At 05:30 PM 9/14/2003, Tony Earnshaw wrote: >With Openldap 2.1 latest versions and BDB 4.1, the server caches, but
>what G*d awful Microsoft AD does I wouldn't know. I think Exim, in
>common with many clients, re-uses client connects - "remembers" them for
>a certain time. Certainly lookups after the first lookup, which costs an
>appreciable lookup time, happen instantaneously, for a given period of
>time (but perhaps that's my local BDB 4.1 doing the caching). Perhaps
>this would be enough for OP to convince his Windows people to *try*, at
>any rate.
That's what exim does as far as I remember from a brief time ages back,
when I tried playing with LDAP, and ran away screaming.