On (2003/11/12 15:31), Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
> The integration with SpamAssassin scanning all the mail entering the
> server works superbly. I am using this acl setup, amongst others:
> warn message = X-Spam-Score: $spam_score ($spam_bar)
> spam = nobody:true
> However I get a lot of warnings in my syslog along the lines of
> "Couldn't create readable default_prefs for
> [/nonexistant/.spamassassin/user_prefs]"
> I realise this is because the user "nobody" doesn't have a home
> directory.
> What is the most elegant solution to this problem? Is it safe to run
> this as the "mail" user (whose home is /var/mail)?
I check for spam under the user that exim runs as, which is mailnull on
my FreeBSD boxes. In other words, "spam = mailnull:true".
Then I give mailnull a home directory, and SpamAssassin sorts out the
This also allows for bayesian filtering, which is nice if you've
provided hooks into sa-relearn for your users.