 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/273 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/274 (new)
1.1 +110 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/275 (new)
1.1 +159 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/276 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/277 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/278 (new)
1.1 +60 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/279 (new)
1.1 +125 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/280 (new)
1.1 +85 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/281 (new)
1.1 +102 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/282 (new)
1.1 +102 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/283 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/284 (new)
1.1 +126 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/285 (new)
1.1 +109 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/286 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/287 (new)
1.1 +113 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/288 (new)
1.1 +139 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/289 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/290 (new)
1.1 +157 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/291 (new)
1.1 +76 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/292 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/293 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/294 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/295 (new)
1.1 +111 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/296 (new)
1.1 +73 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/297 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/298 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/299 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/300 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/301 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/302 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/303 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/304 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/305 (new)
1.1 +79 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/306 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/307 (new)
1.1 +68 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/308 (new)
1.1 +51 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/309 (new)
1.1 +100 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/310 (new)
1.1 +88 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/311 (new)
1.1 +106 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/312 (new)
1.1 +96 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/313 (new)
1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/314 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/315 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/316 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/317 (new)
1.1 +65 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/318 (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/319 (new)
1.1 +297 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/320 (new)
1.1 +31 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/321 (new)
1.1 +97 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/322 (new)
1.1 +62 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/323 (new)
1.1 +63 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/324 (new)
1.1 +79 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/325 (new)
1.1 +64 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/326 (new)
1.1 +83 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/327 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/328 (new)
1.1 +58 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/329 (new)
1.1 +65 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/330 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/331 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/332 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/333 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/334 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/335 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/336 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/337 (new)
1.1 +62 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/338 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/339 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/340 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/341 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/342 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/343 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/344 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/345 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/346 (new)
1.1 +42 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/347 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/348 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/349 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/350 (new)
1.1 +39 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/351 (new)
1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/352 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/353 (new)
1.1 +65 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/354 (new)
1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/355 (new)
1.1 +78 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/356 (new)
1.1 +68 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/357 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/358 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/359 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/360 (new)
1.1 +55 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/361 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/362 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/363 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/364 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/365 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/366 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/367 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/368 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/369 (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/370 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/371 (new)
1.1 +40 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/372 (new)
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1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/410 (new)
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1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/415 (new)
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1.1 +75 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/419 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/420 (new)
1.1 +68 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/421 (new)
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1.1 +89 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/423 (new)
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1.1 +69 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/427 (new)
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1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/431 (new)
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1.1 +103 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/434 (new)
1.1 +164 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/435 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/436 (new)
1.1 +74 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/437 (new)
1.1 +83 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/438 (new)
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1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/440 (new)
1.1 +61 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/441 (new)
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1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/444 (new)
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1.1 +101 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/448 (new)
1.1 +95 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/449 (new)
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1.1 +78 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/454 (new)
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1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/461 (new)
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1.1 +81 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/468 (new)
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1.1 +59 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/477 (new)
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1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/479 (new)
1.1 +67 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/480 (new)
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1.1 +82 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/497 (new)
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1.1 +60 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/501 (new)
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1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/503 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/504 (new)
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1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/506 (new)
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1.1 +67 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/512 (new)
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1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/524 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/525 (new)
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1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/542 (new)
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1.1 +48 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/587 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/588 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/899 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/901 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/902 (new)
1.1 +55 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/903 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/confs/904 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/005 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/006 (new)
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1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/016 (new)
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1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/083 (new)
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1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/093 (new)
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1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/104 (new)
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1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/119 (new)
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1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/132 (new)
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1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/157 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/158 (new)
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1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/164 (new)
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1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/167 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/168 (new)
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1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/177 (new)
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1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/180 (new)
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1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/184 (new)
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1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/194 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/194G (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/195 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/195G (new)
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1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/199 (new)
1.1 +175 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/200 (new)
1.1 +89 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/201 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/202 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/203 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/204 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/205 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/206 (new)
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1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/210 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/210G (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/211 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/211G (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/212 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/213 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/213G (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/214 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/214G (new)
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1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/215G (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/216 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/216G (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/217 (new)
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1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/218G (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/219 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/219G (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/220 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/220G (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/221 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/221G (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/222 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/222G (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/223 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/223G (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/224 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/224G (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/225 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/225G (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/226 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/227 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/228 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/229 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/229G (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/230 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/230G (new)
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1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/244 (new)
1.1 +506 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/245 (new)
1.1 +121 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/246 (new)
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1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/254 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/255 (new)
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1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/264 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/264G (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/265 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/266 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/269 (new)
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1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/275 (new)
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1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/277 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/278 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/279 (new)
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1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/283 (new)
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1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/291 (new)
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1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/294 (new)
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1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/297 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/297G (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/298 (new)
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1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/306 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/308 (new)
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1.1 +55 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/320 (new)
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1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/321G (new)
1.1 +39 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/322 (new)
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1.1 +92 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/335 (new)
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1.1 +81 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/374 (new)
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1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/391G (new)
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1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/446 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/447 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/448 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/449 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/450 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/451 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/452 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/453 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/458 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/460 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/461 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/463 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/466 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/468 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/469 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/470 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/473 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/474 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/477 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/479 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/480 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/483 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/484 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/486 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/486G (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/487 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/490 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/493 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/495 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/497 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/498 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/499 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/501 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/502 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/504 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/507 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/508 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/509 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/510 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/511 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/512 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/513 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/517 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/520 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/521 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/522 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/523 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/524 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/525 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/526 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/527 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/528 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/529 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/530 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/532 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/533 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/534 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/535 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/536 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/537 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/538 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/541 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/544 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/545 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/547 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/548 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/549 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/550 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/550G (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/551 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/552 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/553 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/555 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/556 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/557 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/558 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/560 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/561 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/561G (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/562 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/563 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/564 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/566 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/567 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/568 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/569 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/572 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/574 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/575 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/576 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/577 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/578 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/579 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/580 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/581 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/583 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/584 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/585 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/586 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/587 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/588 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/902 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/log/903 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/005.ph10 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/006.ph10 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/008.ph10 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/009.ph10 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/010.ph10 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/011.ph10 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/015.ph10 (new)
1.1 +65 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/022.ph10 (new)
1.1 +425 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/024.ph10 (new)
1.1 +190 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/025.ph10 (new)
1.1 +29 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/026.ph10 (new)
1.1 +135 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/027.ph10 (new)
1.1 +153 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/028.ph10 (new)
1.1 +192 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/029.ph10 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/030.!one (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/030.ph10 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/030.ph99 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/031.ph10 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/034.ph10 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/053.ph10 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/054.ph10 (new)
1.1 +130 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/055.ph10 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/056.subdir/ph10 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/059.ph10 (new)
1.1 +55 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/061.ph10 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/061.rbl (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/063.ph10 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/065.ph10 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/066.ph10 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/073.ph10 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/077.ph10 (new)
1.1 +78 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/078.ph10 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/078.phil (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/078.phil.bounce (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/078.philip (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/079.dff (new)
1.1 +102 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/079.mug999 (new)
1.1 +410 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/079.ph10 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/079.postmaster (new)
1.1 +122 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/080.ph10 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/083.ph10 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/084.ph10 (new)
1.1 +210 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/085.ph10 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/087.mug99 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/087.mug99999 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/087.mug999999 (new)
1.1 +550 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/087.ph10 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/088.mug99999 (new)
1.1 +511 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/088.ph10 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/089.batched (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/089.mug99 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/089.mug999 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/089.mug9999 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/089.ph10 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/089.tpmissing (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/089.undefined (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/091.postmaster (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/092.default (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/092.firstuser (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/092.seconduser (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/097.second (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/098.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/099.file (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/099.pipe (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/100.second (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/101.file (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/101.pipe (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/102.file (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/105.acopy (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/105.alias1 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/105.alias2 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/105.dcopy (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/106.a (new)
1.1 +65 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/108.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/108.rewritten (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/109.mmm (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/109.yyy (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/110.ph10 (new)
1.1 +26632 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/113.postmaster (new)
1.1 +140 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/123.ph10 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/128.copy (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/128.ph10 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/130.dddd (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/131.ph10 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/131.unknown (new)
1.1 +71 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/133.forwarder (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/134.ph10 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/138.ph10 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/140.filter (new)
1.1 +39 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/140.ph10 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/140.qpgm (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/153.postmaster (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/154.postmaster (new)
1.1 +83 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/155.postmaster (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/161.ph10 (new)
1.1 +150 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/167.ph10 (new)
1.1 +152 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/168.ph10 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/169.mug99 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/169.ph10 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/170.ph10 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/172.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/174.ph10 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/176.mug99 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/176.ph10 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/176.root (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/177.mug99 (new)
1.1 +68 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/177.ph10 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/177.root (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/179.ph10 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/180.mug99 (new)
1.1 +66 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/180.ph10 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/185.ph10 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/196.ph10 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/199.ph10 (new)
1.1 +83 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/201.copied (new)
1.1 +148 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/203.ph10 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/206.copies (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/210.ph10 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/210G.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/211.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/211G.ph10 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/212.ph10 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/216.abcd (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/216.ph10 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/216G.abcd (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/216G.ph10 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/221.ph10 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/221G.ph10 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/222.ph10 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/222G.ph10 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/223.ph10 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/223G.ph10 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/228.abcd (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/228.ph10 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/231.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/234.redirected (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/234.x (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/239.file (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/239.pipe (new)
1.1 +71 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/240.ph10 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/249.ph10 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/250.ph10 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/251.foo1 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/251.foo2 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/251.foo3 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/252.ph10 (new)
1.1 +76 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/253.ph10 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/254.dir1/cur (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/254.dir1/maildirfolder (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/254.dir1/new (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/254.dir1/tmp (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/254.dir2/cur (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/254.dir2/maildirfolder (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/254.dir2/new (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/254.dir2/tmp (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/256.file (new)
1.1 +112 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/256.ph10 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/260.x (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/261.a (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/261.b (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/264.ph10 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/264G.ph10 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/265.postmaster (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/269.rejo (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/270.file (new)
1.1 +106 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/270.ph10 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/273.subdir/ph10 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/274.ph10 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/276.ph10 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/278.ph10 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/284.ph10 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/291.t1 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/291.t2 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/292.lmn (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/292.t1 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/292.t2 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/295.abcd (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/295.ph10 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/297.ph10 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/297G.ph10 (new)
1.1 +143 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/298.ph10 (new)
1.1 +61 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/299.ph10 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/301.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/306.mug99 (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/306.notuser (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/306.notuser2 (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/306.ph10 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/308.filter (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/308.filter2 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/308.filter3 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/308.list2 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/308.ph10 (new)
1.1 +126 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/308.postmaster (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/308.spqr (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/312.abcd (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/312.ph10 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/312.qpgm (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/312.redirect (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ (new)
1.1 +60 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/319.ph10 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.cond- (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.cond-0 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.cond-00 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.cond-1 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.cond-10 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.cond-false (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.cond-no (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.cond-rhubarb (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.cond-true (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.cond-yes (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.okbatch (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.ph10 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/320.ph10-vs (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/322.ph10 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/322.postmaster (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/323.ph10 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/324.ph10 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/328.ph10 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/329.ph10 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/330.batched (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/330.other.domain (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/330.test.ex (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/330.x-t2 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/330.y-t2 (new)
1.1 +40 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/335.exbounce (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/335.mug99 (new)
1.1 +177 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/335.ph10 (new)
1.1 +62 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/335.test-local-scan (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/335.unqualified (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/336.ph10 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/344.ph10 (new)
1.1 +63 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/347.ph10 (new)
1.1 +62 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/356.anyone (new)
1.1 +62 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/357.anyone (new)
1.1 +57 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/359.ph10 (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/360.abcd (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/360.ph10 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/370.ph10 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/371.saved (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/373.ph10 (new)
1.1 +670 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/376.ph10 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/378.ph10 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/379.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/380.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/381.ph10 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/382.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/387.batch (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/390.a1-ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/390.a2-ph10 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/391.ph10 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/391G.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/396.mailbox (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/403.x (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/406.xxxx (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/407.ph10 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/408.ph10 (new)
1.1 +72 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/409.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/416.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/434.a1 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/434.a1-u (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/434.b1 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/434.c1 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/434.d1 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/434.d2 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/434.d3 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/434.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.a1 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.a1-u (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.b1 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.c1 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.d1 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.d2 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.d3 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.e1 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.f1 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.f2 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.f3 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.h1 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.h1-u (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/435.ph10 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/438.aaaa (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/438.bbbb (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/438.cccc (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/439.file (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/440.bbbb (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/440.cccc (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/441.bbbb (new)
1.1 +236 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/444.ph10 (new)
1.1 +330 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/446.ph10 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/447.2 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/449.ok (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/449.ph10 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/449.x (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/458.ph10 (new)
1.1 +106 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/460.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/463.x (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/470.sender (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/474.ph10 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/477.afolder (new)
1.1 +67 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/479.ph10 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/490.a (new)
1.1 +76 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/497.inbox.JUNK (new)
1.1 +136 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/497.ph10 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/497.ph10-extra (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/497.redirected (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/497.someone (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/ (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/507.ph10 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/508.file (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/517.nofile/cur (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/517.nofile/maildirsize (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/517.nofile/new (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/517.nofile/tmp (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/517.ph10/cur (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/517.ph10/maildirsize (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/517.ph10/new (new)
1.1 +0 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/517.ph10/tmp (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/520.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/523.ph10 (new)
1.1 +68 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/526.ph10 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/529.ph10 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/535.ph10 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/536.ph10/maildirsize (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/551.ph99 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/562.ph10 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/568.ph10 (new)
1.1 +64 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/574.ph10 (new)
