[Exim] exim4 authentication

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Autor: Kostadin Kostadinov
A: exim-users
Asunto: [Exim] exim4 authentication
Hi guys,

i have instalation of exim 4.34 that relay messages only for local
machines. Now I want to make everyone from outside that want to relay
from my server to be asked for athentication.
After i readed docs i found i should have set
auth_advertise_hosts = * in the main section
server_advertise_condition = * in the athenticators
accept authenticated = * at the end in acl_check_rcpt (it is set by default)
accept hosts = *
and proper authenticators configured

But with that parameters i can get authenticated only that ones who send
username/password. But I would like everyone to be asked, that want to
relay from my server, for athentication.

after that i added following lines under "accept hosts = *"

message = athetication required
authenticated = *

and now "voila" everyone is asked for authentication :-) (even for that
ones that dont get AUTH PLAIN LOGIN from my server?!).
How i can get only one IP from office network NOT be asked for
authentication. I tried "authenticated = !myIP" but it doesn't work.
setting "auth_advertise_hosts = !MyIP" also doesn't work.

Thank you.


here is my exim.conf

#                  Runtime configuration file for Exim               #

#                    MAIN CONFIGURATION SETTINGS                     #
auth_advertise_hosts = !

# Just for reference and scripts, on debian, the main binary isexim_path
= /usr/sbin/exim4

# Macro defining the main configuration directory, we use no abolute
# paths.
CONFDIR = /etc/exim4

# Macro defining the message size limit. This is not enabled by default
# in CONFDIR/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data

# Define a macro DC_minimaldns if dc_minimaldns=true, to use in
# .ifdef-statements otherwise this expands to an empty line

# The next three settings create two lists of domains and one list of hosts.
# These lists are referred to later in this configuration using the syntax
# +local_domains, +relay_to_domains, and +relay_from_hosts,
respectively. They
# are all colon-separated lists:

# '@' refers to 'the name of the local host'

#Configuration about working with Messagewall
local_interfaces = :
#smtp_receive_timeout = 24h
#smtp_accept_max_per_connection = 0
#accept_8bitmime = true

### EXPANSION-begins ######################
domainlist local_domains = DEBCONFlocal_domainsDEBCONF

domainlist relay_to_domains = DEBCONFrelay_domainsDEBCONF

hostlist relay_from_hosts = : ::::1 : DEBCONFrelay_netsDEBCONF
hostlist auth_relay_hosts =

# Specify the domain you want to be added to all unqualified addresses
# here. An unqualified address is one that does not contain an "@" character
# followed by a domain. For example, "caesar@???" is a fully
# address, but the string "caesar" (i.e. just a login name) is an
# email address. Unqualified addresses are accepted only from local
callers by
# default. See the recipient_unqualified_hosts option if you want to permit
# unqualified addresses from remote sources. If this option is not set, the
# primary_hostname value is used for qualification.
qualify_domain = DEBCONFvisiblenameDEBCONF

# only used for satellite-system
DCreadhost = DEBCONFreadhostDEBCONF

#for satellite and smarthost-systems
DCsmarthost = DEBCONFsmarthostDEBCONF

# listen on all all interfaces?
### EXPANSION-ends ######################

# The default delivery method. See CONFDIR/conf.d/transports/ for other
# possibilities

# The gecos field in /etc/passwd holds not only the name. see passwd(5).
gecos_pattern = ^([^,:]*)
gecos_name = $1

# define a macro DCconfig_smarthost, DCconfig_satellite, etc. we need this
# for .ifdef ... .endif
DCconfig_DEBCONFconfigtypeDEBCONF = 1

### main/02_exim4-config_options

# This option defines the access control list that is run when an
# SMTP RCPT command is received.
acl_smtp_rcpt = acl_check_rcpt

# This option defines the access control list that is run when an
# SMTP DATA command is received.
acl_smtp_data = acl_check_data

