Re: [Exim] exim capable of sorting incoming mail?

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Autor: Robert Wilhelm Land
A: exim-users
Assumpte: Re: [Exim] exim capable of sorting incoming mail?
Steve Haslam wrote:
> Urnf. I use:
> mda "/usr/sbin/exim -oMr fetchmail -oem -f %F %T"
> in /etc/fetchmailrc and I have "fetchmail" in the trusted_users setting of
> Exim so that the "-f %F" part is effective.

I'm sorry - I can't quite follow the options you are using.
The exim specs supply:

"Trusted users are permitted to use the -f option or a leading 'From '
line to specify the envelope sender of a message that is passed to Exim
through the local interface (see the -bm and -f options below)."

Would this mean that if I'm not defined as a
trusted user my ~/.forward file containg the lines:

if $h_to contains debian-user or $h_cc contains debian-user; then
  save muttmail/debian/user

elif $h_to contains exim-user or $h_cc contains exim-user; then
  save muttmail/exim/user

  save muttmail/other/inbox


...would not work?

Then continuing in the specs:
"They may   also specify a host name, host address, interface address,
protocol name,
and ident value. Thus they are able to insert messages into Exim's queue
locally that have the characteristics of messages received from a remote

Does this say trusted users may alter the message header (envelopes)
or does this refer to the -oem option you have used?

The -oMr option in your command is not clear to me:
"... The option is
      intended for use when handing to Exim messages received by other
      It applies only to non-SMTP and batched SMTP input.
- What does this mean?

Last - what do the %F, %T variables refer to?