1.1 +182 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/576.a (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/577.ph10 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/579.someone (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/585.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/588.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/902.ph10 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/mail/903.ph10 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/031.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/031.10HmaZ-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/052.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/057.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/078.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/078.10HmbG-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/078.10HmbL-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/078.10HmbP-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/086.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/089.10HmbF-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/089.10HmbG-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/091.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/093.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/093.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/094.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/094.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/096.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/105.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/105.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/108.10HmbB-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/111.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/116.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/116.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/116.10HmaZ-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/125.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/127.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/129.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/206.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/206.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/207.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/207.10HmaZ-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/207.10HmbA-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/207.10HmbC-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/237.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/265.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/265.10HmbA-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/285.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/343.10HmaZ-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/384.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/385.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/413.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/458.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/489.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/489.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/493.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/541.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/567.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/567.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/580.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/581.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/587.10HmaX-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/msglog/587.10HmaY-0005vi-00 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/078 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/150 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/151 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/161 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/173 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/193 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/268 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/274 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/301 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/302 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/329 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/335 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/338 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/405 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/410 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/411 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/449 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/482 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/483 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/485 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/510 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/515 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/578 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/587 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/paniclog/588 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/059 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/061 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/064 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/080 (new)
1.1 +242 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/164 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/183 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/184 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/211 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/211G (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/212 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/213 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/213G (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/215 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/215G (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/225 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/225G (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/241 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/243 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/249 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/250 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/257 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/266 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/294 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/320 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/321 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/321G (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/322 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/323 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/324 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/325 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/326 (new)
1.1 +166 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/335 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/342 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/346 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/349 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/350 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/372 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/392 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/423 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/426 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/433 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/437 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/449 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/450 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/453 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/460 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/461 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/463 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/480 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/483 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/484 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/487 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/525 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/527 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/532 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/533 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/534 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/538 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/541 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/545 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/547 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/552 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/563 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/564 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/566 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/572 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/583 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/rejectlog/585 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/resubmit (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/resubmitB (new)
1.1 +1517 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/runtest (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/001 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/002 (new)
1.1 +101 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/003 (new)
1.1 +109 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/004 (new)
1.1 +29 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/005 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/006 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/007 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/008 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/009 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/010 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/011 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/012 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/013 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/014 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/015 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/016 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/017 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/018 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/019 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/020 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/021 (new)
1.1 +97 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/022 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/023 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/024 (new)
1.1 +55 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/025 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/026 (new)
1.1 +79 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/027 (new)
1.1 +85 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/028 (new)
1.1 +31 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/029 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/030 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/031 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/032 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/033 (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/034 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/035 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/036 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/037 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/038 (new)
1.1 +73 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/039 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/040 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/041 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/042 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/043 (new)
1.1 +64 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/044 (new)
1.1 +82 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/045 (new)
1.1 +95 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/046 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/047 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/048 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/049 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/050 (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/051 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/052 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/053 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/054 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/055 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/056 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/057 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/058 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/059 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/060 (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/061 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/062 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/063 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/064 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/065 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/066 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/067 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/068 (new)
1.1 +125 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/069 (new)
1.1 +66 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/070 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/071 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/072 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/073 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/074 (new)
1.1 +40 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/075 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/076 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/077 (new)
1.1 +108 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/078 (new)
1.1 +206 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/079 (new)
1.1 +271 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/080 (new)
1.1 +179 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/081 (new)
1.1 +611 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/082 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/083 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/084 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/085 (new)
1.1 +67 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/086 (new)
1.1 +160 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/087 (new)
1.1 +105 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/088 (new)
1.1 +59 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/089 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/090 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/091 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/092 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/093 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/094 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/095 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/096 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/097 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/098 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/099 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/100 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/101 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/102 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/103 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/104 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/105 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/106 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/107 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/108 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/109 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/110 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/111 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/112 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/113 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/114 (new)
1.1 +29 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/115 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/116 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/117 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/118 (new)
1.1 +208 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/119 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/120 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/121 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/122 (new)
1.1 +79 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/123 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/124 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/125 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/126 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/127 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/128 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/129 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/130 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/131 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/132 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/133 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/134 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/135 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/136 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/137 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/138 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/139 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/140 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/141 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/142 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/143 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/144 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/145 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/146 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/147 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/148 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/149 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/150 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/151 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/152 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/153 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/154 (new)
1.1 +48 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/155 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/156 (new)
1.1 +64 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/157 (new)
1.1 +64 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/158 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/159 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/160 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/161 (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/162 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/163 (new)
1.1 +354 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/164 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/165 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/166 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/167 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/168 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/169 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/170 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/171 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/172 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/173 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/174 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/175 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/176 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/177 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/178 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/179 (new)
1.1 +60 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/180 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/181 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/182 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/183 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/184 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/185 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/186 (new)
1.1 +208 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/187 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/188 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/189 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/190 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/191 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/192 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/193 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/194 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/195 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/196 (new)
1.1 +123 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/197 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/198 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/199 (new)
1.1 +39 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/200 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/201 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/202 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/203 (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/204 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/205 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/206 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/207 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/208 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/209 (new)
1.1 +76 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/210 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/211 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/212 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/213 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/214 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/215 (new)
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1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/217 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/218 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/219 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/220 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/221 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/222 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/223 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/224 (new)
1.1 +155 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/225 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/226 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/227 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/228 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/229 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/230 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/231 (new)
1.1 +31 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/232 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/233 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/234 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/235 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/236 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/237 (new)
1.1 +81 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/238 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/239 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/240 (new)
1.1 +42 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/241 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/242 (new)
1.1 +51 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/243 (new)
1.1 +146 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/244 (new)
1.1 +118 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/245 (new)
1.1 +338 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/246 (new)
1.1 +102 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/247 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/248 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/249 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/250 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/251 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/252 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/253 (new)
1.1 +77 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/254 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/255 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/256 (new)
1.1 +259 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/257 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/258 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/259 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/260 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/261 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/262 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/263 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/264 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/265 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/266 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/267 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/268 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/269 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/270 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/271 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/272 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/273 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/274 (new)
1.1 +40 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/275 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/276 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/277 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/278 (new)
1.1 +76 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/279 (new)
1.1 +48 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/280 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/281 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/282 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/283 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/284 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/285 (new)
1.1 +186 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/286 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/287 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/288 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/289 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/290 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/291 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/292 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/293 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/294 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/295 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/296 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/297 (new)
1.1 +53 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/298 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/299 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/300 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/301 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/302 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/303 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/304 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/305 (new)
1.1 +59 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/306 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/307 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/308 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/309 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/310 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/311 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/312 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/313 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/314 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/315 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/316 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/317 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/318 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/319 (new)
1.1 +413 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/320 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/321 (new)
1.1 +117 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/322 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/323 (new)
1.1 +116 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/324 (new)
1.1 +57 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/325 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/326 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/327 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/328 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/329 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/330 (new)
1.1 +105 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/331 (new)
1.1 +120 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/332 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/333 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/334 (new)
1.1 +395 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/335 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/336 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/337 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/338 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/339 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/340 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/341 (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/342 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/343 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/344 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/345 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/346 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/347 (new)
1.1 +31 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/348 (new)
1.1 +117 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/349 (new)
1.1 +60 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/350 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/351 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/352 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/353 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/354 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/355 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/356 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/357 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/358 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/359 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/360 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/361 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/362 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/363 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/364 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/365 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/366 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/367 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/368 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/369 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/370 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/371 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/372 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/373 (new)
1.1 +184 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/374 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/375 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/376 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/377 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/378 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/379 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/380 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/381 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/382 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/383 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/384 (new)
1.1 +40 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/385 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/386 (new)
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1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/388 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/389 (new)
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1.1 +48 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/391 (new)
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1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/393 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/394 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/395 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/396 (new)
1.1 +57 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/397 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/398 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/399 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/400 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/401 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/402 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/403 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/404 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/405 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/406 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/407 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/408 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/409 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/410 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/411 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/412 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/413 (new)
1.1 +62 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/414 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/415 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/416 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/417 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/418 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/419 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/420 (new)
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1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/422 (new)
1.1 +72 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/423 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/424 (new)
1.1 +61 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/425 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/426 (new)
1.1 +29 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/427 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/428 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/429 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/430 (new)
1.1 +84 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/431 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/432 (new)
1.1 +60 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/433 (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/434 (new)
1.1 +90 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/435 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/436 (new)
1.1 +412 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/437 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/438 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/439 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/440 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/441 (new)
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1.1 +59 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/446 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/447 (new)
1.1 +167 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/448 (new)
1.1 +63 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/449 (new)
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1.1 +98 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/453 (new)
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1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/456 (new)
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1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/459 (new)
1.1 +96 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/460 (new)
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1.1 +65 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/463 (new)
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1.1 +155 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/470 (new)
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1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/472 (new)
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1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/478 (new)
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1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/480 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/481 (new)
1.1 +39 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/482 (new)
1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/483 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/484 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/485 (new)
1.1 +57 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/486 (new)
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1.1 +711 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/496 (new)
1.1 +99 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/497 (new)
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1.1 +42 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/500 (new)
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1.1 +63 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/503 (new)
1.1 +72 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/504 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/505 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/506 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/507 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/508 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/509 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/510 (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/511 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/512 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/513 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/514 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/515 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/516 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/517 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/518 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/519 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/520 (new)
1.1 +55 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/521 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/522 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/523 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/524 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/525 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/526 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/527 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/528 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/529 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/530 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/531 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/532 (new)
1.1 +129 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/533 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/534 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/535 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/536 (new)
1.1 +68 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/537 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/538 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/539 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/540 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/541 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/542 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/543 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/544 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/545 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/546 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/547 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/548 (new)
1.1 +166 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/549 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/550 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/551 (new)
1.1 +146 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/552 (new)
1.1 +58 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/553 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/554 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/555 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/556 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/557 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/558 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/559 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/560 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/561 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/562 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/563 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/564 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/565 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/566 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/567 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/568 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/569 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/570 (new)
1.1 +245 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/571 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/572 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/573 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/574 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/575 (new)
1.1 +176 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/576 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/577 (new)
1.1 +205 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/578 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/579 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/580 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/581 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/582 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/583 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/584 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/585 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/586 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/587 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/588 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/899 (new)
1.1 +175 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/901 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/902 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/903 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/scripts/904 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/showenv (new)
1.1 +618 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/src/client.c (new)
1.1 +104 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/src/fd.c (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/src/millisleep.c (new)
1.1 +169 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/src/mtpscript.c (new)
1.1 +475 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/src/server.c (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/src/showids.c (new)
1.1 +367 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/003 (new)
1.1 +458 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/004 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/007 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/008 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/009 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/010 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/011 (new)
1.1 +66 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/013 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/014 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/016 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/017 (new)
1.1 +118 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/018 (new)
1.1 +77 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/019 (new)
1.1 +93 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/020 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/021 (new)
1.1 +76 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/034 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/035 (new)
1.1 +61 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/036 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/037 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/038 (new)
1.1 +368 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/039 (new)
1.1 +91 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/040 (new)
1.1 +155 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/041 (new)
1.1 +95 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/042 (new)
1.1 +101 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/043 (new)
1.1 +300 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/044 (new)
1.1 +433 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/045 (new)
1.1 +633 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/046 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/048 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/049 (new)
1.1 +96 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/050 (new)
1.1 +159 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/051 (new)
1.1 +74 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/058 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/059 (new)