# If you want unqualified recipient addresses to be qualified with a
# domain to unqualified sender addresses, specify the recipient domain here.
# If this option is not set, the qualify_domain value is used.
# qualify_recipient =

# The following line must be uncommented if you want Exim to recognize
# addresses of the form "user@???" that is, with a "domain
# (an IP address) instead of a named domain. The RFCs still require this
# but it makes little sense to permit mail to be sent to specific hosts by
# their IP address in the modern Internet. This ancient format has been used
# by those seeking to abuse hosts by using them for unwanted relaying.
If you
# really do want to support domain literals, uncomment the following
line, and
# see also the "domain_literal" router.
# allow_domain_literals

.ifndef DC_minimaldns
# The setting below causes Exim to do a reverse DNS lookup on all incoming
# IP calls, in order to get the true host name. If you feel this is too
# expensive, you can specify the networks for which a lookup is done, or
# remove the setting entirely.
host_lookup = *

# The settings below, which are actually the same as the defaults in the
# code, cause Exim to make RFC 1413 (ident) callbacks for all incoming SMTP
# calls. You can limit the hosts to which these calls are made, and/or
# the timeout that is used. If you set the timeout to zero, all RFC 1413
# are disabled. RFC 1413 calls are cheap and can provide useful information
# for tracing problem messages, but some hosts and firewalls have problems
# with them. This can result in a timeout instead of an immediate refused
# connection, leading to delays on starting up an SMTP session.
rfc1413_hosts = *
rfc1413_query_timeout = 30s

# By default, Exim expects all envelope addresses to be fully qualified,
# is, they must contain both a local part and a domain. If you want to
# unqualified addresses (just a local part) from certain hosts, you can
# these hosts by setting one or both of
# sender_unqualified_hosts =
# recipient_unqualified_hosts =
# to control sender and recipient addresses, respectively. When this is
# unqualified addresses are qualified using the settings of qualify_domain
# and/or qualify_recipient (see above).

# If you want Exim to support the "percent hack" for certain domains,
# uncomment the following line and provide a list of domains. The "percent
# hack" is the feature by which mail addressed to x%y@z (where z is one of
# the domains listed) is locally rerouted to x@y and sent on. If z is
not one
# of the "percent hack" domains, x%y is treated as an ordinary local
part. This
# hack is rarely needed nowadays; you should not enable it unless you
are sure
# that you really need it.
# percent_hack_domains =

# When Exim can neither deliver a message nor return it to sender, it
# the delivery error message (aka "bounce message"). There are also other
# circumstances in which messages get frozen. They will stay on the
queue for
# ever unless one of the following options is set.

# This option unfreezes frozen bounce messages after two days, tries
# once more to deliver them, and ignores any delivery failures.
ignore_bounce_errors_after = 2d

# This option cancels (removes) frozen messages that are older than a week.
timeout_frozen_after = 1d

freeze_tell = postmaster

# Only for interacting with other packages, to make it possible to use
# -DSPOOLDIR to override it on the command line
.ifndef SPOOLDIR
SPOOLDIR = /var/spool/exim4
spool_directory = SPOOLDIR

# uucp should be able to set envelope-from to arbitrary values
trusted_users = uucp

# uncomment this to get the Debian version in the SMTP dialog
# smtp_banner = "${primary_hostname} ESMTP Exim ${version_number}
(Debian package DEBCONFpackageversionDEBCONF) ${tod_full}"

# This DEBCONF pattern expands to never_users = root if mail for root is
# aliased to another user in /etc/aliases and to the same setting but
# disabled by a '#' otherwise.
# never_users is a colon-separated list of users under whose uids no
# will ever be run under. An attempt to do so causes a panic error to be
logged, and
# the delivery to be deferred. This is a paranoic safety catch.
# Example for TLS/SSL configuration.

