On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 01:46:13PM +0100, Tony Earnshaw wrote:
> AFAIK Marc is still working on SA-Exim, so you *could* ask him to put it
> on the wish list. However, a decision to reject any mail under any
> circumstances is such a serious business, that I personally as mail
It's not there because it's not impossible but quite hard to do right.
The problem is that you can have multiple recipients for a mail, and
each of them would have a different per user threshold and policy.
The problem is that the MTA can only return one answer: accepted or not
You can do weird things like saying you accepted the mail, pass it on to
some recipients and not others, but that's quite evil because you say
you delivered it when you really didn't (or not to everyone)
You can come up with half assed solutions, but nothing really good.
What you can do is:
Run Sa-exim to tag and reject spam of a certain score (let's say 15 or
over), and then run untagged messages through SA again if some users
have their own config.
Sa-exim also allows you not to tag or reject messages if at least one of
the recipients is in a whitelist, but that's about all I can really do
Feel free to send me a patch showing otherwise if I missed something :-)
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