1.1 +132 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/060 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/061 (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/062 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/063 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/064 (new)
1.1 +78 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/067 (new)
1.1 +376 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/068 (new)
1.1 +98 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/069 (new)
1.1 +194 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/070 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/071 (new)
1.1 +93 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/072 (new)
1.1 +147 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/074 (new)
1.1 +81 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/075 (new)
1.1 +150 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/077 (new)
1.1 +59 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/078 (new)
1.1 +106 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/079 (new)
1.1 +434 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/080 (new)
1.1 +100 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/082 (new)
1.1 +121 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/090 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/095 (new)
1.1 +100 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/107 (new)
1.1 +165 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/114 (new)
1.1 +174 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/115 (new)
1.1 +456 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/117 (new)
1.1 +48 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/118 (new)
1.1 +3087 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/119 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/121 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/122 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/124 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/126 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/127 (new)
1.1 +129 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/135 (new)
1.1 +227 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/136 (new)
1.1 +71 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/137 (new)
1.1 +108 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/144 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/147 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/150 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/151 (new)
1.1 +190 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/152 (new)
1.1 +139 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/160 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/161 (new)
1.1 +217 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/163 (new)
1.1 +208 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/166 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/170 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/172 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/173 (new)
1.1 +105 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/178 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/180 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/183 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/184 (new)
1.1 +640 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/186 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/188 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/193 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/210 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/210G (new)
1.1 +90 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/216 (new)
1.1 +92 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/216G (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/233 (new)
1.1 +230 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/246 (new)
1.1 +175 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/247 (new)
1.1 +229 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/257 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/260 (new)
1.1 +130 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/262 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/266 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/268 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/274 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/276 (new)
1.1 +76 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/279 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/287 (new)
1.1 +64 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/289 (new)
1.1 +67 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/290 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/294 (new)
1.1 +63 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/300 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/301 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/302 (new)
1.1 +314 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/313 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/314 (new)
1.1 +67 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/315 (new)
1.1 +232 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/316 (new)
1.1 +307 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/317 (new)
1.1 +108 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/318 (new)
1.1 +1289 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/320 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/324 (new)
1.1 +247 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/327 (new)
1.1 +108 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/329 (new)
1.1 +241 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/335 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/336 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/338 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/340 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/341 (new)
1.1 +235 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/342 (new)
1.1 +88 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/345 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/353 (new)
1.1 +890 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/354 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/355 (new)
1.1 +69 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/356 (new)
1.1 +42 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/358 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/363 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/366 (new)
1.1 +146 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/367 (new)
1.1 +73 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/369 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/377 (new)
1.1 +54 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/383 (new)
1.1 +104 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/384 (new)
1.1 +87 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/385 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/386 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/388 (new)
1.1 +42 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/392 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/394 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/398 (new)
1.1 +18428 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/400 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/405 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/410 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/411 (new)
1.1 +155 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/414 (new)
1.1 +141 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/415 (new)
1.1 +254 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/417 (new)
1.1 +226 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/418 (new)
1.1 +85 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/419 (new)
1.1 +215 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/421 (new)
1.1 +149 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/427 (new)
1.1 +31 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/432 (new)
1.1 +453 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/434 (new)
1.1 +1043 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/435 (new)
1.1 +772 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/437 (new)
1.1 +809 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/438 (new)
1.1 +327 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/439 (new)
1.1 +180 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/440 (new)
1.1 +91 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/441 (new)
1.1 +77 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/442 (new)
1.1 +67 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/443 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/445 (new)
1.1 +468 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/447 (new)
1.1 +359 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/448 (new)
1.1 +196 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/449 (new)
1.1 +440 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/450 (new)
1.1 +309 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/451 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/453 (new)
1.1 +69 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/455 (new)
1.1 +101 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/458 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/459 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/460 (new)
1.1 +39 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/461 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/462 (new)
1.1 +241 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/463 (new)
1.1 +134 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/464 (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/465 (new)
1.1 +169 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/466 (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/467 (new)
1.1 +537 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/468 (new)
1.1 +185 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/469 (new)
1.1 +3410 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/470 (new)
1.1 +175 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/474 (new)
1.1 +136 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/481 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/482 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/483 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/485 (new)
1.1 +51 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/488 (new)
1.1 +83 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/489 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/491 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/492 (new)
1.1 +107 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/495 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/500 (new)
1.1 +322 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/503 (new)
1.1 +188 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/504 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/505 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/506 (new)
1.1 +85 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/508 (new)
1.1 +48 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/509 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/510 (new)
1.1 +108 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/512 (new)
1.1 +258 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/514 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/515 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/516 (new)
1.1 +678 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/517 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/518 (new)
1.1 +108 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/519 (new)
1.1 +65 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/524 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/527 (new)
1.1 +165 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/536 (new)
1.1 +87 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/538 (new)
1.1 +69 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/539 (new)
1.1 +177 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/540 (new)
1.1 +157 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/541 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/544 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/546 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/548 (new)
1.1 +19386 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/549 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/551 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/554 (new)
1.1 +129 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/555 (new)
1.1 +94 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/559 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/560 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/564 (new)
1.1 +140 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/565 (new)
1.1 +179 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/568 (new)
1.1 +249 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/570 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/575 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/578 (new)
1.1 +384 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/581 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/582 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/587 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/588 (new)
1.1 +330 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/901 (new)
1.1 +361 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/902 (new)
1.1 +393 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/903 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stderr/904 (new)
1.1 +1093 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/001 (new)
1.1 +1416 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/002 (new)
1.1 +106 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/003 (new)
1.1 +114 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/004 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/005 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/007 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/008 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/009 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/010 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/011 (new)
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1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/017 (new)
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1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/021 (new)
1.1 +60 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/022 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/023 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/025 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/027 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/028 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/032 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/033 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/035 (new)
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1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/038 (new)
1.1 +120 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/039 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/040 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/041 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/042 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/043 (new)
1.1 +105 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/044 (new)
1.1 +135 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/045 (new)
1.1 +99 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/046 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/048 (new)
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1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/050 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/051 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/058 (new)
1.1 +94 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/059 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/060 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/061 (new)
1.1 +19 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/062 (new)
1.1 +59 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/064 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/067 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/068 (new)
1.1 +69 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/069 (new)
1.1 +64 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/070 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/071 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/072 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/074 (new)
1.1 +39 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/075 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/076 (new)
1.1 +34 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/077 (new)
1.1 +259 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/079 (new)
1.1 +381 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/080 (new)
1.1 +177 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/081 (new)
1.1 +593 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/082 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/085 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/086 (new)
1.1 +61 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/087 (new)
1.1 +31 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/088 (new)
1.1 +75 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/089 (new)
1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/090 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/093 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/103 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/107 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/109 (new)
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1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/115 (new)
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1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/118 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/120 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/121 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/122 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/123 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/124 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/126 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/127 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/133 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/134 (new)
1.1 +37 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/135 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/136 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/137 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/139 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/141 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/142 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/144 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/147 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/148 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/149 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/150 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/151 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/152 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/156 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/157 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/158 (new)
1.1 +7 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/159 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/160 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/162 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/163 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/164 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/165 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/166 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/170 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/175 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/178 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/179 (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/180 (new)
1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/182 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/183 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/184 (new)
1.1 +46 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/186 (new)
1.1 +202 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/187 (new)
1.1 +31 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/188 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/189 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/190 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/191 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/192 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/193 (new)
1.1 +266 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/197 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/198 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/200 (new)
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1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/205 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/206 (new)
1.1 +8 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/208 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/209 (new)
1.1 +148 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/210 (new)
1.1 +150 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/210G (new)
1.1 +93 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/211 (new)
1.1 +95 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/211G (new)
1.1 +55 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/212 (new)
1.1 +49 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/213 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/213G (new)
1.1 +35 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/214 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/214G (new)
1.1 +79 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/215 (new)
1.1 +80 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/215G (new)
1.1 +352 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/225 (new)
1.1 +361 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/225G (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/226 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/229 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/229G (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/230 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/230G (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/231 (new)
1.1 +29 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/232 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/234 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/235 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/236 (new)
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1.1 +64 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/238 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/239 (new)
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1.1 +42 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/241 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/242 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/243 (new)
1.1 +152 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/244 (new)
1.1 +290 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/246 (new)
1.1 +91 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/247 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/248 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/249 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/250 (new)
1.1 +252 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/257 (new)
1.1 +74 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/260 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/261 (new)
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1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/265 (new)
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1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/273 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/274 (new)
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1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/277 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/278 (new)
1.1 +90 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/279 (new)
1.1 +60 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/280 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/281 (new)
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1.1 +80 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/288 (new)
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1.1 +64 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/292 (new)
1.1 +91 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/293 (new)
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1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/309 (new)
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1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/311 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/313 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/314 (new)
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1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/317 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/318 (new)
1.1 +531 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/320 (new)
1.1 +74 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/321 (new)
1.1 +75 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/321G (new)
1.1 +73 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/322 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/323 (new)
1.1 +70 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/324 (new)
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1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/326 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/327 (new)
1.1 +58 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/328 (new)
1.1 +125 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/331 (new)
1.1 +136 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/332 (new)
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1.1 +238 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/335 (new)
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1.1 +131 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/349 (new)
1.1 +75 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/350 (new)
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1.1 +18 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/358 (new)
1.1 +51 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/361 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/362 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/363 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/364 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/366 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/368 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/369 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/372 (new)
1.1 +128 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/374 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/375 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/377 (new)
1.1 +90 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/383 (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/384 (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/385 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/386 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/389 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/390 (new)
1.1 +86 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/391 (new)
1.1 +88 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/391G (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/392 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/393 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/394 (new)
1.1 +56 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/397 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/398 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/399 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/400 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/401 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/402 (new)
1.1 +47 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/414 (new)
1.1 +40 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/415 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/417 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/419 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/420 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/421 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/422 (new)
1.1 +72 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/423 (new)
1.1 +1 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/424 (new)
1.1 +75 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/425 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/426 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/427 (new)
1.1 +42 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/429 (new)
1.1 +43 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/429G (new)
1.1 +82 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/431 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/432 (new)
1.1 +62 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/433 (new)
1.1 +48 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/434 (new)
1.1 +106 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/435 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/436 (new)
1.1 +374 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/437 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/438 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/439 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/440 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/442 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/445 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/447 (new)
1.1 +220 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/448 (new)
1.1 +26 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/449 (new)
1.1 +36 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/450 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/451 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/452 (new)
1.1 +139 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/453 (new)
1.1 +102 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/454 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/455 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/456 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/457 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/459 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/460 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/461 (new)
1.1 +62 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/463 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/464 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/465 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/467 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/471 (new)
1.1 +77 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/472 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/473 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/475 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/476 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/478 (new)
1.1 +45 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/480 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/481 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/482 (new)
1.1 +24 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/483 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/484 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/485 (new)
1.1 +90 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/486 (new)
1.1 +92 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/486G (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/487 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/488 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/489 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/491 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/492 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/493 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/494 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/495 (new)
1.1 +453 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/496 (new)
1.1 +41 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/498 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/499 (new)
1.1 +68 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/500 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/501 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/502 (new)
1.1 +82 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/503 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/505 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/506 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/510 (new)
1.1 +58 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/511 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/512 (new)
1.1 +30 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/514 (new)
1.1 +50 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/515 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/516 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/518 (new)
1.1 +28 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/519 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/520 (new)
1.1 +17 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/521 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/522 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/524 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/525 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/527 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/528 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/531 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/532 (new)
1.1 +166 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/533 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/534 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/535 (new)
1.1 +74 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/537 (new)
1.1 +52 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/538 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/539 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/540 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/541 (new)
1.1 +16 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/542 (new)
1.1 +3 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/543 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/544 (new)
1.1 +12 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/545 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/546 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/547 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/550 (new)
1.1 +40 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/550G (new)
1.1 +169 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/552 (new)
1.1 +57 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/553 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/554 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/555 (new)
1.1 +40 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/556 (new)
1.1 +11 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/559 (new)
1.1 +44 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/560 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/563 (new)
1.1 +5 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/564 (new)
1.1 +14 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/565 (new)
1.1 +9 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/566 (new)
1.1 +15 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/567 (new)
1.1 +10 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/568 (new)
1.1 +33 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/569 (new)
1.1 +454 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/571 (new)
1.1 +32 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/572 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/573 (new)
1.1 +175 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/578 (new)
1.1 +6 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/579 (new)
1.1 +20 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/580 (new)
1.1 +38 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/581 (new)
1.1 +2 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/582 (new)
1.1 +27 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/583 (new)
1.1 +71 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/584 (new)
1.1 +13 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/585 (new)
1.1 +4 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/586 (new)
1.1 +21 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/587 (new)
1.1 +176 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/901 (new)
1.1 +22 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/902 (new)
1.1 +23 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/903 (new)
1.1 +25 -0 exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/stdout/904 (new)
Index: ABOUT
$Cambridge: exim/exim-test-orig/ABOUT,v 1.1 2004/10/08 14:49:15 ph10 Exp $
CVS directory exim/exim-test-orig
The files in this directory are those that comprise the original test suite,
which is very tied to Philip Hazel's workstation. It is hoped that a more
portable test suite will be created in the fullness of time.
Index: List
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Generate a list of all the tests
($dir = $0) =~ s/\/List$//;
chdir($dir) || die "Failed to chdir to $dir\n";
opendir DIR, "scripts" || die "Failed to opendir scripts\n";
@tests = sort readdir(DIR);
foreach $test (@tests)
next if ($test eq "." || $test eq "..");
open S, "scripts/$test" || die "Failed to open scripts/$test\n";
do { chomp($_ = <S>) } while $_ =~ /^#/;
die "** Missing return code at start of test data: $_\n" if !/^\d/;
($result,$comment) = /^(\d+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/;
print "Test $test $comment\n";
# End
Index: Use
#! /bin/sh
sudo ./exim \
-DDIR=/source/exim4/AutoTest \
-DEXIM_PATH=/source/exim4/AutoTest/exim \
-C /source/exim4/AutoTest/confs/$testnumber $@
Index: resubmit
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# A test script that reads a message and resubmits it to Exim (having
# notionally checked it - but there's no checking here).
# The message is on the standard input.
# The sender is in the first argument.
# The recipients are comma separated in the second argument.
# The number of the test is in the third argument - so we can call Exim
# with the appropriate configuration file.
$sender = $ARGV[0];
$recipients = $ARGV[1];
$number = $ARGV[2];
$dir = "/source/exim4/AutoTest";
$caller = "ph10";
$cmd =
"$dir/exim -C $dir/confs/$number -DCALLER=$caller -DDIR=$dir " .
"-DEXIM_PATH=$dir/exim " .
"-odi -oi -oMr scanned-ok -f $sender '$recipients'";
open(OUT, "|$cmd") || die "Failed to set up Exim process\n";
print OUT while (<STDIN>);
# End
Index: resubmitB
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# A test script that reads a message and resubmits it to Exim (having
# notionally checked it - but there's no checking here). This version
# uses BSMTP for input and output.
# The number of the test is in the only argument - so we can call Exim
# with the appropriate configuration file.
$number = $ARGV[0];
$dir = "/source/exim4/AutoTest";
$caller = "ph10";
$cmd =
"$dir/exim -C $dir/confs/$number -DCALLER=$caller -DDIR=$dir " .
"-DEXIM_PATH=$dir/exim -odi -bS -oMr scanned-ok";
open(OUT, "|$cmd") || die "Failed to set up Exim process\n";
print OUT while (<STDIN>);
# End
Index: runtest
#! /bin/sh
# A script to run some automatic testing of Exim. This has been needed for
# quite some time. I am finally thinking about it in February 1999.
# Since when, it has been hacked and hacked and hacked.....
# Flags:
# -D show test commands
# -UPDATE force data update without prompting
# Must precede flags for passing to Exim.
# Commands:
# exim <args> run exim
# exim_exim <args> run exim_exim (setuid exim rather than root)
# really exim <args> run exim as root (this is an historic name, saved
# for nostalgia; it actually uses sudo)
# time exim <args> run exim with timing
# <n> exim <args> wait n before closing the pipe
# NNN=ddd .. exim .. environment setting before running exim
# For any exim command, if $msg1 appears in its arguments, this is replaced
# by the id of the first message on the spool, obtained by "exim -bp". Other
# messages can be referred to by $msg2, $msg3, etc.
# killdaemon kills an Exim daemon started with -bd
# exim_lock <file> locks file during next command (always exim)
# ln run an ln command
# ls run an ls command
# du run a du command
# no_header_check don't check message headers; set at end of script;
# not followed by ****
# no_message_check don't check delivered messages; set at end of script;
# not followed by ****
# no_msglog_check don't check msglogs; set at end of script; not
# followed by ****
# mkdir <dir> make a directory
# touch [opt] <file> create file or modify its times (runs "touch")
# [really] perl run a perl command to allow for one-off stuff
# really rm <file> run rm as root
# really rmdir <dir> run rmdir as root
# client <address> <port> [<interface>]
# runs the "client" program to test a daemon
# server <port> run server during next command (always exim)
# data is server output lines (with code) followed by
# expected input lines (first 4 chars)
# rmfiltertest this is a filter test where we do not want to retain
# the data lines about sender/receiver (they get in the
# way for many repetitive tests, e.g. the Sieve tests)
# dump <name> run exim_dumpdb for the given database
# dbmbuild <name> <name> run exim_dbmbuild
# exinext <text> run exinext
# sleep <n> sleep for n seconds
# millisleep <n> sleep for n milliseconds
# tls_test use alternate TLS output files; set at end of script;
# not followed by ****
# write <file> create the file and write the data lines to it
# <data>
# ****
# catwrite... as "write", but the text is copied to stdout
# write <file> [nxm[=start-of-line-text]]*
# <pre-data>
# ++++ create the file from the pre-data and n lines of
# <post-data> length m - possibly in several sections - followed
# **** by the post data. Underscore in sol text => space.
# Each command is preceded by a number which is its expected return code, and
# followed by data for stdin, up to a line containing ****. If any command
# line contains \bDIR\b, this is replaced by the name of the directory in which
# this script is run. Also, \bCALLER\b is replaced by the user name of whosever
# is running this test. This applies also to the contents of the standard input.
# Any standard input line that ends with \NONL\ is copied without a terminating
# newline. Preceding the return code line, any line starting with # is a
# comment.
# --------- Preparation 1 ---------
# We need to run an initial Perl script as root, in order to make a copy of
# the exim binary, and patch in some fudgery to allow the use of -C and -D
# options without it giving up its privilege. We also patch the version and
# compile numbers to standard values.
# To the Perl script are passed the name of the overall script so that it
# can find out the directory in which to build the munged binary.
sudo perl -w - $0 <<'End'
($dir = shift @ARGV) =~ s/\/runtest$//;
chdir($dir) || die "Failed to chdir to $dir\n";
# Find an Exim to test
$exim = "/usr/lib/sendmail" if (-f "/usr/lib/sendmail");
$exim = "/usr/local/exim/bin/exim" if (-f "/opt/exim/bin/exim");
$exim = "/source/exim4/build-Linux-i386/exim"
if (-f "/source/exim4/build-Linux-i386/exim");
open(IN, "$exim") || die "Failed to open $exim: $!\n";
open(OUT, ">exim")|| die "Failed to open exim: $!\n";
s/(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?\0<<eximversion>>)/"x.yz\0" . ("*" x (length($1) - 5))/e;
print OUT;
chmod 04755, "exim";
# Make another copy of the binary which is setuid exim rather than root
system("cp exim exim_exim; chown exim exim_exim; chgrp exim exim_exim");
chmod 06755, "exim_exim";
# Also need a copy of exim_lock
$exim_lock = "/usr/local/exim/bin/exim_lock" if (-f "/opt/exim/bin/exim_lock");
$exim_lock = "/source/exim4/build-Linux-i386/exim_lock"
if (-f "/source/exim4/build-Linux-i386/exim_lock");
system("cp -f $exim_lock exim_lock");
# Also need a copy of exim_dumpdb
$exim_dumpdb = "/usr/local/exim/bin/exim_dumpdb" if (-f "/usr/local/exim/bin/exim_dumpdb");
$exim_dumpdb = "/source/exim4/build-Linux-i386/exim_dumpdb"
if (-f "/source/exim4/build-Linux-i386/exim_dumpdb");
system("cp -f $exim_dumpdb exim_dumpdb");
# Also need a copy of exim_dbmbuild
$exim_dbmbuild = "/usr/local/exim/bin/exim_dbmbuild" if (-f "/usr/local/exim/bin/exim_dbmbuild");
$exim_dbmbuild = "/source/exim4/build-Linux-i386/exim_dbmbuild"
if (-f "/source/exim4/build-Linux-i386/exim_dbmbuild");
system("cp -f $exim_dbmbuild exim_dbmbuild");
# Also need a copy of exinext
$exinext = "/usr/local/exim/bin/exinext" if (-f "/usr/local/exim/bin/exinext");
$exinext = "/source/exim4/build-Linux-i386/exinext"
if (-f "/source/exim4/build-Linux-i386/exinext");
system("cp -f $exinext exinext");
# Display the Exim we are testing and its banner line
print "\nExim path: $exim\n";
$banner = `$exim -bV -C /dev/null`;
$banner =~ s/\n.*//s;
print "$banner\n\n";