# See /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.TLS* for explanations.

# Defines that you want to log what cipher your exim and the peer's mailer
# uses to encrypt the transaction. It also defines you want to log the 'DN'
# (Distinguished Name) of the certificate of the peer.
log_selector = +tls_cipher +tls_peerdn

# Defines what hosts to 'advertise' STARTTLS functionality to. Setting this
# to * will advertise to all hosts that connect with EHLO, and this is a
# good default
tls_advertise_hosts = *

# Defines where your SSL-certificate and SSL-Private Key are located.
# This requires a full path. The files pointed to must be kept 'secret'
# and should be owned my root.Debian-exim mode 640 (-rw-r-----). Usually the
# exim-gencert script takes care of these prerequisites.
tls_certificate = CONFDIR/exim.crt
tls_privatekey = CONFDIR/exim.key

#                       ACL CONFIGURATION                            #
#         Specifies access control lists for incoming SMTP mail      #
begin acl

# This access control list is used to determine whitelisted senders and
# hosts. It checks for CONFDIR/local_host_whitelist and
# CONFDIR/local_sender_whitelist.
# It is meant to be used from some other acl entry.
# For example,
# deny message = local blacklist example
#      !acl = acl_whitelist
#      dnslist = some.dns.list.example
# will allow messages with envelope sender listed in local_sender_whitelist
# or messages coming in from hosts listed in local_host_whitelist to be
# accepted even if the delivering host is listed in the dns list.
# Whitelisting can also be configured by including negative items in the
# black list. See /usr/share/doc/exim4-config/default_acl for details.
# If the files do not exist, the white list never matches, which is
# the desired behaviour.

  accept hosts = ${if exists{CONFDIR/local_host_whitelist}\
  accept senders = ${if exists{CONFDIR/local_sender_whitelist}\

# This access control list is used for every RCPT command in an incoming
# SMTP message. The tests are run in order until the address is either
# accepted or denied.
# Accept if the source is local SMTP (i.e. not over TCP/IP). We do this by
# testing for an empty sending host field.
accept hosts = :

# Deny if the local part contains @ or % or / or | or !. These are rarely
# found in genuine local parts, but are often tried by people looking to
# circumvent relaying restrictions.
# Also deny if the local part starts with a dot. Empty components aren't
# strictly legal in RFC 2822, but Exim allows them because this is common.
# However, actually starting with a dot may cause trouble if the local
# is used as a file name (e.g. for a mailing list).
deny local_parts = ^.*[@%!/|] : ^\\.

  # Accept mail to postmaster in any local domain, regardless of the source,
  # and without verifying the sender.
  accept local_parts = postmaster
         domains = +local_domains

  # Deny unless the sender address can be verified.
  # This is disabled by default so that DNSless systems don't break. If
  # your system can do DNS lookups without delay or cost, you might want
  # to enable the following line.
  # deny !acl = acl_whitelist_local_deny
  #      !verify = sender

  # Warn if the sender host does not have valid reverse DNS.
  # This is disabled by default so that DNSless systems don't break. If
  # your system can do DNS lookups without delay or cost, you might want
  # to enable the following lines.
  # warn message = X-Broken-Reverse-DNS: no host name found for IP
address $sender_host_address
  #      !verify = reverse_host_lookup

  # deny bad senders (envelope sender)
  # CONFDIR/local_sender_blacklist holds a list of envelope senders that
  # should have their access denied to the local host. Incoming messages
  # with one of these senders are rejected at RCPT time.
  # The explicit white lists are honored as well as negative items in
  # the black list. See /usr/share/doc/exim4-config/default_acl for details.
  deny message = sender envelope address $sender_address is locally
blacklisted here. If you think this is wrong, get in touch with postmaster
       !acl = acl_whitelist_local_deny
       senders = ${if exists{CONFDIR/local_sender_blacklist}\

