[Exim] Antivirus local scan problem

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Autor: <p.caseiro@voila.fr>
To: exim-users
Betreff: [Exim] Antivirus local scan problem

> Message du 05/03/04 à 09h28
> De : <p.caseiro@???> <p.caseiro@???>
> A : ph10@???
> Copie à :
> Objet : [Exim] local mail scan
> Hello mr Hazel
> I'm Philippe Caseiro !
> I work for E.O.L.E. project in Dijon for the education,
> I've got a problem with local mails !
> I'have a horde runing under apache and I want Exiscan scan this mails delivred by horde in my
> domain ! for internet incoming mail no problem :
> My conf file :
> #########################################################################
> acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient
> acl_smtp_data = check_message
> domainlist local_domains = localhost : \
>     i-eleves.ac-dijon.fr : \
>     eleves.ac-dijon.fr : \
>     eleves.lan

> domainlist relay_domains = ac-dijon.fr
> hostlist relay_hosts = localhost :
> ######################################################################
> #                    MAIN CONFIGURATION SETTINGS                     #
> ######################################################################

> return_size_limit = 20K
> rfc1413_hosts = !*
> rfc1413_query_timeout = 0s
> auto_thaw = 5m
> #- Adresse de SpamAssassin -#
> spamd_address = 783
> #---------------------------#
> #------ Adresse de ClamAV ------#
> av_scanner = clamd: 3310
> #-------------------------------#
> #------------------ Adresse du Serveur LDAP -------------------------#
> ldap_default_servers = scribe.eleves.lan::389 : localhost::389
> #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
> qualify_domain = eleves.ac-dijon.fr
> #qualify_recipient = i-eleves.ac-dijon.fr
> #relay_domains =
> never_users = root
> #host_lookup = *
> # headers_check_syntax
> #rbl_domains = rbl.maps.vix.com
> #rbl_reject_recipients = false
> #rbl_warn_header = true
> # percent_hack_domains=*
> trusted_users = mail:root:apache:sympa:clamd
> gecos_pattern = ^([^,:]*)
> gecos_name = $1
> smtp_accept_queue_per_connection = 100
> queue_only_load = 6
> freeze_tell = postmaster
> received_header_text = "Received: \
>          ${if def:sender_rcvhost {from ${sender_rcvhost}\n\t}\
>          {${if def:sender_ident {from ${sender_ident} }}\
>          ${if def:sender_helo_name {(helo=${sender_helo_name})\n\t}}}}\
>          by ${primary_hostname} \
>          ${if def:received_protocol {with ${received_protocol}}} \
>          (Exim ${version_number} #${compile_number} (Debian))\n\t\
>          id ${message_id}\
>          ${if def:received_for {\n\tfor <$received_for>}}"

> ######################################################################
> #                          ACL CONFIGURATION                         #
> ######################################################################

> begin acl
> check_recipient:
> accept hosts = :
> accept domains = +local_domains
> accept domains = +relay_domains
> accept hosts = +relay_hosts
> deny message = relay not permitted
> check_message:
>   deny    message = Ce message contient une mauvaise entête MIME:($demime_reason).
>       demime = *
>     condition = ${if > {$demime_errorlevel}{2}{1}{0}}

>   deny    message = Extention (.$found_extension) INTERDITE
>       demime = bat:com:exe:pif:prf:scr:vbs

>   warn    message = X-Spam-Score: $spam_score
>       spam = nobody:true

>   warn    message = X-Spam-Report: $spam_report
>       spam = nobody:true

>   warn  message = **Eole***SPAM***Eole** $h_Subject
>     spam = nobody

>   deny     message = Ce message est un Spam score de $spam_score points.
>       spam = nobody:true
>     condition = ${if > {$spam_score_int}{5}{1}{0}}

>   deny    message = Ce message contient le virus ($malware_name)
>       demime = *
>     malware = *
>   accept

> ######################################################################
> #                      REWRITE CONFIGURATION                         #
> ######################################################################

> #*@rose.alcove-fr    ${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
> #                        {$value}fail} bcfrF

> #####################################################################
> #                      ROUTERS CONFIGURATION                         #
> #            Specifies how remote addresses are handled              #
> ######################################################################
> #                          ORDER DOES MATTER                         #
> #  A remote address is passed to each in turn until it is accepted.  #
> ######################################################################

> begin routers
> dnslookup:
> #remote_mail:
>   driver = dnslookup
>   condition = \
> "${if and {\
>     {match{$sender_address_domain}{i-eleves.ac-dijon.fr}}\
>     {!match{$domain}{ac-dijon.fr}}\
>     }\
>     {yes}{no}}"
>   #domains = ! +local_domains
>   transport = not_permited_in

> # Remote addresses are those with a domain that does not match any item
> # in the "local_domains" setting above.
> smart_route:
> driver = manualroute
> domains = !+local_domains
> transport = remote_smtp
> route_list = * smtp.dijon.men.fr
> ######################################################################
> #                      DIRECTORS CONFIGURATION                       #
> #             Specifies how local addresses are handled              #
> ######################################################################
> #                          ORDER DOES MATTER                         #
> #   A local address is passed to each in turn until it is accepted.  #
> ######################################################################

