* Bill Hacker [2003-11-27 14:15]: > >>. /usr/local/etc/rc.subr
> >
> >
> >Should not the above be just /etc/rc.subr?
> >
> Could be either, (or elsewhere) so long as the file or directory
> *exists*. Which it does not - in either place.
Of course. Since you mentioned /etc/rc.subr, I assumed you were using
FreeBSD 5.x. I should have read your first post again and see that you
were talking about 4.9 which still uses rc.conf to start up daemons (in
5.x one has adopted NetBSD's rcNG).
> That's a lead, though.... seesm to me the BSD port is broken. IIRC it
> said* it was creating a stub mailer.cf file as it couldn't find one...
> but did not in fact do so...
> I run the install as root, but some folks write Makefiles to su down to
> their daemon runner when installing files, rather than installing them
> as root and chowning them later...
> Will have a go at building from the source tarball instead of the port.
Bright idea. I always do so.
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