On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Thomas Egrelius wrote:
> Would it be possible to have the time the message have been on the queue
> added to the delivery log entry, like sendmails delay= and xdelay=? This
> would make it easy to spot and track email delays without having to do
> eximstats on the large logfiles or track delays from email headers.
Note that message IDs include a base-62-encoded timestamp which marks the
time that Exim received the DATA command. This may be some time before the
<= log line for the message owing to slow transmission times (e.g. from
dial-up machines).
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Work out message handling times from Exim logs.
# Note this assumes UTC.
# $Cambridge: hermes/src/admin/logtime.pl,v 1.1 2003/03/05 15:25:39 fanf2 Exp $
use strict;
sub b62toi ($) {
my $s = shift;
my $i = 0;
for (;;) {
if ($s =~ s/^([0-9])//) {
$i = $i*62 + ord($1) - 48;
} elsif ($s =~ s/^([A-Z])//) {
$i = $i*62 + ord($1) - 55;
} elsif ($s =~ s/^([a-z])//) {
$i = $i*62 + ord($1) - 61;
} elsif ($s =~ /^$/) {
return $i;
} else {
die "Bad base62 character";
sub unixtime ($$$$$$) {
my ($y,$m,$d,$H,$M,$S) = @_;
use integer;
$y -= $m < 3;
$m += $m < 3 ? 10 : -2;
my $t = $y/400 - $y/100 + $y/4 + $y*365
+ $m*367/12 + $d - 719499;
$t = $t * 86400
+ $H * 3600
+ $M * 60
+ $S;
return $t;
while (<>) {
if (m{^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\s
([-=*]>|[*=][*=]|Completed)}x) {
my $now = unixtime $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6;
my $then = b62toi $7;
my $time = $now - $then;
s/$/ t=$time/;
Tony Finch <dot@???>