  # deny bad sites (IP address)
  # CONFDIR/local_host_blacklist holds a list of host names, IP addresses
  # and networks (CIDR notation)  that should have their access denied to
  # The local host. Messages coming in from a listed host will have all
  # RCPT statements rejected.
  # The explicit white lists are honored as well as negative items in
  # the black list. See /usr/share/doc/exim4-config/default_acl for details.
  deny message = sender IP address $sender_host_address is locally
blacklisted here. If you think this is wrong, get in touch with postmaster
       !acl = acl_whitelist_local_deny
       hosts = ${if exists{CONFDIR/local_host_blacklist}\

# There are no checks on DNS "black" lists because the domains that
# these lists are changing all the time. You can find examples of
# how to use dnslists in /usr/share/doc/exim4-config/examples/acl


  # Accept if the address is in a local domain, but only if the
recipient can
  # be verified. Otherwise deny. The "endpass" line is the border between
  # passing on to the next ACL statement (if tests above it fail) or denying
  # access (if tests below it fail).
  accept domains = +local_domains
         message = unknown user
         verify = recipient

  # Accept if the address is in a domain for which we are relaying, but
  # only if the recipient can be verified.
  accept domains = +relay_to_domains
         message = unrouteable address
         verify = recipient

# If control reaches this point, the domain is neither in +local_domains
# nor in +relay_to_domains.

  # Accept if the message comes from one of the hosts for which we are an
  # outgoing relay. Recipient verification is omitted here, because in many
  # cases the clients are dumb MUAs that don't cope well with SMTP error
  # responses. If you are actually relaying out from MTAs, you should
probably  # add recipient verification here.
#  accept hosts = *
  # Accept if the message arrived over an authenticated connection, from
  # any host. Again, these messages are usually from MUAs, so recipient
  # verification is omitted.
#  accept authenticated = *
#accept hosts = +auth_relay_hosts
accept hosts = *
       message = Athentication required
       authenticated = !
  # Reaching the end of the ACL causes a "deny", but we might as well give
  # an explicit message.
  deny message = relay not permitted

# 40_exim4-config_check_data

   # Add Message-ID if missing
   warn condition = ${if !def:h_Message-ID: {1}}
        hosts = +relay_from_hosts
        message = Message-ID: <E$message_id@$primary_hostname>

   # Deny unless the address list headers are syntactically correct.
   # This is disabled by default because it might reject legitimate mail.
   # If you want your system to insist on syntactically valid address
   # headers, you might want to enable the following lines.
   # deny message = Message headers fail syntax check
   #    !acl = acl_whitelist_local_deny
   #    !verify = header_syntax

   # require that there is a verifiable sender address in at least
   # one of the "Sender:", "Reply-To:", or "From:" header lines.
   # deny message = No verifiable sender address in message headers
   #    !acl = acl_whitelist_local_deny
   #    !verify = header_sender

   # enforce a message-size limit
   # deny message = Message size $message_size is larger than limit of
   #    condition = ${if >{$message_size}{MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT}{yes}{no}}

# accept otherwise

#                      ROUTERS CONFIGURATION                         #
#               Specifies how addresses are handled                  #
# An address is passed to each router in turn until it is accepted.  #

begin routers

# This router routes to remote hosts over SMTP by explicit IP address,
# when an email address is given in "domain literal" form, for example,
# <user@???>. The RFCs require this facility. However, it is
# little-known these days, and has been exploited by evil people seeking
# to abuse SMTP relays. Consequently it is commented out in the default
# configuration. If you uncomment this router, you also need to uncomment
# allow_domain_literals above, so that Exim can recognize the syntax of
# domain literal addresses.