# For ad hoc testing we stop here after building
if [ "$1" = "build" ]; then exit 0; fi
# -------- Preparation 2 --------
# Wipe out any test output files that are left over from a previous
# failed test. (After a successful completion they are already removed.)
# Then ensure the test-mail directory is set up to receive messages.
mkdir `dirname $0`/test-mail 2>/dev/null
# -------- Now run the main Perl script --------
perl -w - $0 $@ <<'End'
require Cwd;
use FileHandle;
# Munge a file before comparing #
# The pre-processing turns all dates, times, Exim versions, and message id's
# into standard values, so that the compare works. This is the first time I
# have found a real case where Perl's substitution with an expression is
# the neatest way to do something.
# We keep a global associative array for repeatedly turning the same values
# into the same standard values, throughout the data from a single test.
# Message ids get this treatment (can't be made reliable for times), and
# times in dumped retry databases are also handled in a special way, as are
# incoming port numbers.
sub new_value {
my($oldid, $base, $sequence) = @_;
my($newid) = $cache{$oldid};
if (! defined $newid)
$newid = sprintf($base, $$sequence++);
$cache{$oldid} = $newid;
return $newid;
# Cheat - assume date always the same
sub date_seconds {
my($day,$month,$year,$hour,$min,$sec) =
$_[0] =~ /^(\d\d)-(\w\w\w)-(\d{4})\s(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/;
return $hour * 60 * 60 + $min * 60 + $sec;
# The munging subroutine.
sub munge {
open(IN, "$_[0]") || die "Failed to open $_[0]: $!\n";
# When opening server files, concat rather than overwrite
if ($_[0] =~ /server/) # If input contains "server"
open(OUT, ">>$_[1]") || die "Failed to open $_[1]: $!\n";
print OUT "\n******** SERVER ********\n";
open(OUT, ">$_[1]") || die "Failed to open $_[1]: $!\n";
$date = "\\d{2}-\\w{3}-\\d{4}\\s\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}"; # date pattern
# Pattern for matching pids at start of stderr lines; initially something
# that won't match.
$spid = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
# For checking some messages the headers are skipped
if ($_[2])
while (<IN>) { last if /^$/; }
# In certain filter tests, remove initial filter lines because they just
# clog up by repetition.
if ($rmfiltertest)
next if /^(Sender\staken\sfrom|
if (/^Testing \S+ filter/)
$_ = <IN>; # remove blank line
# Detect a daemon stderr line with a pid and save the pid for subsequent
# removal from following lines.
$spid = $1 if /^(\s*\d+) (?:listening|LOG: MAIN|(?:daemon_smtp_port|local_interfaces) overridden by)/;
s/^$spid //;
# Dates and times are all turned into the same value - trying to turn
# them into different ones cannot be done repeatedly because they are
# real time stamps generated while running the test.
# Special treatement for exim_dumpdb time data lines, which look like this:
# 25-Aug-2000 12:11:37 25-Aug-2000 12:11:37 26-Aug-2000 12:11:37
if (/^($date)\s+($date)\s+($date)(\s+\*)?\s*$/)
my($date1,$date2,$date3,$expired) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
$expired = "" if !defined $expired;
my($increment) = date_seconds($date3) - date_seconds($date2);
# We used to use globally unique replacement values, but timing
# differences make this impossible. Just show the increment on the
# last one.
printf OUT ("first failed = time last try = time2 next try = time2 + %s%s\n",
$increment, $expired);
#printf OUT ("first failed = %s last try = %s next try = %s + %s%s\n",
# new_value($date1, "time%s", \$next_time),
# new_value($date2, "time%s", \$next_time),
# new_value($date2, "time%s", \$next_time), # sic
# $increment, $expired);
# The two IP addresses in the multiple-A-record DNSBL test
# more_errno values in exim_dumpdb output which are times
s/T:(\S+)\s-22\s(\S+)\s/T:$1 -22 xxxx /;
# Date/time in debugging output for writing retry records
if (/^ first failed=(\d+) last try=(\d+) next try=(\d+) (.*)$/)
my($next) = $3 - $2;
print OUT " first failed=dddd last try=dddd next try=+$next $4\n";
# Date/time in message separators
/Tue Mar 02 09:44:33 1999/gx;
# Date/time in header lines and SMTP responses
/Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000/gx;
# Date/time in logs and in one instance of a filter test
s/^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(\s[+-]\d\d\d\d)?/1999-03-02 09:44:33/gx;
s/^Logwrite\s"\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/Logwrite "1999-03-02 09:44:33/gx;
# Date of message arrival in spool file
s/^\d{9,10}\s0$/ddddddddd 0/;
# Port in host address in spool file
s/^-host_address (.*)\.\d+/-host_address $1.9999/;
# Date/time in exim -bV output
s/\d\d-[A-Z][a-z]{2}-\d{4}\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/07-Mar-2000 12:21:52/g;
# Date/time in mbx mailbox files
s/\d\d-\w\w\w-\d\d\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s[-+]\d\d\d\d,/06-Sep-1999 15:52:48 +0100,/gx;
# atime, mtime, ctime in output from ${stat
# timestamp output in maildir processing
s/(timestamp=|\(timestamp_only\): )\d+/$1ddddddd/g;
# Data line at start of mbx mailbox files that varies */
# Exim message ids
/new_value($1, "10Hm%s-0005vi-00", \$next_msgid)/egx;
# Pids in log files (daemon starts)
s/daemon started: pid=\d+/daemon started: pid=pppp/;
# Pids in log files (queue runs)
s/queue run: pid=\d+/queue run: pid=pppp/;
# Pids in queue runs in debugging output
s/queue run pid \d+/queue run pid ppppp/;
# Pids in temp files in appendfile transport
# Pids in debugging output
s/set_process_info:\s+\d+/set_process_info: 21680/;
s/remote delivery process \d+ ended/remote delivery process 12345 ended/;
s/reading pipe for subprocess \d+/reading pipe for subprocess 12345/;
s/^Exim version (.*) pid=\d+(.*)$/Exim version $1 pid=pppp$2/;
s/(?<=^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=)\d+(?= terminating)/pppp/;
s/\spid=\d+/ pid=pppp/;
s/process \d+ running as transport filter/process pppp running as transport filter/;
s/process \d+ writing to transport filter/process pppp writing to transport filter/;
s/waiting for children of \d+/waiting for children of ppppp/;
s/waiting for (\S+) \(\d+\)/waiting for $1 (ppppp)/;
# The names of lock files appear in some error messages
# The names of maildir delivery files appearing in log lines (in cases
# of error)
s/writing to(?: file)? tmp\/\d+\.[^.]+\.(\S+)/writing to tmp\/MAILDIR.$1/;
s/renamed tmp\/\d+\.[^.]+\.(\S+) as new\/\d+\.[^.]+\.(\S+)/renamed tmp\/MAILDIR.$1 as new\/MAILDIR.$1/;
# Maildir file names in general
# This message sometimes has a different number of seconds
s/forced fail after \d seconds/forced fail after 4 seconds/;
# Debugging output of host lists may have different sort keys
s/sort=\S+/sort=xx/ if /^\S+ (?:\d+\.){3}\d+ mx=\S+ sort=\S+/;
# Error lines on stdout from SSL will contain process id values
# Challenges in SPA authentication
# Incoming port numbers may vary, but not in daemon startup line.
s/^Port: (\d+)/"Port: " . new_value($1, "%s", \$next_port)/e;
s/\(port=(\d+)/"(port=" . new_value($1, "%s", \$next_port)/e;
# Random local part in callout cache testing
# Values in spool space failure message
s/space=\d+ inodes=\d+/space=xxxxx inodes=xxxxx/;
if (!/listening for SMTP on/ && !/Connecting to/ && !/=>/ && !/\*>/)
# Log selector values - so they don't show up when I re-arrange them
s/log selectors = ........ ......../log selectors = xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx/;
# Skip some lines the Exim puts out at the start of debugging output
print OUT
unless (/^Berkeley DB: / ||
/^Probably (?:Berkeley DB|ndbm|GDBM)/ ||
/^Authenticators:/ ||
/^Support for:/ ||
/^Routers:/ ||
# Additional munge for stdout #
# Some stdouts contain the output from exim -bt which can contain a list
# of IP addresses for the same host in a random order, as given by the
# nameserver. This function orders them.
sub host_munge {
open(IN, "$_[0]") || die "Failed to open $_[0]: $!\n";
open(OUT, ">$_[1]") || die "Failed to open $_[1]: $!\n";
if (/^\s\shost\s([-a-zA-Z0-9.]+)\s\[[\d.]+\]\s$/)
$host = $1;
undef @list;
push @list, $_;
if (/^\s\shost\s([-a-zA-Z0-9.]+)\s\[[\d.]+\]\s$/ && $1 eq $host)
{ push @list, $_; }
else { last; }
foreach $line (sort @list) { print OUT $line; }
print OUT if $_;
else { print OUT; }
# Prompt for continue after mismatch #
sub prompt {
print "\n";
for (;;)
print "Continue, Update & retry, Quit? [Q] ";
if ($force_update)
$_ = "u";
print "... update forced\n";
open(T, "/dev/tty") || die "Failed to open /dev/tty: $!\n";
$_ = <T>;
return 0 if /^c$/i;
exit 1 if /^q?$/i;
if (/^u$/)
if (-e $_[0])
exit 1 if system("cp $_[0] $_[1]") != 0;
exit 1 if !unlink($_[1]);
print (("#" x 79) . "\n");
return 1;
# Show new test file and prompt #
sub show{
print "\n";
for (;;)
print "Show or Quit? [Q] ";
open(T, "/dev/tty") || die "Failed to open /dev/tty: $!\n";
$_ = <T>;
exit 1 if /^q?$/i;
if (/^s$/)
open(T, $_[0]) || die "Failed to open $_[0]: $!\n";
print while <T>;
return prompt($_[0], $_[1]);
# Comparison subroutine #
# Dies if comparison fails; shows output otherwise
sub compare {
if (system("$cf $_[0] $_[1] >test-cf") != 0)
open(T, "test-cf") || die "Failed to open test-cf: $!\n";
print while (<T>);
return prompt($_[0], $_[1]);
# Handle SIGPIPE signals #
sub pipehandler { $sigpipehappened = 1; }
# Main Program #
$debug = 0;
$force_update = 0;
$normal_end = 899;
$rmfiltertest = 0;
# The first argument is the name of the overall autotest script. We cd
# to it, and then get its full name for passing to the -C option of Exim.
# Set the comparing command
$cf = "cf";
# Change to the directory in which the script lives, and set up to run
# the version of Exim that is therein.
($dir = shift @ARGV) =~ s/\/runtest$//;
chdir($dir) || die "Failed to chdir to $dir\n";
$cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
# Since re-arranging my file systems, this now gets an unwanted directory
# before /home. Just sling it.
$cwd =~ s?^.*/home/?/home/?;
# Exim path
$exim = "$cwd/exim";
# Find out if this Exim supports GnuTLS - we have different output if it does
# for certain tests.
$banner = `sudo $exim -bV -C /dev/null`;
$tls_suffix = ($banner =~ /GnuTLS/)? "G" : "";
# An argument of -D turns on runtest debugging
if (@ARGV > 0 && $ARGV[0] eq "-D")
$debug = 1;
shift @ARGV;
# An argument of -UPDATE forces data updating
if (@ARGV > 0 && $ARGV[0] eq "-UPDATE")
$force_update = 1;
shift @ARGV;
# The remaining arguments are additional options to pass to exim
# (typically -d9) and the start and end tests.
$start = 1;
$end = $normal_end;
$optargs = "";
while (@ARGV > 0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/)
$optargs .= shift @ARGV;
if (@ARGV > 0)
$end = $start = $ARGV[0];
$end = $ARGV[1] if (@ARGV > 1);
# Find out the caller of this program so it can be passed as a macro to
# Exim - this is sometimes used in the scripts to set trusted users, etc.
($caller,$pwrest) = getpwuid($>);
$pwrest = $pwrest; # To kill warning
# Get a list of all mailbox files so we can check for each test
opendir(DIR, "mail") || die "Failed to opendir mail: $!\n";
@oldmails = readdir(DIR);
# Hand code for a single level of subdirectory. If we ever need more, do
# a proper recursive thing.
foreach $mail (@oldmails)
next if $mail eq "." || $mail eq "..";
if (-d "mail/$mail")
opendir(DIR, "mail/$mail") || die "Failed to opendir mail/$mail: $!\n";
@oldsubmails = readdir(DIR);
$mail = ""; # get rid of top-level
push @oldmails, @oldsubmails;
# Get a list of all msglog files so we can check for each test
opendir(DIR, "msglog") || die "Failed to opendir msglog: $!\n";
@oldmsglogs = readdir(DIR);
# Now scan the scripts directory for test scripts
opendir DIR, "scripts" || die "Failed to opendir scripts: $!\n";
@tests = sort readdir(DIR);
$end = $normal_end if ($end eq "+");
die "** Test numbers out of order\n" if ($end < $start);
# Set the handler for SIGPIPE errors that happen for the timeout tests. It
# doesn't seem to be possible to catch these with eval().
$SIG{"PIPE"} = \&pipehandler;
# Now run the tests
$ran_one = 0;
foreach $test (@tests)
next if ($test eq "." || $test eq ".." || $test < $start);
last if ($test > $end);
REDO: # Come here when restarting the current test
$need_to_redo = 0;
$suffix = "";
# Remove any debris in the spool directory and the test-mail directory
# and also the files for collecting stdout and stderr.
system "sudo /bin/rm -rf spool/* test-mail/* " .
"test-stdout test-stdout-server test-stderr test-stderr-server " .
"test-once test-vacation-directory *-munged";
# Put back the parameter for GnuTLS
system "sudo cp -p gnutls-params spool";
# Remove the associative array used for munging things, and reset the
# initial values.
undef %cache;
$next_msgid = "aX";
$next_port = 1111;
$header_skip = 0;
$message_skip = 0;
$msglog_skip = 0;
# Remove the associative arrays used to hold checked mail files and msglogs
undef %expected_mails;
undef %expected_msglogs;
# Flag that we ran a test, and open the script.
$ran_one = 1;
open S, "scripts/$test" || die "Failed to open scripts/$test: $!\n";
# Each test script contains a number of consecutive commands, separated by
# a line containing just ****; the final test ends with EOF.
$server_pid = 0;
for ($i = 1; !eof S; $i++)
my($wait_time) = 0;
# Get the first line, skipping any lines that begin with #
do { chomp($_ = <S>) } while $_ =~ /^#/;
last if !defined $_;
# Some flag-setting commands can appear at this point, just as single
# lines with no data associated with them.
# The "no_header_check" command sets a flag to suppress checking of
# headers during message comparisons. This is used for the very large
# file so as not to have to keep two copies of it. Usually appears
# at the end of the file, and should *not* be followed by ****.
if (/^no_header_check/)
$header_skip = 1;
# Similarly for flags to suppress message and message log checking
if (/^no_message_check/)
$message_skip = 1;
if (/^no_msglog_check/)
$msglog_skip = 1;
# Similarly for the flag that says this is a TLS test
if (/^tls_test/)
$suffix = $tls_suffix;
# And the flag that removes certain output from filter tests
if (/^rmfiltertest/)
$rmfiltertest = 1;
# Otherwise, the first line of each test in the script is the expected
# return code, followed by commentary text for the first one.
die "** Missing return code at start of test data ($i): $_\n" if !/^\d/;
($result,$comment) = /^(\d+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/;
$result <<= 8;
print "Test $test $comment\n" if $i == 1;
# Get command line and replace DIR by the current directory
$_ = <S>;
last if !defined $_; # Final "test" has no commands
if ($debug) { printf ">> $_"; }
# The second line of each script is the command. The "server" command has
# to be handled separately, as we want to run a subprocess and not yet
# wait for it to complete, since it has to run in parallel with the
# following exim command. It sends its output to a separate file.
if (/^server\s+(.*)$/)
$cmd = "./server $1 >>test-stdout-server";
$server_pid = open SERVERCMD, "|$cmd" || die "Failed to run $cmd\n";
while (<S>)
last if /^\*{4}\s*$/;
print SERVERCMD "++++\n"; # Send end to server; can't send EOF yet
# because close() waits for the process.
# This just gives the server time to get started; otherwise the next
# process may not find it there when it expects it.
system("./millisleep 10");
# The "exim_lock" command runs exim_lock in the same manner as "server",
# but it doesn't use any input.
if (/^exim_lock\s+(.*)$/)
$cmd = "./exim_lock $1 >>test-stdout";
$server_pid = open SERVERCMD, "|$cmd" || die "Failed to run $cmd\n";
while (<S>)
last if /^\*{4}\s*$/;
# The "dump" command runs exim_dumpdb
if (/^dump\s+(\S+)/)
system("(echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++;" .
