At 11:13 +0000 2003/02/24, Giuliano Gavazzi wrote:
>Anyway, I would not use a check on senders that restricts its format
>beyond what exim does by default, as I expect exim to be compliant
>with the RFCs.
but then again you get clever guys on the net (whoever programs VB
must be...) giving examples of faulty email address valildation:
Server Side Email Addresses Validation using VBScript
by . << I would have reported the author if it had been there!
if InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-.", c) <= 0 and not IsNumeric(c) then
isitvalid = false
exit function
and again:
If the value of variable "c" is not a substring of string
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-." (all valid characters in an email
address), then the email address passed is invalid and [...]
I think the invalid is the author of that piece of code, he and his
progenie are responsible for all the times that I tried to enter a
user+something local part in a form's email box.
You can bet I will register to that site to post a comment and hurl
abuse at this anonymous "coder".
[ah, this is more like me!]
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