[Exim] error is still there in EXIM 4.41 with Clamav

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Συντάκτης: Silly Billy
Προς: exim-users
Αντικείμενο: [Exim] error is still there in EXIM 4.41 with Clamav
Hi Frank,
         I try your way but now the log msg change and
appear like this ....

2004-08-12 13:21:49 1Bv9uH-00011g-13 malware acl
condition: clamd: unable to connect to UNIX socket
/var/run/clamav/clamd (Connection refused)
2004-08-12 13:21:49 1Bv9uH-00011g-13 H=localhost
(test.tlpk.com) [] F=<root@???>
temporarily rejected after DATA
2004-08-12 13:22:44 1Bv9vA-00012B-AT malware acl
condition: clamd: unable to con
nect to UNIX socket /var/run/clamav/clamd (Connection
2004-08-12 13:22:44 1Bv9vA-00012B-AT H=localhost
(test.com) [] F=<root@???> temporarily
rejected after DATA

so what to do next ...


>     I'm configuring my EXIM 4.41 with Clamav 0.72 ..
> the anti-virus installed and working fine but when i
> un-comment the following lines in exim4.conf

> acl_smtp_mime = acl_check_mime
> acl_smtp_data = acl_check_content
> av_scanner = clamd:/var/run/clamav/clamd
> and send mail ... to LOCAL/WAN user ...
> the following error appers .... in my elog ...
> 2004-08-12 12:50:28 1Bv9Pw-0000r3-I6 malware acl
> condition: clamd: unable to connect to UNIX socket
> /var/run/clamav/clamd (Permission denied)

This a clamd issue. Check the permissions of

Mine are
srwxrwxrwx    1 exim     exim            0 Aug 11

--Frank Elsner

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