Re: [Exim] Verify = reverse_host_lookup

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Autor: John W. Baxter
Dla: exim-users
Temat: Re: [Exim] Verify = reverse_host_lookup
On 9/1/2003 10:02, "Kevin Reed" <krelvinaz@???> wrote:

> [resent again used wrong username last post x 2]
> Still attempting to get this to work...
> hostlist exempt_lookup_hosts =
> partial-lsearch;/usr/local/exim/exempt-lookup-hosts
> (exempt-lookup-hosts containing)
>       deny    message = Reverse Host Lookup Failed
>               hosts = ! +exempt_lookup_hosts
>               !verify = reverse_host_lookup

> exim -d+expand -bh
> ....
>>>> processing "deny"
>>>> check hosts = ! +exempt_lookup_hosts
>>>> sender host name required, to match against
>>>> partial-lsearch;/usr/local/exim/exempt-lookup-hosts
>>>> looking up host name for
>>>> IP address lookup failed: h_errno=2
>>>> host in "partial-lsearch;/usr/local/exim/exempt-lookup-hosts"? no
> (failed to find host name for
>>>> host in "! +exempt_lookup_hosts"? yes (end of list)
>>>> check !verify = reverse_host_lookup
>>>> looking up host name to force name/address consistency check
>>>> looking up host name for
>>>> IP address lookup failed: h_errno=2
>>>> deny: condition test deferred
> 451 Temporary local problem - please try later
> I'm exempting it because their nameserver is screwed up and I need to allow
> mail from them. But my exempt is not working...
> I've tried this a number of different ways with the same results.
> Basically all I am attempting to do is deny hosts without some sort of
> reverse lookup but exempt certain hosts that I know are screwed up and I
> want to allow.

I suspect (I should test, rather than suspecting) that you have something in
file which doesn't look like an IP address. (Typing a comma for a period
would likely do it; so would leaving # off a comment)

I get this impression from
>>>> check hosts = ! +exempt_lookup_hosts
>>>> sender host name required, to match against

--John (been there; done that)