I type in
4584 running queue: waiting for children of 4585
4588 delivering 1896lS-0000Gt-00: waiting for a remote delivery subprocess to finish
8833 running queue: waiting for 188igd-0004yZ-00 (8834)
8834 delivering 188igd-0004yZ-00 (queue run pid 8833)
9723 delivering 1896lS-0000Gt-00 to aix10.segi.ulg.ac.be [] (user@host,removed.for.the.innocanet.net)
21241 daemon: -q5m, listening for SMTP
That looks to me as if there are 2 queue runners going.
I have 4 messages in the queue. The 2 above that are being processed, and 2 more that are waiting.
If I have
queue_run_max = 2
shouldn't I still have 4 messages in my queue after a
2002-11-05 13:32:15 Start queue run: pid=11533