Autor: Graham Dodd Data: Dla: Exim-Users \(E-mail\) Temat: [Exim] Improvements to Exim ??
Hello all,
just to play devil's advocate for a while....
I thought the idea of an MTA was to transfer mail, that is to receive the
mail and forward to the appropriate "receiver" - the way the current
discussions are going we will soon have another programming language (Exi+).
Wouldn't it be better to receive the mail, forward (if required) with all
available header information through a clearly defined interface to "your
favorite programming language" where it's processed and either dropped or
re-introduced back into Exim..... hmmm, don't we have most of this already.
I can remember how nice Linux was in the pre 1.08 days, but when you see it
now ...... well let's just say it's grown .... B I G ....
Philip, if your still in Exim mode and haven't switched to "Fosters and
surfboards" please don't go for any radical changes - remember that us "old
folks" take time to learn new stuff.
Well that's my 0,02 Euro's for this year.
Graham K. Dodd
Director of Operation
Falk & Ross GmbH
Tel. +49(6301)717-0
Fax. +49(6301)717-270