# domain_literal:
# debug_print = "R: domain_literal for $local_part@$domain"
# driver = ipliteral
# domains = ! +local_domains
# transport = remote_smtp

#    driver = manualroute
#    condition = "${if or {{eq {$interface_port}{10025}} \
#              {eq {$received_protocol}{spam-scanned}} \
#              {eq {$sender_address}{}} \
#              }{0}{1}}"
#    transport = amavis
#    route_list = "ewa-bg.com localhost byname"
#    self = send

    driver = manualroute
    condition = "${if or {{eq {$interface_port}{10025}} \
              {eq {$received_protocol}{spam-scanned}} \
              {eq {$sender_address}{}} \
    transport = amavis
    route_list = "* localhost byname"
    self = send

#spam assassin
#    no_verify
#    check_local_user
#    #When to skan message
#    #    -    it isn't already flagged as spam
#    #    -    it isn't already scanned
#    condition = "${if and { {!def:h_X-Spam-Flag:} {!eq
{$received_protocol}{spam-scanned}}} {1}{0}}"
#    driver = accept
#    transport = spamcheck

#Deliver all recieved emails to remote host
#    driver = manualroute
#    transport = remote_smtp
#    route_list = *

#Deliver ewa-bg.com to milo
    driver = manualroute
    transport = remote_smtp_incoming
    route_list = "ewa-bg.com ********"

#Deliver aegis-is.com to milo
    driver = manualroute
    transport = remote_smtp_incoming
    route_list = "aegis-is.com *********"

#Deliver aegis-is.com to mailo
    driver = manualroute
    transport = remote_smtp_incoming
    route_list = "**** *********"

#Deliver aegis-is.com to milo
    driver = manualroute
    transport = remote_smtp_incoming
    route_list = "****** **********"

### router/200_exim4-config_primary
# This file holds the primary router, responsible for nonlocal mails

.ifdef DCconfig_internet
# configtype=internet
# deliver mail to the recipient if recipient domain is a domain we
# relay for. We do not ignore any target hosts here since delivering to
# a site local or even a link local address might be wanted here, and if
# such an address has found its way into the MX record of such a domain,
# the local admin is probably in a place where that broken MX record
# could be fixed.

driver = dnslookup
domains = ! +local_domains : +relay_to_domains
transport = remote_smtp
same_domain_copy_routing = yes

# deliver mail directly to the recipient. This router is only reached
# for domains that we do not relay for. Since we most probably can't
# have broken MX records pointing to site local or link local IP
# addresses fixed, we ignore target hosts pointing to these addresses.

  driver = dnslookup
  domains = ! +local_domains
  transport = remote_smtp
  same_domain_copy_routing = yes
  # ignore private rfc1918 and APIPA addresses
  ignore_target_hosts = : : :\
               : :


.ifdef DCconfig_local
# configtype=local
# Stand-alone system, so generate an error for mail to a non-local domain
driver = redirect
data = :fail: Mailing to remote domains not supported
domains = ! +local_domains


.ifdef DCconfig_smarthost DCconfig_satellite
# configtype=smarthost or configtype=satellite
# Send all non-local mail to a single other machine (smarthost).
driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
transport = remote_smtp_outgoing
route_list = * DCsmarthost
host_find_failed = defer
same_domain_copy_routing = yes


# The "no_more" above means that all later routers are for
# domains in the local_domains list, i.e. just like Exim 3 directors.

debug_print = "R: real_local for $local_part@$domain"
driver = accept
domains = +local_domains
local_part_prefix = real-
transport = LOCAL_DELIVERY

# This router handles aliasing using a traditional /etc/aliases file.
##### NB You must ensure that /etc/aliases exists. It used to be the case
##### NB that every Unix had that file, because it was the Sendmail
##### NB These days, there are systems that don't have it. Your aliases
##### NB file should at least contain an alias for "postmaster".
# Piping to programs in /etc/aliases is disabled per default.
# If that is a problem for you, see
# /usr/share/doc/exim4-config/README.system_aliases
# or explanation and some workarounds.
# Note that the transports listed below are the same as are used for
# .forward files; you might want to set up different ones for pipe and
# file deliveries from aliases.

