Re: [Exim] Error from Exchange server

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Autor: Mark Edwards
Dla: exim list
Temat: Re: [Exim] Error from Exchange server
On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 04:22 PM, George Szekely wrote:

>> There's a server that's having trouble sending email to both of my exim
>> machines; this is the error being logged:
>> 2003-02-07 15:15:25 rejected EHLO from []: syntactically
>> invalid argument(s): twinsoft_bdc.twinsoft
>> 2003-02-07 15:15:25 rejected HELO from []: syntactically
>> invalid argument(s): twinsoft_bdc.twinsoft
>> Looking at that, I'd say the problem is that underscores are illegal in
>> domain names, but I wanted to run it by the experts before I insist to
>> the Exchange admin that it's his problem.
> Mark,
> I have the same entires in my reject log as you.
> 2003-02-05 08:03:26 rejected HELO from []: syntactically
> invalid argument(s):
> 2003-02-05 08:04:08 rejected HELO from []: syntactically
> invalid argument(s):
> _ is forbidden in domain name...
> Also just wanted to let you know, that I'm using exim-courier-mysql as
> a result of your posting almost a year ago. I have a page posted about
> it at

Glad to hear it! My machines have sure achieved a new level of
trouble-freeness since I started using Exim. Exim stands next to Apache
as a model of well-written server software, IMHO.

Sorry everyone for my posting about this without fully informing myself
of the causes, which turned out to be a google search away (always
search google before posting!)

So, I enabled

helo_allow_chars = _

and that fixed the problem of course. Now, the real question is, are
there drawbacks to allowing _ in domains in exim, other than the obvious
annoyance of clueless Exchange admins flagrantly violating rules of
DNS? Security concerns, that sort of thing?

Mark Edwards
Mr. Toad's
San Francisco, CA