"./exim_dumpdb $dir/spool $1) >>test-stdout");
while (<S>) { last if /^\*{4}\s*$/; }
# The "dbmbuild" command runs exim_dbmbuild
if (/^dbmbuild\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)
system("(./exim_dbmbuild $dir/$1 $dir/$2;" .
"echo exim_dbmbuild exit code = \$?)" .
while (<S>) { last if /^\*{4}\s*$/; }
# The "exinext" command runs exinext
if (/^exinext\s+(.*)/)
system("(./exinext " .
"-DEXIM_PATH=$exim " .
"-DDIR=$cwd " .
"-DCALLER=$caller " .
"-C $cwd/confs/$test $1;" .
"echo exinext exit code = \$?)" .
while (<S>) { last if /^\*{4}\s*$/; }
# The "write" command is a way of creating files of specific sizes
# for buffering tests, or containing specific data lines from within
# the script (rather than hold lots of little files). The "catwrite"
# command copies the non-generated output to stdout.
if (/^(cat)?write\s*(\S+)(?:\s+(.*)|)$/)
@sizes = split /\s+/, $3;
my($cat) = defined $1;
open FILE, ">$2" || die "Failed to open \"$2\": $!\n";
if ($cat)
open CAT, ">>test-stdout" || die "Failed to open \"test-stdout\": $!\n";
if (scalar @sizes > 0)
# Pre-data
while (<S>)
last if /^\+{4}\s*$/;
print FILE;
# Sized data
while (scalar @sizes > 0)
($count,$len,$leadin) = (shift @sizes) =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)(?:=(.*))?/;
$leadin = "" if !defined $leadin;
$leadin =~ s/_/ /g;
$len -= length($leadin) + 1;
while ($count-- > 0)
print FILE $leadin, "a" x $len, "\n";
# Post data, or only data if no sized data
print CAT "==========\n" if $cat;
while (<S>)
last if /^\*{4}\s*$/;
print FILE;
print CAT if $cat;
close FILE;
print CAT "==========\n" if $cat;
close CAT if $cat;
# This should ultimately follow the starting of any Exim daemon with
# the -bd option.
elsif (/^killdaemon/)
$pid = `cat $dir/spool/exim-daemon.*`;
system("sudo /usr/bin/kill $pid");
close DAEMONCMD; # Waits for process
system("sudo /bin/rm -f spool/exim-daemon.*");
while (<S>) { last if /^\*{4}\s*$/; }
# The sleep command
elsif (/^sleep\s+(.*)$/)
print STDERR " sleep $1 ";
for (1..$1)
print STDERR ".";
print STDERR "\n";
while (<S>) { last if /^\*{4}\s*$/; } # Ignore any input
# I haven't been able to figure out how to do millisleep in Perl yet,
# so we do it externally.
elsif (/^millisleep\s+(.*)$/)
print STDERR " millisleep $1\n";
$cmd = "$_";
# Various other commands are recognized for setting up specific files
# or other things as part of a specific test. We can run perl if we need
# to do one-off messing about.
elsif (/^ln\s/ || /^ls\s/ || /^du\s/ || /^really rmdir/ || /^really rm/ ||
/^client/ || /^mkdir / || /^touch / || /^(really\s+)?perl\s/)
$cmd = "$_ >>test-stdout 2>>test-stderr";
# For the "exim" command, replace the text "exim" with the actual exim
# command we are testing, plus -D options to pass over the path for
# re-execs and the current directory for the location of the spool and
# other files, and a -C option for the testing configuration file.
# To run the command as root, we use "really". This used to be a command
# we used on Solaris years ago. Nowadays this is implemented by sudo.
elsif (/^([A-Z_]+=\S+\s+)?(\d+)?\s*(really\s+)?(time\s+)?exim(_\S+)?\s+(.*)$/)
$args = $6;
my($envset) = (defined $1)? $1 : "";
my($really) = (defined $3)? "sudo " : "";
my($time) = (defined $4)? $4 : "";
my($special)= (defined $5)? $5 : "";
$wait_time = (defined $2)? $2 : 0;
# The string $msg1 in args substitutes the message id of the first
# message on the queue, and so on. */
if ($args =~ /\$msg/)
open (QLIST, "$exim -bp " .
"-DEXIM_PATH=$exim " .
"-DDIR=$cwd " .
"-DCALLER=$caller " .
"-C $cwd/confs/$test " .
"|") || die "*** Couldn't run 'exim -bp'\n";
my(@msglist) = ();
while (<QLIST>)
push (@msglist, $1) if /^\s*\d+[smhdw]\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/;
# Done backwards just in case there are more than 9
for ($i = @msglist; $i > 0; $i--)
$args =~ s/\$msg$i/$msglist[$i-1]/g;
# If -d is specified in $optargs, remove it from $args; i.e. let
# the command line for runtest override.
$args =~ s/(?:^|\s)-d\S*// if $optargs =~ /(?:^|\s)-d/;
$cmd = "$envset$really$time$exim$special $optargs " .
"-DEXIM_PATH=$exim$special " .
"-DDIR=$cwd " .
"-DCALLER=$caller " .
"-C $cwd/confs/$test $args " .
">>test-stdout 2>>test-stderr";
# If the command is starting an Exim daemon, we run it in the same
# way as the "server" command above, that is, we don't want to wait
# for the process to finish. That happens when "killdaemon" is obeyed.
# We also send the stderr output to test-stderr-server. The daemon has
# its log files put in a different place too (by configuring with
# log_file_path). This requires the directory to be set up in advance.
if ($cmd =~ /\s-DSERVER=server\s/)
if ($debug) { printf ">> daemon: $cmd\n"; }
system("sudo mkdir spool/log 2>/dev/null");
system("sudo chown exim:exim spool/log");
open DAEMONCMD, "|${cmd}-server" || die "Failed to run $cmd\n";
while (<S>) { last if /^\*{4}\s*$/; } # Ignore any input
sleep(1); # Let the daemon get going
# Unknown command
print "** Command line unrecognized: $_";
die "** Abandoned\n";
# Run the command, with stdin connected to a pipe, and write the
# stdin data to it. Replace \bDIR\b with the current working directory.
# If a line ends with \NONL\, chop off the terminating newline (and the
# \NONL\).
open CMD, "|$cmd" || die "Failed to run $cmd\n";
while (<S>)
last if /^\*{4}\s*$/;
# if (/^(.*)\\\s*$/) { print CMD $1; } else { print CMD; }
if (/^(.*)\\NONL\\\s*$/) { print CMD $1; } else { print CMD; }
# For timeout tests, wait before closing the pipe; we expect a
# SIGPIPE error in this case.
if ($wait_time > 0)
print STDERR " sleep $wait_time ";
while ($wait_time-- > 0)
print STDERR ".";
print STDERR "\n";
$sigpipehappened = 0;
close CMD;
# Check for the expected result
if ($? != $result && !$sigpipehappened)
printf("** Subtest $i\n") if $i != 1 || !eof S;
if (($? & 0xff) == 0)
printf("** Return code %d: expected %d\n", $?/256, $result/256);
elsif (($? & 0xff00) == 0)
printf("** Killed by signal %d\n", $? & 255);
printf("** Status %x\n", $?);
die "** Abandoned\n";
# If a listening server is running, we can now close its input, which
# causes us to wait for it to finish, which is why we didn't close it
# earlier.
if ($server_pid)
$server_pid = 0;
if ($? != 0)
if (($? & 0xff) == 0)
printf("** Server return code %d\n", $?/256);
elsif (($? & 0xff00) == 0)
printf("** Server killed by signal %d\n", $? & 255);
printf("** Server status %x\n", $?);
die "** Abandoned\n";
last if eof S; # Read the final script line
######## End of script ########
$fn = "$test$suffix"; # File name in each case
# Munge log entries and compare - if no saved copy, it must be empty.
munge("spool/log/paniclog", "test-paniclog-munged", 0)
if (-s "spool/log/paniclog");
if (-s "spool/log/serverpaniclog")
munge("spool/log/serverpaniclog", "test-paniclog-munged", 0);
if (-f "paniclog/$fn")
$need_to_redo |= compare("test-paniclog-munged", "paniclog/$fn");
elsif (-s "spool/log/paniclog")
print "** spool/log/paniclog is not empty\n";
$need_to_redo |= show("test-paniclog-munged", "paniclog/$fn");
# Reject log
munge("spool/log/rejectlog", "test-rejectlog-munged", 0)
if (-s "spool/log/rejectlog");
if (-s "spool/log/serverrejectlog")
munge("spool/log/serverrejectlog", "test-rejectlog-munged", 0);
if (-f "rejectlog/$fn")
$need_to_redo |= compare("test-rejectlog-munged", "rejectlog/$fn");
elsif (-s "spool/log/rejectlog")
print "** spool/log/rejectlog is not empty\n";
$need_to_redo |= show("test-rejectlog-munged", "rejectlog/$fn");
# Main log
munge("spool/log/mainlog", "test-mainlog-munged", 0)
if (-s "spool/log/mainlog");
if (-s "spool/log/servermainlog")
munge("spool/log/servermainlog", "test-mainlog-munged", 0);
if (-f "log/$fn")
$need_to_redo |= compare("test-mainlog-munged", "log/$fn");
elsif (-s "spool/log/mainlog")
print "** spool/log/mainlog is not empty\n";
$need_to_redo |= show("test-mainlog-munged", "log/$fn");
# Munge dates etc. in stdout, and compare - if no saved copy, the file
# must be empty.
if (-s "test-stdout")
munge("test-stdout", "test-mungetmp", 0);
host_munge("test-mungetmp", "test-stdout-munged");
unlink "test-mungetmp";
if (-s "test-stdout-server")
munge("test-stdout-server", "test-stdout-munged", 0);
if (-f "stdout/$fn")
$need_to_redo |= compare("test-stdout-munged", "stdout/$fn");
elsif (-s "test-stdout-munged")
print "** test-stdout-munged is not empty\n";
$need_to_redo |= show("test-stdout-munged", "stdout/$fn");
# Munge and compare stderr - if no saved copy, it must be empty
if (-s "test-stderr")
munge("test-stderr", "test-mungetmp", 0);
host_munge("test-mungetmp", "test-stderr-munged");
unlink "test-mungetmp";
if (-s "test-stderr-server")
munge("test-stderr-server", "test-stderr-munged", 0);
if (-f "stderr/$fn")
$need_to_redo |= compare("test-stderr-munged", "stderr/$fn");
elsif (-s "test-stderr-munged")
print "** test-stderr-munged is not empty\n";
$need_to_redo |= show("test-stderr-munged", "stderr/$fn");
# Skip checking of mailboxes if not wanted.
if (! $message_skip)
# Get a list of expected mailbox files for this test
foreach $oldmail (@oldmails)
next unless $oldmail =~ /^$fn\./;
$expected_mails{$oldmail} = 1;
# If there are any files in test-mail, compare them
opendir(DIR, "test-mail") || die "Failed to opendir test-mail: $!\n";
@mails = sort readdir(DIR);
foreach $mail (@mails)
next if ($mail eq "." || $mail eq ".." || $mail eq "oncelog");
# Some mails are put in sub-directories: this written-out test works
# for one level. If ever we need more, convert it to a proper recursive
# implementation. We have to munge the file names for maildir files,
# because they are time and process-id dependent.
if (-d "test-mail/$mail")
opendir(DIR, "test-mail/$mail") ||
die "Failed to opendir test-mail/$mail: $!\n";
@submails = sort readdir(DIR);
my($msgno) = 0;
foreach $submail (@submails)
next if ($submail eq "." || $submail eq "..");
($munged_submail = $submail) =~
munge("test-mail/$mail/$submail", "test-mail-munged", $header_skip);
$need_to_redo |=
compare("test-mail-munged", "mail/$fn.$mail/$munged_submail");
delete $expected_mails{"$fn.$mail/$submail"};
else # top-level file
munge("test-mail/$mail", "test-mail-munged", $header_skip);
$need_to_redo |= compare("test-mail-munged", "mail/$fn.$mail");
delete $expected_mails{"$fn.$mail"};
# Complain if not all expected mails have been found
if (scalar(keys %expected_mails) != 0)
foreach $key (keys %expected_mails)
{ print "** no mailbox found for mail/$key\n"; }
exit 1;
# Skip msglog checks if not wanted.
if (! $msglog_skip)
# Get a list of expected msglog files for this test
foreach $oldmsglog (@oldmsglogs)
next unless $oldmsglog =~ /^$fn\./;
$expected_msglogs{$oldmsglog} = 1;
# If there are any files in spool/msglog, compare them. However, we have
# to munge the file names because they are message ids, which are
# time dependent.
if (opendir(DIR, "spool/msglog"))
@msglogs = sort readdir(DIR);
foreach $msglog (@msglogs)
next if ($msglog eq "." || $msglog eq "..");
($munged_msglog = $msglog) =~
/new_value($1, "10Hm%s-0005vi-00", \$next_msgid)/egx;
munge("spool/msglog/$msglog", "test-msglog-munged", 0);
$need_to_redo |=
compare("test-msglog-munged", "msglog/$fn.$munged_msglog");
delete $expected_msglogs{"$fn.$munged_msglog"};
# Complain if not all expected msglogs have been found
if (scalar(keys %expected_msglogs) != 0)
foreach $key (keys %expected_msglogs)
print "** no msglog found for msglog/$key\n";
($msgid) = $key =~ /^\d+\.(.*)$/;
foreach $cachekey (keys %cache)
if ($cache{$cachekey} eq $msgid)
print "** original msgid $cachekey\n";
exit 1;
goto REDO if $need_to_redo;
die "\n** No tests selected\n" if !$ran_one;
system("sudo /bin/rm -rf ./exim ./exim_* ./exinext spool/* test-*");
# --------- Tidying up ---------
# After running the Perl script, we must check for any Exim daemons that
# have been left running, and kill them. Then remove all the spool data,
# test output, and the modified Exim binary if the Perl script ended normally.
perl -w - $0 $@ <<'End'
opendir(DIR, "spool") || die "Failed to opendir spool: $!\n";
@spools = sort readdir(DIR);
foreach $spool (@spools)
next if $spool !~ /^exim-daemon./;
open(PID, "spool/$spool") || die "Failed to open spool/$spool: $!\n";
chomp($pid = <PID>);
print "Tidyup: killing daemon pid=$pid\n";
system("sudo kill $pid");
if [ $testrc -eq 0 ]; then
sudo /bin/rm -rf ./exim spool/* test-*
# End of runtest script
Index: showenv
#! /bin/sh
echo Test pipe script - umask, uid, gid are:
echo /bin/whoami
echo ------------------
echo Args:
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
echo " $1"
echo ----------current-----------
echo ----------env-----------
echo ----------cat-----------
echo ------------------
Index: ABOUT
RCS file: /home/cvs/exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/ABOUT,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- ABOUT 8 Oct 2004 14:04:55 -0000 1.1
+++ ABOUT 8 Oct 2004 14:49:15 -0000 1.2
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$Cambridge: exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/ABOUT,v 1.1 2004/10/08 14:04:55 ph10 Exp $
+$Cambridge: exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest/ABOUT,v 1.2 2004/10/08 14:49:15 ph10 Exp $
CVS directory exim/exim-test-orig/AutoTest
@@ -8,5 +8,57 @@
the whole set can be run without intervention. The original test suite is very
tied to Philip Hazel's workstation. It is hoped that a more portable test suite
will be created in the fullness of time.