debug_print = "R: system_aliases for $local_part@$domain"
driver = redirect
domains = +local_domains
data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/aliases}}
# user = list
# group = mail
file_transport = address_file
# pipe_transport = address_pipe
# directory_transport = address_directory

### router/500_exim4-config_hubuser

.ifdef DCconfig_satellite
# This router is only used for configtype=satellite.
# It takes care to route all mail targetted to <somelocaluser@???>
# to the host where we read our mail
debug_print = "R: hub_user for $local_part@$domain"
driver = redirect
domains = +local_domains
data = ${local_part}@DCreadhost


# router/600_exim4-config_userforward

# This router handles forwarding using traditional .forward files in users'
# home directories and filtering with exim's builtin filter language.
# The no_verify setting means that this router is skipped when Exim is
# verifying addresses. Similarly, no_expn means that this router is
skipped if
# Exim is processing an EXPN command.
# The check_ancestor option means that if the forward file generates an
# address that is an ancestor of the current one, the current one gets
# passed on instead. This covers the case where A is aliased to B and B
# has a .forward file pointing to A.
# The four transports specified at the end are those that are used when
# forwarding generates a direct delivery to a directory, or a file, or to a
# pipe, or sets up an auto-reply, respectively.
  debug_print = "R: userforward for $local_part@$domain"
  driver = redirect
  domains = +local_domains
  file = $home/.forward
  directory_transport = address_directory
  file_transport = address_file
  pipe_transport = address_pipe
  reply_transport = address_reply
  syntax_errors_to = real-$local_part@$domain
  syntax_errors_text = \
    This is an automatically generated message. An error has\n\
    been found in your .forward file. Details of the error are\n\
    reported below. While this error persists, you will receive\n\
    a copy of this message for every message that is addressed\n\
    to you. If your .forward file is a filter file, or if it is\n\
    a non-filter file containing no valid forwarding addresses,\n\
    a copy of each incoming message will be put in your normal\n\
    mailbox. If a non-filter file contains at least one valid\n\
    forwarding address, forwarding to the valid addresses wll\n\
    happen, and those will be the only deliveries that occur.

debug_print = "R: procmail for $local_part@$domain"
driver = accept
domains = +local_domains
transport = procmail_pipe
require_files = ${local_part}:${home}/.procmailrc:+/usr/bin/procmail

### router/800_exim4-config_maildrop

debug_print = "R: maildrop for $local_part@$domain"
driver = accept
domains = +local_domains
transport = maildrop_pipe
require_files = ${local_part}:${home}/.mailfilter:+/usr/bin/maildrop

### router/900_exim4-config_local_user

debug_print = "R: local_user for $local_part@$domain"
driver = accept
domains = +local_domains
local_parts = ! root
transport = LOCAL_DELIVERY

### router/mmm_mail4root
# deliver mail addressed to root to /var/mail/mail as user mail:mail
# if it was not redirected in /etc/aliases or by other means
# Exim cannot deliver as root since 4.24 (FIXED_NEVER_USERS)

debug_print = "R: mail4root for $local_part@$domain"
driver = redirect
domains = +local_domains
data = /var/mail/mail
file_transport = address_file
local_parts = root
user = mail
group = mail

#                      TRANSPORTS CONFIGURATION                      #
#                       ORDER DOES NOT MATTER                        #
#     Only one appropriate transport is called for each delivery.    #

# A transport is used only when referenced from a router that successfully
# handles an address.

begin transports

# This transport is used for handling deliveries directly to files that are
# generated by aliasing or forwarding.
#Amavis transport
    driver = smtp
    port = 10024

