Re: [Exim] Require A records for host names in HELOs?

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Συντάκτης: Edgar Lovecraft
Προς: exim
Αντικείμενο: Re: [Exim] Require A records for host names in HELOs?
Fred Viles wrote:
> |...
> | And almost all of those that use only host
> | and not host.domain should be rejected
> Almost? What should be the discriminating factor?

That they do it at all. You give me host only, then as far
as I know, you are a workstaiton, as that is how almost
every workstation connects. Otherwise, you have a broken server.
> | as they are not valid email servers.
> Not as I read the RFCs. Cite?

Gladly... I will also save you the trouble of going to a website
jump to the bottom of this message where these citings are
posted (some sections not complete)