+Here is some detail about the contents of this directory:
+These files are Perl scripts:
+List Generates a list of all the tests by extracting the first line from
+ each test script.
+Use Makes it possible to run exim using the configuration of a specified
+ test; useful while debugging.
+resubmit Resubmits a message to Exim: recipients on command line.
+resubmitB Resubmits a message to Exim: recipients from BSMTP.
+runtest The main Perl script that runs the tests. Much hacked about. With
+ no arguments, runs all standard tests; with one argument, runs one
+ test. With two arguments, runs a set of tests. The final argument
+ can be "+" to mean "to the end". Some tests at the end are
+ non-standard (e.g. need a particular database to be running). They
+ are excluded unless explicitly requested.
+showenv Echoes its arguments and the current environment.
+These are the subdirectories:
+aux This is a directory containing files of auxiliary data that are used
+ by the various tests.
+confs An Exim configuration for each numbered test.
+log The munged log output from each numbered test that produces output.
+mail Delivered messages from tests that do that.
+msglog Message log files from tests that leave them around.
+paniclog Panic logs from tests that produce them.
+rejectlog Reject logs from tests that produce them.
+scripts Each test has one of these scripts that controls what happens. The
+ script is interpreted by the "runtest" Perl script.
+stderr Standard error output from tests that produce it.
+stdout Standard output from tests that produce it.
+src This directory contains the sources of the little C programs that
+ are used in the tests.
Index: 001
# Exim test configuration 001
# Some default drivers to test -bP
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = dnslookup
domains = ! +local_domains
transport = remote_smtp
driver = ipliteral
domains = ! +local_domains
transport = remote_smtp
driver = queryprogram
command = /some/command
command_user = exim
driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
route_list = * localhost byname
transport = remote_smtp
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/aliases}}
driver = redirect
file = $home/.forward
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = smtp
driver = lmtp
command = DIR/mtpscript DIR/aux/200.script.$h_script: +DIR/spool/log/mainlog
timeout = 1s
user = exim
driver = appendfile
file = /var/mail/${local_part}
driver = pipe
driver = appendfile
driver = appendfile
message_prefix = ""
message_suffix = ""
driver = autoreply
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 002
# Exim test configuration 002
# This options file contains settings for every single Exim option, so as
# to test that they are all recognized. It picks up typos in the source tables.
# It was originally converted from the Exim 3 version - this has led to some
# redundancy, but that doesn't really matter.
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
acl_not_smtp = check_local_message
acl_smtp_auth = check_auth
acl_smtp_connect = check_connect
acl_smtp_data = check_message
acl_smtp_etrn = check_etrn
acl_smtp_expn = check_expn
acl_smtp_helo = check_helo
acl_smtp_mail = check_mail
acl_smtp_mailauth = check_mailauth
acl_smtp_quit = check_quit
acl_smtp_predata = check_predata
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_starttls = check_starttls
acl_smtp_vrfy = check_vrfy
admin_groups = 1234
auth_advertise_hosts = a.a.h
auto_thaw = 1d
bi_command =
bounce_message_file =
bounce_message_text =
bounce_return_body = false
return_size_limit = 12K
bounce_return_size_limit = 10K
callout_domain_negative_expire = 1h
callout_domain_positive_expire = 1d
callout_negative_expire = 5h
callout_positive_expire = 1w
callout_random_local_part = xxx\
check_log_inodes = 0
check_log_space = 0
check_spool_inodes = 0
check_spool_space = 0
daemon_smtp_port =
daemon_smtp_ports =
delay_warning = 1d
delay_warning_condition = ${if match{$h_precedence:}{(?i)bulk|list}{no}{yes}}
deliver_queue_load_max = 6.2
dns_again_means_nonexist = *
dns_check_names_pattern = ^.*$
dns_ipv4_lookup = *
dns_retrans = 0s
dns_retry = 0
errors_copy =
errors_reply_to = postmaster@???
# This shouldn't be the real exim group
exim_group = 99
# exim_path is set above
exim_user = exim
extra_local_interfaces =
finduser_retries = 0
freeze_tell = postmaster
gecos_name =
gecos_pattern =
headers_charset = UTF-8
header_maxsize = 2M
header_line_maxsize = 2K
helo_accept_junk_hosts =
helo_allow_chars = _
helo_lookup_domains =
helo_verify_hosts = localhost
helo_try_verify_hosts =
hold_domains =
host_lookup = a.b.c.d
host_lookup_order = bydns
host_reject_connection =
hosts_connection_nolog =
hosts_treat_as_local =
ignore_bounce_errors_after = 2m
ignore_fromline_hosts = a.b.c.d
keep_malformed = 4d
ldap_default_servers = localhost
ldap_version = 2
local_from_prefix = *-
local_from_suffix = =*
local_interfaces =
local_scan_timeout = 10s
localhost_number = "13 "
log_file_path =
log_selector = \
+address_rewrite \
-all \
+all_parents \
+arguments \
-connection_reject \
-delay_delivery \
+incoming_interface \
+incoming_port \
+lost_incoming_connection \
-queue_run \
+received_recipients \
+received_sender \
-retry_defer \
+return_path_on_delivery \
+sender_on_delivery \
+size_reject \
-skip_delivery \
+smtp_confirmation \
+smtp_connection \
+smtp_syntax_error \
+subject \
+tls_cipher \
lookup_open_max = 16
max_username_length = 8
message_body_visible = 500
message_id_header_domain = a.b.c
message_id_header_text = x.y.z
message_size_limit = 500K
hide mysql_servers = localhost///
never_users = root:daemon:bin
percent_hack_domains =
#perl_startup =
pipelining_advertise_hosts = *.b.c
hide pgsql_servers = localhost///
pid_file_path = /some/thing
primary_hostname =
process_log_path = /a/b/c/d
qualify_domain =
qualify_recipient =
queue_domains = a.b.c
queue_only_file = /var/spool/exim/queue_only
queue_only_load = 8.2
queue_run_max = 5
queue_smtp_domains = x.y.z
receive_timeout = 0s
received_header_text = Received: ${if def:sender_rcvhost {from ${sender_rcvhost}\n\t}{${if def:sender_ident {from ${sender_ident} }}${if def:sender_helo_name {(helo=${sender_helo_name})\n\t}}}}by ${primary_hostname} ${if def:received_protocol {with ${received_protocol}}} (Exim ${version_number} #${compile_number})\n\tid ${message_id}${if def:received_for {\n\tfor $received_for}}
received_headers_max = 30
recipient_unqualified_hosts =
recipients_max = 0
remote_max_parallel = 1
remote_sort_domains =
retry_data_expire = 24h
retry_interval_max = 1d
rfc1413_hosts =
rfc1413_query_timeout = 30s
sender_unqualified_hosts =
smtp_accept_max = 20
smtp_accept_max_nonmail = 40
smtp_accept_max_nonmail_hosts = ! *.b.c
smtp_accept_max_per_connection = 20
smtp_accept_max_per_host = 4
smtp_accept_queue = 0
smtp_accept_queue_per_connection = 10
smtp_active_hostname = x.y.z
smtp_max_synprot_errors = 11
smtp_max_unknown_commands = 10
smtp_ratelimit_hosts = *
smtp_ratelimit_mail = 1, 1s, 2, 10s
smtp_ratelimit_rcpt = 10, 2s, 5, 5m
smtp_accept_reserve = 0
smtp_banner = ${primary_hostname} ESMTP Exim ${version_number} #${compile_number} ${tod_full}
smtp_connect_backlog = 5
smtp_etrn_command =
smtp_load_reserve = 2
smtp_receive_timeout = 1m
smtp_reserve_hosts =
# spool_directory is set above
syslog_facility = uucp
syslog_processname = mta-exim
system_filter = /home/exim/test/filter
system_filter_directory_transport =
system_filter_file_transport =
system_filter_group = mail
system_filter_pipe_transport =
system_filter_reply_transport =
system_filter_user = 99
tcp_nodelay = false
timeout_frozen_after = 7d
timezone = EDT
tls_advertise_hosts = localhost
tls_certificate = /some/file
tls_crl = /some/file
tls_dhparam = /some/file
tls_privatekey = /some/file
tls_on_connect_ports = 1:2:3
tls_require_ciphers = a:b:c
tls_verify_certificates = /some/directory
tls_verify_hosts = *
tls_try_verify_hosts = *
trusted_groups = mail
trusted_users = exim
unknown_login =
unknown_username =
untrusted_set_sender = *
uucp_from_pattern = ^From\s+(\S+)\s+(?:[a-zA-Z]{3},?\s+)?(?:[a-zA-Z]{3}\s+\d?\d|\d?\d\s+[a-zA-Z]{3}\s+\d\d(?:\d\d)?)\s+\d\d?:\d\d?
uucp_from_sender = $1
warn_message_file = /home/exim/test/warnmsg_file
write_rejectlog = false
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
# The manualroute router
driver = manualroute
address_data = domainlist address data
cannot_route_message = can't route this address
condition =
debug_print =
domains =
errors_to =
fallback_hosts = localhost
group = mail
headers_add =
headers_remove =
host_find_failed = freeze
local_parts =
pass_router = manualroute2
redirect_router = manualroute2
require_files =
route_data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/}}
router_home_directory = /usr
self = freeze
senders =
transport = smtp
user = root
# Manualroute2 router, for mutually exclusive options
driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
route_list = ^fax(\.cl(\.cam(\.ac\.uk)?)?)?$; \
# The iplookup router
# driver = iplookup
# caseful_local_part
# condition =
# debug_print =
# domains =
# errors_to =
# no_fail_verify
# fallback_hosts = localhost
# group = mail
# headers_add =
# headers_remove =
# hosts =
# no_initgroups
# local_parts =
# more
# optional
# no_pass_on_timeout
# port = 9192
# protocol = tcp
# query =
# require_files =
# reroute =
# response_pattern =
# self = freeze
# senders =
# timeout = 5s
# no_unseen
# user = root
# no_verify_only
# no_verify
# The dnslookup router
driver = dnslookup
check_srv = newsmtp
condition =
debug_print =
domains =
errors_to =
fallback_hosts =
group = mail
headers_add =
headers_remove =
ignore_target_hosts =
local_parts =
mx_domains = *
mx_fail_domains =
require_files =
self = freeze
senders =
srv_fail_domains = some.bad.srv.domain
translate_ip_address =
transport = smtp
user = root
widen_domains =
# The queryprogram router
driver = queryprogram
command = /some/command
command_group = 4321
command_user = 1234
condition =
current_directory =
debug_print =
domains =
errors_to =
fallback_hosts =
group = mail
headers_add =
headers_remove =
local_parts =
require_files =
self = freeze
senders =
timeout = 10s
transport = smtp
user = root
# The redirect router, in "alias" mode
driver = redirect
address_data = aliasfile address data
condition =
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/aliases}}
debug_print =
directory_transport = dummy
domains =
errors_to =
fallback_hosts =
file_transport = dummy
group = 100
headers_add =
headers_remove =
include_directory = /i/n/c
local_part_prefix =
local_part_suffix =
local_parts =
pipe_transport = dummy
qualify_domain = xxxx
redirect_router = aliasfile2
require_files =
senders =
sieve_vacation_directory = /thing/thong
syntax_errors_to =
transport_current_directory =
transport_home_directory =
user = 100
# Aliasfile2 for mutually exclusive options
driver = redirect
file = /some/file
# The redirect router in "forward" mode
driver = redirect
condition =
debug_print =
directory_transport = dummy
domains =
errors_to =
fallback_hosts =
file = //.forward2
file_transport = dummy
group = mail
headers_add =
headers_remove =
local_part_prefix = xxx-
local_part_suffix =
local_parts =
modemask = 022
owners = root
owngroups = mail
pipe_transport = dummy
redirect_router = aliasfile2
reply_transport = dummy
require_files =
senders =
syntax_errors_text = rhubarb
syntax_errors_to =
transport_current_directory =
transport_home_directory =
user = root
# The accept router
driver = accept
condition =
debug_print =
domains =
errors_to =
fallback_hosts =
group = mail
headers_add = X-added: by localuser
headers_remove =
local_part_prefix =
local_part_suffix =
local_parts =
redirect_router = smartuser
require_files =
senders =
transport = ${if eq{$local_part}{caller}{local_mbx_delivery}{local_delivery}}
transport_current_directory =
transport_home_directory =
user = 99
# The redirect router in "smartuser" mode
driver = redirect
condition =
data = user@domain
debug_print =
domains =
errors_to =
fallback_hosts =
file_transport = dummy
group = mail
headers_add =
headers_remove =
local_part_prefix =
local_part_suffix =
local_parts = abcd
pipe_transport = dummy
redirect_router = localuser
require_files =
senders =
user = root
# ----- Transports -----
# Dummy transport, to refer back to
begin transports
driver = pipe
# Appendfile Transport
driver = appendfile
batch_max = 100
batch_id = rhubarb
check_string = abcd
create_file = anywhere
current_directory =
debug_print =
directory_mode = 0700
escape_string = xyz
file = /home/$local_part/inbox
file_format = "From : appendfile"
group = mail
headers_add = X-original-domain: $original_domain\nX-original-localp: $original_local_part
headers_remove =
headers_rewrite = a@b c@d
lock_fcntl_timeout = 10s
lock_interval = 3s
lock_retries = 10
lockfile_mode = 0600
lockfile_timeout = 30m
mailbox_size = 1000
mailbox_filecount = 9999
maildir_quota_directory_regex =
maildir_retries = 10
maildir_tag =
mailstore_prefix =
mailstore_suffix =
message_size_limit = 1M
mode = 0600
message_prefix = From ${if def:return_path{$return_path}{MAILER-DAEMON}} ${tod_bsdinbox}\n
quota =
quota_size_regex = (\d+)$
quota_warn_message = "A warning message"
quota_warn_threshold =
return_path = xxxx
shadow_condition = $h_return-receipt-to
shadow_transport = dummy
message_suffix = \n
transport_filter =
transport_filter_timeout = 10s
user = root
# For options that are mutually exclusive with those above
driver = appendfile
directory = /etc
directory_file = afilename
quota_directory = /some/directory
quota = 1M
quota_filecount = 10
# Ditto
driver = appendfile
file = /etc/junk
# Ditto
driver = appendfile
directory = /etc
# Autoreply transport
driver = autoreply
bcc =
cc =
debug_print =
file =
from = $local_part
group = 100
headers =
headers_add =
headers_remove =
log =
mode = 0600
never_mail = x@y
once =
once_file_size = 4000
once_repeat = 2d
reply_to = $local_part
shadow_condition =
shadow_transport = dummy
subject = message received
text = Message from <$sender_address> has reached my inbox.