> # This allows local delivery to be forced, avoiding alias files and
> # forwarding.
> real_local:
> #!!# prefix renamed local_part_prefix
> driver = accept
> check_local_user
> local_part_prefix = real-
> transport = local_delivery
> incoming_mail:
>   driver = accept
>   condition = \
>  "${if or {\
>         {and {\
>             {match {$received_protocol}{smtp}}\
>             {match {$sender_address_domain}{ac-dijon.fr}}\
>                   }\
>         }\
>          {and {\
>              {match {$received_protocol}{smtp}}\
>              {eq {$domain}{eleves.ac-dijon.fr}}\
>                    }\
>          }\
>         {match {$received_protocol}{local}}\
>       }\
>       {No}{Yes}\
> }"
>   retry_use_local_part
>   transport = poubelle

> ldap_user:
> driver = redirect
> allow_defer
> data =${expand:${lookup ldap{ldap://localhost:389/o=gouv,c=fr?mailDir?sub?
> (mail=$local_part@$domain)}}}
> directory_transport = address_directory_ldap
> file_transport = address_file_ldap
> retry_use_local_part
> #search_type = ldapm # Recherche multiple
> #errors_to = real-admin
> ldap_aliases:
> driver = redirect
> allow_defer
> data =${lookup ldapm {ldap://localhost:389/o=gouv,c=fr?mailDir?sub?
> (mailAlternateAddress=$local_part@$domain)}}
> directory_transport = address_directory_ldap
> file_transport = address_file_ldap
> qualify_preserve_domain
> retry_use_local_part
> system_aliases:
> driver = redirect
> allow_defer
> data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/aliases}}
> file_transport = address_file
> pipe_transport = address_pipe
> retry_use_local_part
> # user =
> # Uncomment the above line if you are running smartlist
> sympa_aliases:
> driver = redirect
> allow_defer
> data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/mail/sympa_aliases}}
> file_transport = address_file
> pipe_transport = address_pipe
> retry_use_local_part
> user = sympa
> #localuser:
> # driver = localuser
> # transport = local_delivery
> ######################################################################
> #                      TRANSPORTS CONFIGURATION                      #
> ######################################################################
> #                       ORDER DOES NOT MATTER                        #
> #     Only one appropriate transport is called for each delivery.    #
> ######################################################################

> begin transports
> not_permited_in:
> driver = autoreply
> from = "Postmaster <administrateur@???>"
> return_message
> text = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisés à envoyer de mail sur Internet"
> to = $sender_address
> user = mail
> not_permited_ext:
> driver = autoreply
> from = "Postmaster <administrateur@???>"
> return_message
> text = "Le destinataire ne peut pas recevoir de message en provenance d'internet"
> to = $sender_address
> user = mail
> local_delivery:
> debug_print = "T: appendfile for $local_part@$domain"
> driver = appendfile
> envelope_to_add
> file = /var/spool/mail/${local_part}
> group = mail
> mode = 0660
> no_mode_fail_narrower
> user = mail
> address_pipe:
> driver = pipe
> return_output
> address_file:
> driver = appendfile
> address_directory:
> driver = appendfile
> check_string =
> message_prefix = ""
> message_suffix = ""
> address_reply:
> driver = autoreply
> # This transport is used for procmail
> poubelle:
> driver = appendfile
> file = /dev/null
> group = mail
> user = mail
> procmail_pipe:
> driver = pipe
> check_string = "From "
> command = "/usr/bin/procmail ${local_part}"
> delivery_date_add
> envelope_to_add
> escape_string = ">From "
> group = mail
> return_path_add
> user = $local_part
> # This transport is used for delivering messages over SMTP connections.
> remote_smtp:
> driver = smtp
> address_directory_ldap:
> #!!# no_from_hack replaced by check_string
> driver = appendfile
> check_string =
> create_directory
> directory_mode = 0770
> group = mail
> maildir_format
> mode = 0660
> quota = 10M
> user = mail
> address_file_ldap:
> driver = appendfile
> use_lockfile
> ######################################################################
> #                      RETRY CONFIGURATION                           #
> ######################################################################

> # This single retry rule applies to all domains and all errors. It specifies
> # retries every 15 minutes for 2 hours, then increasing retry intervals,
> # starting at 2 hours and increasing each time by a factor of 1.5, up to 16
> # hours, then retries every 8 hours until 4 days have passed since the first
> # failed delivery.
> # Domain               Error       Retries
> # ------               -----       -------

> begin retry
> *                      *           F,2h,15m; G,16h,2h,1.5; F,4d,8h

> # End of Exim 4 configuration
> ###############################################################################################
> Thanks for your help
>                        /   \
>  _             )      ((   ))     (
> (@)           /|\      ))_((     /|\               _
> |-|`\        / | \    (/\|/\)   / | \             (@)
> | | --------/--|-voV---\`|'/--Vov-|--\------------|-|
> |-|              '^`   (o o)  '^`                 | |
> | | Philippe Caseiro   `\Y/'   p.caseiro@??? |-|
> |-| Lycée Le Castel            Dijon              | |
> | |     PROJET E.O.L.E. ACADEMIE DE DIJON         | |
> |_|_______________________________________________| |
> (@)      l   /\ /        ( (       \ /\ - l     `\|-|
>          l /   V          \ \       V   \ l       (@)
>          l/               _) )_          \I
>                           `\ /'
>                             `
> ------------------------------------------

> Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr


Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr