Chris Meadors wrote:
> You could do what I've been doing for a while now, just add
> transport_filter = /usr/bin/spamc
> to your "local_delivery". Each mail will be passed through
> SpamAssassin, and tagged, as it is delivered. This has the added
> benefit of allowing spamc to be run as the user receiving the mail. So
> each user can have their own prefs. The only drawback is the
> transport_filter is run so late in the delivery that no filtering by
> Exim can be done.
WOW! Thanks! This is what I had been looking for till now. But could you
elaborate a bit more on the downside that you mentioned? What kind of
filtering are you talking about?
- Sandip
Sandip Bhattacharya
sandip (at)
GPG: 51A4 6C57 4BC6 8C82 6A65 AE78 B1A1 2280 A129 0FF3