Re: [Exim] Not spam-scanning certain addresses

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Συντάκτης: Kjetil Kjernsmo
Προς: Tim Jackson, exim-users
Αντικείμενο: Re: [Exim] Not spam-scanning certain addresses
On Sunday 12 January 2003 20:07, Tim Jackson wrote:

> Hmm, might do, but to be honest I've totally forgotten how the whole
> directors/routers thing works in Exim 3.

Hehe! :-)

>It's possible it's getting
> run through it a second time with root@you and therefore getting
> scanned, but don't rely on me :)

I see.

> > > or just adding local_parts = !postmaster : !root : ....
> >
> > Sounds interesting! Where should I add that? (director, the whole
> > config, or?)
> I think what Nico was suggesting should be added in the director.

OK, tried, and I didn't note any effect...

> > > As Tim suggested, you should upgrade to exim4, it really makes
> > > life easier. :)
> >
> > Mmmm, yeah... But you know, the advice people like me often get is
> > "stick to your distro, son"
> It can make certain things easier, but it seems from this list that
> people have made "nice", stable Debian packages of Exim 4, so there
> really shouldn't be a problem in upgrading cleanly. And, as you may
> have seen from this and other threads, there are fewer and fewer
> people with the knowledge to answer questions who are using/can
> remember how to use Exim 3.

Yup, that's a significant point. I have to think about it a few days.
I'm aware that Marc Merlin has some very nice .debs.

> > so... And I can't really say I have a test box I can play with
> > either...
> You might want to try VMware Workstation ( )
> or something similar, then.

Actually, my workstation is also on Debian Woody, I haven't used MS OSes
in years. But it is currently behind a firewall, so there is no way I
can get to it from the outside, and since this rule is effective only
on things originating non-locally, that's what's stopping me... :-) For
the things I'm doing on a webserver, the situation is very different,
because I can test the server locally.


Kjetil Kjernsmo
Astrophysicist/IT Consultant/Skeptic/Ski-orienteer/Orienteer/Mountaineer
kjetil@??? webmaster@??? editor@???