#Spamassassin transport
#    driver = pipe
#    command = /usr/sbin/exim4 -oMr spam-scanned -bS
#    use_bsmtp = true
#    transport_filter = /usr/bin/spamc
#    home_directory = "/tmp"
#    current_directory = "/tmp"
#    # must use a privileged user to set $received_protocol on the way
back in!
#    user = mail
#    group = mail
#    log_output = true
#    return_fail_output = true
#    return_path_add = false
#    message_prefix =
#    message_suffix =

debug_print = "T: address_file for $local_part@$domain"
driver = appendfile

# This transport is used for handling pipe deliveries generated by alias or
# .forward files. If the commands fails and produces any output on standard
# output or standard error streams, the output is returned to the sender
# of the message as a delivery error.
# You can set different transports for aliases and forwards if you want to
# - see the references to address_pipe in the routers section above.
debug_print = "T: address_pipe for $local_part@$domain"
driver = pipe

# This transport is used for handling autoreplies generated by the filtering
# option of the userforward router.
debug_print = "T: autoreply for $local_part@$domain"
driver = autoreply

### transport/30_exim4-config_mail_spool

# This transport is used for local delivery to user mailboxes in traditional
# BSD mailbox format.
debug_print = "T: appendfile for $local_part@$domain"
driver = appendfile
file = /var/mail/$local_part
group = mail
mode = 0660
mode_fail_narrower = false

### transport/30_exim4-config_maildir_home

# Use this instead of mail_spool if you want to to deliver to Maildir in
# home-directory - change the definition of LOCAL_DELIVERY
debug_print = "T: maildir_home for $local_part@$domain"
driver = appendfile
directory = $home/Maildir
mode = 0600
mode_fail_narrower = false

debug_print = "T: maildrop_pipe for $local_part@$domain"
driver = pipe
path = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"
command = "/usr/bin/maildrop"

debug_print = "T: procmail_pipe for $local_part@$domain"
driver = pipe
path = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"
command = "/usr/bin/procmail"

### transport/30_exim4-config_remote_smtp
# This transport is used for delivering messages over SMTP connections.
debug_print = "T: remote_smtp for $local_part@$domain"
driver = smtp
headers_remove = Received:X-Mailer:X-MimeOLE:X-Virus-Scanned

debug_print = "T: remote_smtp for $local_part@$domain"
driver = smtp

hosts_try_auth = DCsmarthost

# To use SMTP AUTH when sending to your smarthost, uncomment the above line,
# "hosts_try_auth = DCsmarthost" and add the necessary information
# etc.) to the passwd.client file.
# /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.SMTP-AUTH

# This transport is used for handling file addresses generated by alias
# or .forward files if the path ends in "/", which causes it to be treated
# as a directory name rather than a file name.

debug_print = "T: address_directory for $local_part@$domain"
driver = appendfile
envelope_to_add = true
return_path_add = true
check_string = ""
escape_string = ""

#                      RETRY CONFIGURATION                           #

begin retry

# This single retry rule applies to all domains and all errors. It specifies
# retries every 15 minutes for 2 hours, then increasing retry intervals,
# starting at 1 hour and increasing each time by a factor of 1.5, up to 16
# hours, then retries every 6 hours until 4 days have passed since the first
# failed delivery.

# Domain               Error       Retries
# ------               -----       -------

*                      *           F,2h,15m; G,16h,1h,1.5; F,4d,6h

#                      REWRITE CONFIGURATION                         #

begin rewrite

### rewrite/31_exim4-config_rewriting

# This rewriting rule is particularily useful for dialup users who
# don't have their own domain, but could be useful for anyone.
# It looks up the real address of all local users in a file
*@+local_domains ${lookup{${local_part}}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
                   {$value}fail} Ffrs

# The same as above, using outdated /etc/exim4/email-addresses, please
# move its contents to /etc/email-addresses and delete
# /etc/exim4/email-addresses
*@+local_domains "${if exists {CONFDIR/email-addresses}\

            {$value}fail}}fail}" Ffrs

# hide mailname for satellite system and masqerade as DCreadhost instead
.ifdef DCconfig_satellite
*@+local_domains ${local_part}@DCreadhost Ffr

