RE: [Exim] exiscan & Exim 4 on debian

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Autor: Mohammad Meskarian
Dla: 'Suresh Ramasubramanian'
CC: exim-users
Temat: RE: [Exim] exiscan & Exim 4 on debian
Thanks for email.

You mean I don't need to install the exiscan if I install the


-----Original Message-----
From: Suresh Ramasubramanian []
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 2:39 PM
To: Mohammad Meskarian
Cc: exim-users@???
Subject: Re: [Exim] exiscan & Exim 4 on debian

Mohammad Meskarian [2/17/2004 7:28 PM] :

> It seems exiscan is depend on exim3 on debian and we can not install
> the exiscan on debian with exim4
> I think it must be possible some how to have exim4 and exiscan as one
> person suggest that some times ago
> In replacement with mailscanner.

That exiscan package is the usual antique debian stable package, and is,

as you say, for the outdated exim 3.

Andreas Metzler's backport of exim4-daemon-heavy to stable has
exiscan-acl in it, I believe.

linux@??? (Suresh Ramasubramanian)
jaharkes@ravel:/usr/src$ mv linux Gnu/Linux
mv: cannot move `linux' to `Gnu/Linux': No such file or directory
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