to = $sender_address
transport_filter =
user = 100
# Pipe transport
driver = pipe
allow_commands =
batch_max = 100
batch_id = rhubarb
command =
current_directory =
debug_print =
environment = "a=b"
group = mail
headers_add =
headers_remove =
home_directory =
max_output = 20K
path = /usr/bin
message_prefix = From ${if def:return_path{$return_path}{MAILER-DAEMON}} ${tod_bsdinbox}\n
shadow_condition =
shadow_transport = dummy
message_suffix = \n
temp_errors = 75 : 73
timeout = 1h
transport_filter =
umask = 022
user = root
# Smtp transport
driver = smtp
authenticated_sender = abcde
command_timeout = 5m
connect_timeout = 0s
connection_max_messages = 0
data_timeout = 5m
debug_print =
fallback_hosts = localhost
final_timeout = 10m
headers_add =
headers_remove =
helo_data = some.text
hosts = localhost
hosts_avoid_tls = *
hosts_avoid_esmtp = x.y.z
hosts_max_try = 10
hosts_nopass_tls = *
hosts_require_auth = *
hosts_require_tls = *
hosts_try_auth = *
interface =
max_rcpt = 0
port = 25
protocol = lmtp
serialize_hosts =
size_addition = -1
tls_certificate = /a/b/c
tls_privatekey = /h/i/j
tls_verify_certificates = /n/o/p
tls_require_ciphers = x:y:z
tls_tempfail_tryclear = false
transport_filter =
# Lmtp transport
driver = lmtp
batch_max = 100
batch_id = rhubarb
hide command = /home/ph10/exim/AutoTest/mtpscript
debug_print =
group = exim
headers_add =
headers_remove =
message_size_limit = 0
return_path =
hide no_return_path_add
timeout = 1s
transport_filter =
user = exim
# Lmtp transport with socket
driver = lmtp
socket = /some/socket
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 003
# Exim test configuration 003
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
smtp_accept_max_nonmail = 1000
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
accept hosts = :
deny senders = a@??? : X@??? : ^\\Dx@e\\.f : ^\\DY@G\\.H :\
lsearch*@;DIR/aux/003.rej.lsearch :\
cdb*@;DIR/aux/003.rej.cdb :\
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 004
# Exim test configuration 004
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
smtp_accept_max_nonmail = 1000
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
accept hosts = :
deny senders = +caseful: a@??? : X@??? : ^\\Dx@e\\.f : ^\\DY@G\\.H :\
lsearch*@;DIR/aux/003.rej.lsearch :\
cdb*@;DIR/aux/003.rej.cdb :\
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 005
# Exim test configuration 005
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains =
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
message_id_header_domain = ${if eq{0}{0}{some.domain}}
message_id_header_text = ${if eq{0}{0}{a@b[c]}}
trusted_users = CALLER
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
headers_add = X-local-user: uid=$local_user_uid gid=$local_user_gid
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
headers_add = "X-body-linecount: $body_linecount\n\
X-received-count: $received_count"
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 006
# Exim test configuration 006
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
acl_smtp_rcpt = accept
trusted_users = CALLER
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
file_transport = address_file
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
headers_add = \nMessage Headers:\n$message_headers\n
driver = appendfile
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 007
# Exim test configuration 007
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains =
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = appendfile
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 008
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains =
# Exim test configuration 008
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
trusted_users = CALLER
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite ----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = appendfile
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 009
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains =
# Exim test configuration 009
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
trusted_users = CALLER
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite ----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = appendfile
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 010
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains =
# Exim test configuration 010
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
trusted_users = CALLER
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite ----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = appendfile
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 011
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains =
# Exim test configuration 011
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
trusted_users = CALLER
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite ----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = appendfile
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 012
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains =
# Exim test configuration 012
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite ----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = appendfile
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 013
# Exim test configuration 013
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
acl_smtp_etrn = check_etrn
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
deny hosts =
sender_domains = some.domain
deny hosts =
senders = x@y
accept hosts = localhost
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 014
# Exim test configuration 014
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
acl_smtp_etrn = check_etrn
log_selector = -etrn
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
deny hosts = !localhost
warn log_message = accepted ETRN $smtp_command_argument
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 015
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
#!!# All previous logging options are combined into a single
#!!# option in Exim 4. This setting is an approximation to
#!!# the previous state - some logging has changed.
log_selector = \
# Exim test configuration 015
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
trusted_users = CALLER
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
headers_add = "X-interface: $interface_address"
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 016
# Exim test configuration 016
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
acl_smtp_expn = check_expn
qualify_domain = test.ex
# ----- ACLs -----
begin acl
accept hosts =
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 017
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used to control the ETRN, EXPN, and VRFY commands.
#!!# Where no ACL is defined, the command is locked out.
acl_smtp_vrfy = check_vrfy
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
# Exim test configuration 017
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
#!!# ACL that is used after the VRFY command
accept hosts = *
# ----- Rewrite ----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 018
# Exim test configuration 018
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = exim.test.ex
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
log_selector = +smtp_incomplete_transaction
qualify_domain = exim.test.ex
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
require verify = sender
deny message = unrouteable address
!verify = recipient
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 019
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = exim.test.ex
domainlist relay_domains = exim.test.ex
# Exim test configuration 019
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = exim.test.ex
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept recipients = postmaster@???
accept senders = myfriend@*
deny message = host is listed in $dnslist_domain
dnslists = rbl.test.ex
require verify = sender
deny message = unrouteable address
!verify = recipient
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite ----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 020
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = exim.test.ex
domainlist relay_domains = exim.test.ex
# Exim test configuration 020
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = exim.test.ex
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept recipients = postmaster@???
deny message = host is listed in $dnslist_domain
dnslists = rbl.test.ex
require verify = sender
deny message = unrouteable address
!verify = recipient
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Authentication -----
begin authenticators
driver = plaintext
public_name = PLAIN
server_condition = "\
${if and {{eq{$2}{ph10}}{eq{$3}{secret}}}{yes}{no}}"
server_set_id = $2
# End
# ----- Rewrite ----
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 021
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = @
# Exim test configuration 021
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite ----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
driver = dnslookup
domains = ! +local_domains
transport = smtp
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = smtp
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 022
# Exim test configuration 022
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = xoanon.test.ex
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
file = DIR/aux/022.filter.$local_part
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
headers_add = "X-size: $message_size\n\
X-body-size: $message_body_size\n\
X-body: $message_body\n\
X-tail: $message_body_end\n\
X-local-user: uid=$local_user_uid gid=$local_user_gid"
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 023
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = @
# Exim test configuration 023
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
route_list = "\
domain1 ten-1.test.ex byname;\
lsearch;;DIR/aux/023.routes $value bydns;\
^domain(3) ten-$1.test.ex byname"
transport = smtp
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = smtp
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 024
# Exim test configuration 024
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
message_logs = MESSAGE_LOGS
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
local_part_prefix = *+
local_part_suffix = -*
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
pipe_transport = address_pipe
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = pipe
environment = "A=a:B=b : C=c : COLON=:: : ME=$local_part"
user = exim
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 025
# Exim test configuration 025
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
data = "\
local_part_prefix = *+
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = redirect
file = DIR/aux/025.filter.$local_part
local_part_prefix = *+
pipe_transport = address_pipe
reply_transport = address_reply
driver = accept
local_part_prefix = B+
transport = local_delivery_b
driver = accept
local_part_prefix = S+
transport = delivery_s
driver = accept
local_part_prefix = *+
local_part_suffix = -B
transport = local_delivery_b
driver = accept
local_part_suffix = -S
transport = delivery_s
driver = accept
local_part_prefix = *+
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
headers_add = X-local_part: $local_part\n\
X-local_part_prefix: $local_part_prefix
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
headers_add = X-local_part: $local_part\n\
X-local_part_prefix: $local_part_prefix
driver = smtp
hosts =
port = 1225
driver = autoreply
driver = pipe
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 026
# Exim test configuration 026
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
file = DIR/aux/026.filter.$local_part
local_part_suffix = +*
reply_transport = address_reply
driver = accept
local_part_suffix = +*
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = autoreply
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 027
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
# Exim test configuration 027
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 028
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
# Exim test configuration 028
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
trusted_users = CALLER
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 029
# Exim test configuration 029
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
trusted_users = CALLER
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : \
myhost.ex : \
bad.ex : \
DIR/aux/ : \
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
driver = accept
domains = "test.ex : DIR/aux/ :\
!lsearch;DIR/aux/029.notdomains : !bad.ex"
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 030
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
# Exim test configuration 030
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
trusted_users = CALLER
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
local_parts = !xx99 : ^!one\$ : !^!two\$ : *99
transport = local_delivery
user = CALLER
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 031
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = *.test.ex : myhost.ex
# Exim test configuration 031
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
trusted_users = CALLER
# ----- Main settings -----
hold_domains = !one.test.ex : *.test.ex : myhost.ex
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 032
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : domain1.ex
# Exim test configuration 032
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
trusted_users = CALLER
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part@$domain}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases.dom}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 033
# Exim test configuration 033
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
trusted_users = CALLER
# ----- Main settings -----
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = dnslookup
mx_domains = !ten-1.test.ex : *.test.ex
transport = smtp
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = smtp
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 034
# Exim test configuration 034
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
queue_domains = !unknown.test.ex : !^ten-\\d+\\.test\\.ex\$ : *.test.ex
queue_smtp_domains = !ten-1.test.ex : \N^ten-\d+\.test\.ex$\N
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
route_list = local.test.ex
transport = local_delivery
user = CALLER
driver = dnslookup
domains = ! +local_domains
transport = smtp
cannot_route_message = $domain is not local, and can't route by DNS
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = smtp
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 035
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
domainlist relay_domains = *
# Exim test configuration 035
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 036
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex : *.test.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex : !*
# Exim test configuration 036
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
percent_hack_domains = " ! a.test.ex : !b.test.ex : \
!DIR/aux/036.d1 : ! DIR/aux/036.d2 : *.test.ex"
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 037
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
hostlist relay_hosts = *
# Exim test configuration 037
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 038
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex
hostlist relay_hosts = !*
# Exim test configuration 038
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 039
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex
hostlist relay_hosts = "! : ! : \
!DIR/aux/039.d1 : ! DIR/aux/039.d2 : \
ten-1.test.ex : ten-5-6.test.ex"
# Exim test configuration 039
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 040
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex
hostlist relay_hosts = @
# Exim test configuration 040
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = ten-1.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 041
# Exim test configuration 041
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex
hostlist relay_hosts = *-2.test.ex : *-3-alias.test.ex
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
deny message = relay not permitted
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 042
# Exim test configuration 042
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex
hostlist relay_hosts = ^[^\\d]+2
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
# ------ ACL ------
begin acl
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
deny message = relay not permitted
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 043
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex
hostlist relay_hosts = lsearch;DIR/aux/043.hosts
# Exim test configuration 043
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 044
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex
hostlist relay_hosts = " : ! : : \
net16-lsearch;DIR/aux/044.nets : \
net24-lsearch;DIR/aux/044.nets : \
# Exim test configuration 044
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 045
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex
hostlist relay_hosts = !DIR/aux/045.nothosts : DIR/aux/045.hostnets
# Exim test configuration 045
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 046
# Exim test configuration 046
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
smtp_accept_max_nonmail = 1000
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
accept hosts = :
accept recipients = postmaster@*
deny senders = !x@??? : *@b.c :\
!^philip@??? : ^(phil|quil)[^@]*@ :\
!yy@lsearch;DIR/aux/046.rej.lsearch :\
lsearch*@;DIR/aux/046.rej.lsearch :\
@@lsearch*;DIR/aux/046.rej.bydomain : \
! x@??? : * :\
! DIR/aux/046.not1 : !DIR/aux/046.not2 : \
deny senders = 1234@??? : DIR/aux/046.rejrec
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 047
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
# Exim test configuration 047
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = postmaster@???
senders = testdb;defer
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
begin retry
* * F,2h,10m
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 048
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
# Exim test configuration 048
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
deny senders = testdb;defer
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 049
# Exim test configuration 049
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
acl_smtp_rcpt = accept
recipients_max = 5
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 050
# Exim test configuration 050
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.ex
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient$local_part
sender_unqualified_hosts = +include_unknown: ^ten-1\\.test\\.ex
# ------ ACL ------
begin acl
accept hosts = :
deny hosts = +include_unknown : ^ten-1\\.test\\.ex
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
accept hosts = non.existent.invalid :
deny message = "Denied"
accept hosts = +ignore_unknown : non.existent.invalid :
deny message = "Denied"
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 051
# Exim test configuration 051
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
acl_smtp_rcpt = rcpt
helo_verify_hosts = ten-1.test.ex : ten-3.test.ex :
helo_try_verify_hosts = ten-2.test.ex
log_selector = -host_lookup_failed
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
require message = helo not verified
verify = helo
deny message = helo did verify
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 052
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = @
# Exim test configuration 052
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = pipe
environment = "A=a:B=b : C=c : COLON=:: : ME=$local_part"
user = exim
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 053
# Exim test configuration 053
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = accept
senders = !
transport = reply
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = autoreply
once = DIR/spool/autolog
text = "Test auto reply to ${escape:$h_subject:}"
to = $reply_address
user = exim
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 054
# Exim test configuration 054
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = accept
senders = !
transport = reply
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = autoreply
once = DIR/spool/autolog
once_repeat = ${if eq {0}{0}{4s}fail}
text = "Test auto reply to $h_subject:"
to = $reply_address
user = exim
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 055
# Exim test configuration 055
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
file = DIR/aux/055.filter
reply_transport = address_reply
driver = redirect
local_parts = abcd
data = :blackhole:
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = autoreply
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 056
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
# Exim test configuration 056
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/subdir/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 057
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
# Exim test configuration 057
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/subdir/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
begin retry
* * F,10m,2d
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 058
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.test.ex
# Exim test configuration 058
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
deny hosts = ! @ : ! localhost
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 059
# Exim test configuration 059
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.test.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
trusted_users = CALLER
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
accept hosts = :
require verify = sender
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
# ----- Rewrite -----
begin rewrite
*@*.one.two $1@???
abcd@^qu aaa@bbb
*pqr@^qu(.*) 1=$1@zz$2
hhhh@??? "${if eq {$h_to:}{x@y}{yes}{no}}@???"