#                   AUTHENTICATION CONFIGURATION                     #

begin authenticators

#### advertise support of SMTP authentication only when session is encrypted
#### auth_advertise_hosts = ${if eq{$tls_cipher}{}{}{*}}
#### auth_advertise_hosts = *
#### server_advertise_condition = ${if eq{$tls_cipher}{}{no}{yes}}
#### server_debug_print =

### auth/30_exim4-config_examples

# The examples below are for server side authentication; they allow two
# styles of plain-text authentication against an CONFDIR/passwd file
# which should have user IDs in the first column and crypted passwords
# in the second. The columns need to be separated by ':'. For CRAM-MD5
# exim needs access to the UNECRYPTED passwd - the example below assumes
# it is avalable in the third column of CONFDIR/passwd

#    driver = plaintext
#    server_advertise_condition = *
     #server_advertise_condition = ${if eq{$tls_cipher}{}{no}{yes}}
#    #auth_advertise_hosts = ${if eq{$tls_cipher}{}{}{*}}
#    public_name = PLAIN
#    server_condition = "${if
#    server_set_id = $2

#### for outlook

#    driver = plaintext
#    server_advertise_condition = *
#    #server_advertise_condition = ${if eq{$tls_cipher}{}{no}{yes}}
#    #auth_advertise_hosts = ${if eq{$tls_cipher}{}{}{*}}
#    public_name = LOGIN
#    server_prompts = "Username:: : Password::"
#    server_condition = "${if
#    server_set_id = $1

driver = plaintext
public_name = PLAIN

server_advertise_condition = *

server_condition = "${if
server_set_id = $2
server_prompts = :

# login_server:
# driver = plaintext
# public_name = LOGIN
# server_prompts = "Username:: : Password::"
# server_condition = "${if
# server_set_id = $1

# cram_md5_server:
# driver = cram_md5
# public_name = CRAM-MD5
# server_secret =
# server_set_id = $1

# Here is an example of CRAM-MD5 authentication against PostgreSQL:
# psqldb_auth:
# driver = cram_md5
# public_name = CRAM-MD5
# server_secret = ${lookup pgsql{SELECT pw FROM users WHERE username =
# server_set_id = $1

# Authenticate against local passwords using sasl2-bin
# driver = plaintext
# public_name = PLAIN
# # don't send system passwords over unencrypted connections
# server_advertise_condition = ${if eq{$tls_cipher}{}{0}{1}}
# server_condition = ${if saslauthd{{$2}{$3}}{1}{0}}
# server_set_id = $2
# server_prompts = :

# See /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.SMTP-AUTH

# These examples below are the equivalent for client side authentication.
# They get the passwords from CONFDIR/passwd.client. This file should have
# three columns separated by colons, the first contains the name of the
# mailserver to authenticate against, the second the username and the third
# contains the password.

### # example for CONFDIR/passwd.client
### mail.server:blah:secret
### # default entry:
### *:bar:foo

# driver = cram_md5
# public_name = CRAM-MD5
# client_name =
# client_secret =

# Because AUTH PLAIN sends the password in clear, per default we only
allow it
# over encrypted connections. If you want to change this disable the
# "client send" entry and enable the one below without the "if
# by removing the hash-mark (#) at the beginning of the line.
  driver = plaintext
  public_name = PLAIN
  server_advertise_condition = *
  client_send = "${if !eq{$tls_cipher}{}{\


#  client_send =

# Because AUTH LOGIN sends the password in clear, per default we only
allow it
# over encrypted connections. If you want to change this disable the
# "client send" entry and enable the one below without the "if
# by removing the hash-mark (#) at the beginning of the line.
 driver = plaintext
  public_name = LOGIN
  client_send = "${if !eq{$tls_cipher}{}{}fail}\
                 : ${extract{1}{::}\

{${lookup{$host}lsearch*{CONFDIR/passwd.client}{$value}fail}}} \
         : ${extract{2}{::}\
#  client_send = ":