Re: [Exim] Is exim in trouble?

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Συντάκτης: Yves Goergen
Προς: exim-users
Αντικείμενο: Re: [Exim] Is exim in trouble?
Von: "Wakko Warner" <wakko@???>
> > > I saw this on the linux kernel list earlier today and felt I should post it
> > > to exim list since it wasn't yet.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Sounds like Europe is trying to make it easy to get software patents which
> > > can hurt open source.
> > >
> > > has a blurb on their main site about this too.
> > A friend pointed that link out to me yesterday as well. Sounded
> > quite ludicrous to say the least - the idea of patenting ideas such as
> > 'an online store that allows a third party to send gifts to people'.
> > What the hell is that about? I want the patent on Christmas please.
> I'd like to know what Philip's stance is on this. I'm not sure if this
> effects me at all (I'm in the USA), but I certainly don't want to see a
> great MTA get shot down due to stupid patents.

I am affected by this, when it will become reality (sitting in Germany). I'm wondering what will happen if some foolish idiot really gets a patent that would forbid a free distribution of, say, exim or php in europe... Would this software become illegal then? I mean, noone will be willing nor able to pay for a license then.

This reminds me a bit at the cryptography export regulations of the USA some time ago. "This software may not be downloaded outside the USA....". Well, let's see what happens. Such a corrupt power will not be stoppable by some "rebellion" OSS programmers (as they seem to think about us).

Yves Goergen
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