# Fancy example of a supposed outgoing gateway rewrite #
# No rewrite unless domain is *.plc.example
^(?>.*)(?<!\.plc\.example) *
# Handle root specially except envelope to
root@*.plc.example "admin@??? (root@$1)" whFq
# Failure in envelope sender is bad - should fail to verify
*@*.plc.example ${lookup{$local_part@$2}lsearch\
{$value}{"$1@$2.plc.example-is-not-known"}}@plc.example Fq
# Use envelope for failing header sender
*@*.plc.example "${lookup{$local_part@$2}lsearch\
{$sender_address}}" fsrq
# Other failures => `unknown'
*@*.plc.example "${lookup{$local_part@$2}lsearch\
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = manualroute
domains = *.plc.example
route_list = *
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: Unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
driver = accept
local_parts = ph10
transport = appendfile
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
message_suffix =
user = CALLER
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 060
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.test.ex
# Exim test configuration 060
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
driver = dnslookup
domains = ! +local_domains
self = pass
transport = remote_smtp
driver = manualroute
debug_print = "self_hostname=$self_hostname\n"
domains = ! +local_domains
host_find_failed = pass
route_list = * $local_part byname
transport = remote_smtp
driver = manualroute
debug_print = "self_hostname=$self_hostname\n"
domains = ! +local_domains
route_list = * myhost.test.ex byname
transport = remote_smtp
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = smtp
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 061
# Exim test configuration 061
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = exim.test.ex
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
log_selector = +incoming_interface
qualify_domain = exim.test.ex
system_filter = DIR/aux/061.filter
system_filter_file_transport = file
system_filter_reply_transport = reply
trusted_users = CALLER
# ------ ACL ------
begin acl
accept hosts = :
warn message = X-Warning: $sender_host_address is blacklisted at $dnslist_domain
log_message = $sender_host_address is in $dnslist_domain
dnslists = rbl.test.ex
warn message = X-Warning: $sender_host_address is blacklisted at $dnslist_domain
log_message = accepting postmaster from host in $dnslist_domain
recipients = postmaster@???
dnslists = rbl2.test.ex
accept recipients = postmaster@???
deny message = host is listed in $dnslist_domain
dnslists = rbl2.test.ex
require verify = sender
deny message = unrouteable address
!verify = recipient
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
# ------ Routers ------
begin routers
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = appendfile
user = CALLER
driver = autoreply
user = CALLER
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 062
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = exim.test.ex
domainlist relay_domains = exim.test.ex
# Exim test configuration 062
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = exim.test.ex
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept recipients = postmaster@???
deny message = host is listed in $dnslist_domain
dnslists = rbl.test.ex:rbl2.test.ex
require verify = sender
deny message = unrouteable address
!verify = recipient
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite ----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/aliases}}
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 063
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = xoanon.test.ex
# Exim test configuration 063
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = xoanon.test.ex
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
debug_print = ">$h_X-one:<\n"
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 064
# Exim test configuration 064
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
acl_smtp_etrn = accept
log_selector = \
+smtp_syntax_error \
recipients_max = 5
smtp_max_synprot_errors = 1000
# ----- Authentication -----
begin authenticators
driver = plaintext
public_name = PLAIN
server_condition = "\
${if and {{eq{$2}{ph10}}{eq{$3}{secret}}}{yes}{no}}"
server_set_id = $2
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 065
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
# Exim test configuration 065
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
trusted_users = CALLER
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite ----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
headers_add = "Proto: $received_protocol"
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 066
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
# Exim test configuration 066
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
trusted_users = CALLER
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite ----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
headers_add = "Proto: $received_protocol"
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 067
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.test.ex
# Exim test configuration 067
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
require_files = ! DIR/aux/067.$local_part
#!!# new_director renamed redirect_router
driver = redirect
file = DIR/aux/067.$local_part
redirect_router = localuser
require_files = DIR/aux/067.$local_part
driver = accept
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 068
# Exim test configuration 068
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : \
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = manualroute
domains = smart.domain
local_parts = ${lookup{$domain}lsearch{DIR/aux/}{$value}}
route_list = *
senders = ${lookup{$domain}lsearch{DIR/aux/}{$value}}
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
driver = accept
domains = test.ex
local_parts = ${lookup{$domain}lsearch{DIR/aux/}{$value}}
require_files = ${lookup{$domain.files}lsearch{DIR/aux/}{$value}}
senders = ${lookup{$domain}lsearch{DIR/aux/}{$value}}
transport = dummy
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 069
# Exim test configuration 069
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
acl_smtp_rcpt = accept
acl_smtp_data = check_message
recipient_unqualified_hosts =
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
require verify = header_syntax
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 070
# Exim test configuration 070
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
accept hosts = :
require verify = sender
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
require verify = header_sender
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
local_parts = defer
data = :defer: this is a forced defer
driver = accept
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 071
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : myhost.test.ex
# Exim test configuration 071
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
hosts_treat_as_local = ten-1.test.ex : ten-99.test.ex
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
driver = dnslookup
domains = ! +local_domains
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 072
# Exim test configuration 072
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = Test.ex : myhost.test.EX
domainlist relay_domains = Test.ex :
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
helo_allow_chars = _
helo_accept_junk_hosts = *N-99.test.ex
sender_unqualified_hosts = *N-99.test.EX
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
local_parts = XYZ
route_list = * $domain byname
transport = dummy
driver = dnslookup
domains = ! +local_domains
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
driver = accept
local_parts = ABCD
transport = dummy
driver = accept
transport = dummy
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = smtp
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 073
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : *.test.ex
# Exim test configuration 073
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
senders = !:
transport = respond
driver = accept
transport = appendfile
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = autoreply
text = This is an autogenerated message.
to = $sender_address
user = exim
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 074
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : *.test.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex
# Exim test configuration 074
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
deny hosts = !
!verify = sender
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
require verify = header_sender
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = accept
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 075
#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries
#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.
#!!# However, is is not perfect, especially with non-simple
#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.
#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that
#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA
#!!# commands, respectively.
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_data = check_message
#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called
#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that
#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced
#!!# later on by the syntax "+local_domains".
#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : *.test.ex
domainlist relay_domains = test.ex
# Exim test configuration 075
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
smtp_receive_timeout = 2s
#!!# accept_timeout renamed receive_timeout
receive_timeout = 2s
#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#
#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3 #!!#
#!!# policy control options. #!!#
#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.
#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study
#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.
begin acl
#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command
# Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages
accept hosts = :
deny message = unrouteable address
recipients = verify@???
!verify = recipient
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
deny message = relay not permitted
#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
# ----- Rewrite -----
# End
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers, #!!#
#!!# for handling non-local domains. #!!#
begin routers
# ----- Routers -----
#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that
#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#
#!!# for handling local domains. #!!#
# ----- Directors -----
driver = redirect
file = DIR/aux/non-exist
# ----- Transports -----
# ----- Retry -----
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 076
# Exim test configuration 076
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 077
# Exim test configuration 077
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
hostlist relay_hosts = *.masq.test.ex
host_lookup =
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
accept hosts = :
accept domains = +local_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
deny message = relay not permitted
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = accept
transport = appendfile
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
headers_add = host_lookup_failed: $host_lookup_failed
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 078
# Exim test configuration 078
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = accept
local_parts = philip
transport = appendfile2
driver = accept
local_parts = phil
transport = appendfile3
driver = accept
transport = $h_maildir:appendfile
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
quota = $h_quota
quota_warn_threshold = $h_threshold
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
quota = $h_quota
quota_warn_threshold = $h_threshold
user = CALLER
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part${if eq{$sender_address}{}{.bounce}}
quota_warn_threshold = $h_threshold
user = CALLER
headers_add = X:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
driver = appendfile
directory = DIR/test-mail
quota = 10K
driver = appendfile
directory = DIR/test-mail
maildir_tag = ${expand:$h_tag:}
message_prefix =
quota = 20K
quota_size_regex = S=(\d+)$
message_suffix =
driver = appendfile
directory = DIR/test-mail
maildir_tag = ${expand:$h_tag:}
message_prefix =
quota = 20K
quota_size_regex = ,S=(\d+):
message_suffix =
# ----- Retry -----
begin retry
* * F,5d,1d
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 079
# Exim test configuration 079
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
message_body_visible = 20
qualify_domain = test.ex
freeze_tell = postmaster
system_filter = DIR/aux/079.F
system_filter_reply_transport = address_reply
trusted_users = CALLER
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = accept
local_parts = dff
headers_add = original_domain=$original_domain\n \
original_local_part=$original_local_part\n \
parent_domain=$parent_domain\n \
transport = appendfile
user = CALLER
driver = redirect
local_parts = readfile
file = DIR/aux/079.f-readfile
user = CALLER
driver = redirect
user = CALLER
router_home_directory = /usr
debug_print = \$home = >$home<
file = DIR/aux/079.f-user
local_parts = ^filter-
reply_transport = address_reply
driver = accept
local_parts = mug999 : abcd : postmaster
transport = appendfile
user = CALLER
driver = accept
transport = appendfile
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = autoreply
never_mail = never_mail@???
user = CALLER
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 080
# Exim test configuration 080
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : *.test.ex
hostlist auth_hosts =
hostlist relay_hosts =
hostlist auth_relay_hosts = :
acl_smtp_etrn = check_etrn
acl_smtp_expn = check_expn
acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
acl_smtp_vrfy = check_vrfy
auth_advertise_hosts = +auth_hosts : !+relay_hosts : +auth_relay_hosts : \
smtp_accept_max_nonmail = 20
system_filter = DIR/aux/080.filter
trusted_users = CALLER
# ----- ACL -----
begin acl
warn hosts =
message = authentication-failed: $authentication_failed
accept hosts =
accept hosts = :
deny hosts = +auth_hosts
message = authentication required
!authenticated = *
accept domains = +local_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
accept hosts = +auth_relay_hosts
message = authentication required
authenticated = *
deny message = relay not permitted
deny hosts = +auth_hosts
message = authentication required
!authenticated = *
require hosts =
warn log_message = accepted ETRN $smtp_command_argument
deny hosts = +auth_hosts
message = authentication required
!authenticated = *
accept hosts =
deny hosts = +auth_hosts
message = authentication required
!authenticated = *
# ----- Authentication -----
begin authenticators
driver = plaintext
public_name = mylogin
server_debug_print = +++MYLOGIN \$1="$1" \$2=\"$2" \$3="$3"
server_condition = "\
${if match{$1}{^(\\\\S+)\\\\s+(\\\\S+)\\$}\
{${if and {{eq{$1}{ph10}}{eq{$2}{secret}}}{yes}{no}}}{no}}"
driver = plaintext
public_name = PLAIN
server_condition = "\
${if and {{eq{$2}{ph10}}{eq{$3}{secret}}}{yes}{no}}"
server_set_id = $2
driver = plaintext
public_name = EXPLAIN
server_prompts = :
server_condition = "\
${if and {{eq{$2}{ph10}}{eq{$3}{secret}}}{yes}{no}}"
server_set_id = $2
driver = plaintext
public_name = EXPANDED
server_prompts = $primary_hostname
server_condition = "\
${if and {{eq{$2}{ph10}}{eq{$3}{secret}}}{yes}{no}}"
server_set_id = $2
driver = plaintext
public_name = EXPANDFAIL
server_prompts = $nonexistent
server_condition = "\
${if and {{eq{$2}{ph10}}{eq{$3}{secret}}}{yes}{no}}"
server_set_id = $2
driver = plaintext
public_name = DEFER
server_condition = "account suspended"
server_set_id = $2
driver = plaintext
public_name = LOGIN
server_prompts = "User Name : Password "
server_condition = "\
${if and {{eq{$1}{ph10}}{eq{$2}{secret}}}{yes}{no}}"
server_set_id = $1
driver = cram_md5
public_name = CRAM-MD5
server_debug_print = +++CRAM-MD5 \$1="$1" \$2=\"$2" \$3="$3"
server_secret = "${if eq{$1}{tim}{tanstaaftanstaaf}\
{${if eq{$1}{ph10}{secret}fail}}}"
server_set_id = $1
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = redirect
domains = ! +local_domains
data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain "$domain"
driver = accept
transport = appendfile
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 081
# Exim test configuration 081
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
acl_smtp_rcpt = accept
# ----- Authentication -----
begin authenticators
driver = plaintext
public_name = LOGIN
client_send = : ph10 : secret
driver = plaintext
public_name = PLAIN
client_send = ^ph10^secret
driver = cram_md5
public_name = CRAM-MD5
client_name = tim
client_secret = tanstaaftanstaaf
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = manualroute
route_list = byname
self = send
transport = smtp_try
driver = manualroute
route_list = byname
self = send
transport = smtp_force
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = smtp
hosts_try_auth = *
port = 1225
authenticated_sender = ${if eq{$local_part}{forcesender}{force@???}fail}
driver = smtp
hosts_require_auth = *
port = 1225
# ----- Retry -----
begin retry
* auth_failed
* * F,1h,10m
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 082
# Exim test configuration 082
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
primary_hostname = myhost.test.ex
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist dlist = * : ^\Nxxx
headers_charset = iso-8859-8
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 083
# Exim test configuration 083
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = accept
headers_add = "${if def:h_x-rbl-warning: {Added: xxxx}fail}"
headers_remove = "${if def:h_x-rbl-warning: {subject}fail}"
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
# ----- Retry -----
begin retry
* * F,2d,15m
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 084
# Exim test configuration 084
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = accept
headers_add = "${if def:h_x-rbl-warning: {Added: by router}}"
headers_remove = "${if def:h_x-rbl-warning: {subject}}"
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
headers_add = "${if def:h_tadd: {Added: by transport}}"
headers_remove = "${if def:h_tadd: {tadd}}"
# ----- Retry -----
begin retry
* * F,2d,15m
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 085
# Exim test configuration 085
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
qualify_domain = test.ex
domainlist local_domains = test.ex : another.test.ex
delay_warning = 10s:40s:10m
delay_warning_condition = ${if !eq{$domain}{another.test.ex}{yes}{no}}
log_selector = +subject
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
route_list = connection.refused byname
self = send
transport = smtp_connect_refused
driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
route_list = * byname
transport = smtp
driver = redirect
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{DIR/aux/085.aliases}}
driver = redirect
file = DIR/aux/085.forward
driver = accept
transport = local_delivery
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = appendfile
file = DIR/test-mail/$local_part
driver = smtp
connect_timeout = 1s
driver = smtp
port = 9999
# ----- Retry -----
begin retry
connection.refused * F,2d,3s
* * F,2d,15m
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 086
# Exim test configuration 086
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
primary_hostname = primary.test.ex
qualify_domain = test.ex
retry_data_expire = 2s
# ----- Routers -----
begin routers
driver = manualroute
route_list = "* byname"
self = send
transport = smtp
# ----- Transports -----
begin transports
driver = smtp
port = 999
# ----- Retry -----
begin retry
* * senders=: G,1d,1m,1.5
* * senders = "a@??? : d@???" G,2d,2m,1.5
rcpt45x.test.ex rcpt_45x F,10d,2m
rcpt463.test.ex rcpt_463 F,10d,3m
rcpt4xx.test.ex rcpt_4xx F,10d,1m
*@\N^\d * F,5d,1m
*@*.abcd.ex * F,5d,2m
*@literal.ex * F,5d,3m
*@lsearch;DIR/aux/086.rlist2 * F,5d,4m
*@@[] * F,5d,5m
*@@ * F,5d,6m
lsearch*@;DIR/aux/086.rlist * F,1d,3m
*.star.ex * F,3d,10m
* * F,2d,15m
# End of Exim 4 configuration
Index: 087
# Exim test configuration 087
# Macros are set externally in order to get the path
# of the Exim that is being tested, and the directory
# in which the test data lives.
exim_path = EXIM_PATH
spool_directory = DIR/spool
# ----- Main settings -----
domainlist local_domains = test.ex
qualify_domain = test.ex
Diff block truncated. (Max lines = 10000)