Autor: exim Data: A: 'Exim-Users \(E-mail\)' Assumpte: RE: [Exim] exiscan make problem
> make[1]: *** No rule to make target `demime.c', needed by > `demime.o'. Stop.
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/downloads/exim-4.22/build-Linux-i386'
> make: *** [go] Error 2
> [root@yorkshire exim-4.22]#
I ran into this one yesterday (maybe it was the day before).
Wipe your source directories and start the patching from scratch (once
you've copied out your Local/Makefile of course!)
I had to have a completely clean exim-4.22 directory straight from the
the .tar.bz2 to patch into before it would work.